I gave this a 7/10 with that being said it earns that 7/10 from be with brute force nostalgia. The story is pretty mediocre the same can be said for the art. It make me think that to 2000s care culture. Maybe those were the good times or maybe i am just getting older and kind of broke so I can't mod my car and be part of the scene anymore. But I enjoyed reading it all over a few hours. Car culture/Nostalgia/ and a little bit of fan service.
If you aren't into cars i wouldn't recommend it honestly.
Sep 17, 2021
Hua Jianghu: Gui Yexing
I wanted to like this..... I watched Initial D quite a bit ago and recently got into Formula One. Capeta isn't available to watch where i am at so i decided to give this a try hopeing it would scratch my car culture/racing/motorsport itch.
Watched the first episode i was like ummmm OK. Watch the second episode i was like sorry man i cant do this. This watches like a PS2 C list game cinematic. Just wrtinig this as a warning to anyone considering trying this out don't do it. This isn't initial D this isn't Capeta. Just don't do it |