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Sep 13, 2024
I always knew this manga was bad, but that chapter 269 that's 100% made of inane text really takes the cake... I can't even be bothered to read the final chapter, just like I can't be bothered to make a proper review. Just drop this series at whatever point you are and never come back.
Is the story unique? If it was predictable, did you enjoy it anyway because you like this genre/set-up?
Do you think the art style is fitting for the story?
Were the characters well-rounded? Did they have flaws and strengths, or were
they unusually strong/smart/stupid?
Did the characters react to situations and events in a realistic way?
Do you think others will enjoy/dislike this series, even if you didn't? Why?
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Sep 8, 2024
Villainess Level 99 is the worst isekai I've ever watched in my life. And that's one hell of an achievement.
You know things immediately go wrong when you start missing the ultra-clichè otome plot they used as bait for the "antihero twist" before Episode 1 is even finished. Yumiella is possibly the blandest characters imaginable: she spends 10 years fighting trash mobs in dungeons all day everyday to reach level 99 (off-screen) and then she has no goals, no interests, no hobbies, nothing. A total void of a character. And yet, somehow, the side characters manage to turn out even more boring, stupid and irrelevant than
The worldbuilding is non-existent.
The fights are pure filler.
The political plot makes zero sense.
Every romantic scene is instantly turned into a joke.
And the poor attempts at comedy fall flat every single time.
The only fun I had watching this series was by looking at the laughably bad CGI they used for all non-human creatures.
Even trashy shows like Okaasan-online and The Misfit of Demon King Academy appear to be masterpieces in comparison, since they at least manage to be somewhat entertaining because of how ridiculous they are. Villainess Level 99 has literally zero redeeming qualities.
Final Score: 2/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Aug 3, 2024
MHA gives a run to Shingeki no Kyojin for worst ending in shounen manga history.
Despite its several long-running issues, the story could have perfectly finished with an open but satisfying ending at chapter 429, in which the main theme of "Everyone can be a hero" reached its climax and the romance between the main character Deku and his love interest Ochaco was strongly implied to have bloomed...
BUT THEN, Horikoshi decided to draw that abomination of chapter 430.
After an unjustifiable timeskip of 8 whole years, we see Deku now powerless, lonely and wageslaving at a 9-5 job as a teacher. Everyone seems to have magically forgotten
that he had saved the world on live TV by defeating the quirk demon king that terrorized all of humanity for a whole century. No grand prizes, no medals, no statues, no recognition, no respect. Not even his old friends have time for him anymore, despite there being less villains around than ever before. After setting up another nerdy kid like himself for guaranteed failure, Deku was ready to accept his life as a normal but "heroic" everyday guy... BUT WAIT! All Might reveals to Deku that his friends pooled their money to buy him a superhero Iron Man suit, the same suit that the quirkless All Might used to fight against All for One. Apparently it took them 8 years to make it in a size that fits Deku. Reinvigorated by this latest ass pull and having forgotten his job as a teacher, Deku is finally ready to larp as a hero with his old buddies once again!
...It's just too bad that Ochaco didn't even speak or interact with Deku during the whole chapter, let alone go as far as getting married to him and having children together like everyone was expecting to happen. In fact, no romance was present at all. His old classmates were lucky enough to get a tiny panel or two, while Class B and most other known heroes didn't even make an appearance.
Oh, and that whole quirk singularity doomsday theory that could lead humanity to extinction? As if it never existed.
Disappointment level? PLUS ULTRA
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Apr 16, 2024
Frieren is one of those shows that you cannot really evaluate properly after just watching 1-3 episodes. Its tone starts out calm, stoic and almost ethereal, something that most people are not used to when watching anime, so it's easy to believe this might be a sign of great narrative depth... But once you start scratching over the surface, you quickly realize how shallow Frieren truly is.
Generic Tolkienian isekaislop. Set in a trite parody of medieval Europe where nothing ever seems to progress no matter how many centuries pass, it includes humans, elves, dwarves, demons, dragons... You know, the usual. Out of 28 episodes, there
wasn't a single location or enemy that was even remotely original or thrilling. If you expected some elaborate worldbuilding, you'll be sorely disappointed.
When something is unique and different, that means either one of two things: it's better than average, or it's worse than average. The case of Frieren is the latter. The plot is entirely driven by the characters, and the characters are absolutely OBSSESED by the past, to a sickening degree. A dead family, a dead mentor, a dead friend, a dead hero, a dead lover... It just never ends. Some reflection over the fleetingness of life is fine, but everything in Frieren is blatant nostalgia-bait with the specific intent of inducing warm and cozy and fuzzy feelings into the viewer. This is made worse by the fact that the history of Frieren is exclusively told through brief disjointed flashbacks every 10 seconds. It's like watching the trilogy of Star Wars sequels, except there are no already established elements to be nostalgic about. This obsession with the past is probably due to the fact that no character is actually interested in the present. "Who or what is a Demon Lord?", "Why does anyone fight it?" and "What's up with magic anyway?" are evidently questions not worth answering to. The original 4-hero party was essentially just a group of coworkers who once worked together on some random project and then went their separate ways. They didn't care enough about each other to meet more than once every 50 years, yet the viewer should care?
As previously stated, every character in Frieren is a marionette attached to the strings of the past. Nobody knows what they want in life or what they even like, they all just do what they think their (dead) acquaintances might want them to do. No personal agency, no higher morality, no future goals. In short, it feels like every character just lives to die. As for their personal growth, it's always pretty much over by the end of their introductory episodes. If I had to give some additional insight on each character:
- Frieren
Gotta give credit where credit is due, Frieren is the average anime watcher's ultimate fantasy: socially inept and borderline autistic, yet nigh-omnipotent, universally loved and eternally young and beautiful. No wonder everyone has a picture of Frieren as their social media avatar nowadays.
- Fern
Super-talented genius child who later becomes super-talented genius mother-figure. Her personality is even more abrasive and aimless than Frieren's, but cute funny faces are apparently more than enough to forgive that.
- Stark
- Sein
One of the better characters in this series, since he has at least a realistic goal to strive towards in the present (even though he's still chained to the past like everyone else).
- Demons
They're not even characters, just mindless plot devices.
- Everyone else
Dead and/or irrelevant.
The magic system of Frieren is about as fleshed out as Harry Potter's. All you need to know is that some individuals have more mana than others, everthing else is flavor. The First-Class Mage Exam could have been a good opportunity for an original tournament arc and more exposition on the battles, but it turned out to be barely more than filler.
The drawings are pretty, the animations are fluid and the music is both soothing and freshing. That's true. For the first few episodes. But by the 28th episode, the style gets so repetitive and boring that the viewer is at serious risk of falling asleep. This is also due to the fact that the animators took almost no artistic liberty with the designs and environments; it's all so generic it might as well have been generated by AI. The openings and endings are nice, the first-half ones in particular, I'll give them that.
Given the sheer amount of laughable 10/10 preliminary reviews and the fact that this is one of the worst shows produced by Madhouse in at least the past 20 years, a score of 1/10 is definitely appropriate.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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