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Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Mar 10, 6:22 PM
Watching 10/13 · Scored -
Ore dake Level Up na Ken
Ore dake Level Up na Ken
Mar 8, 6:14 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 7
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan
Feb 4, 1:36 AM
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Jan 21, 10:29 PM
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One Punch-Man
One Punch-Man
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Vinland Saga
Jan 19, 1:03 AM
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Frozenstein Dec 25, 2020 6:30 AM
Merry Christmas! :)
Frozenstein Dec 18, 2019 9:31 AM
Have a happy Merry Christmas in advance! :)

To another year of knowing you! 2020 hype!
Frozenstein Dec 23, 2017 11:33 PM
Merry Christmas! To another year of knowing you, even though we don't know each other as we barely talk. I can still see last years pm from me. XD
Frozenstein Dec 24, 2016 8:29 PM
Merry Christmas! :D
CrimsonGiant Sep 29, 2015 6:28 PM
Yeah, well how are you finding MGSV? I've just finished the first on for the first time and plan on jumping into the 2nd one rather soon.
SplotchyLnr Sep 15, 2015 9:04 PM
Well due to some complications my trip was longer than expected, but Im back now. BTW don't worry about the late pm (its not like I'm fast at replying), I really appreciate your kind words :)

Ah I'm so glad you'll give Gintama another go! Trust me, it's worth it. Anyways, you mentioned that you started Diamond no Ace.... how is that? I have heard very little about the show other than its somewhat underrated. Also, doesn't it have a second season airing currently? I'm wondering how long it will end up being since with over 75 episodes it's longer than Kuroko. I don't watch many sports anime, but I feel like the story might get a little old after that many episodes. If Kuroko had gone on any longer I'm sure that would have happened with it as well.

The problem with Fate/Stay Night being turned into an anime is that in each route only 1/3 of the questions are answered in each route and certain characters don't get expanded upon(like Rider). So what ever route they adapt it's not the full story :/. I'm really excited for Heaven's Feel as well, I just hope it will be more than one movie, preferably three movies. Also, I agree with that Shirou doing house work and such got pretty tiring. The VN is even worse in some points lol, there just so much goddamn cooking. I'd recommend reading the visual novel if your interested in the expanded story since the anime did have to cut/rush certain scenes, but it's really long so I can understand staying to the anime.

I actually re-watched Fate/Zero and parts of UBW with my dad so tha'ts how he knows who Rin is lol. Speaking of her I was at my local bookstore going to buy the English release of One Punch-Man volume 1 (cause I thought I should supports it a bit) and they had a $30 Rin figure there......I bought it shamelessly. They only ever had Sailor Moon and Goku, so when I saw Rin my jaw literally dropped to the floor lol.

I love Kida and Shinra <3, and the entire cast for that matter. Durarara definitely has my favourite cast of characters out of any anime I've seen. Tbh I don't think I can express how much I love Durarara in words lol. Just so you know x2 isn't quite as good as the original, but it's still really good. Plus, it has amazing openings and endings like the first season did.

How do you like Rokka no Yuusha? Oh and who do you think the fake is? Like I said it's probably my favourite of this season (not counting Durarara :p). Episode 11 had the biggest troll cliffhanger I think I've ever seen -_-

Oh, one more thing... are you planning to watch anything from the upcoming Fall season? I'm super excited for One Punch-Man. Others I'm looking forward to are Owarimonogatari (even though I'm not caught up yet), Haiykuu 2, and Noragami Aragoto.
CrimsonGiant Sep 12, 2015 11:13 AM
Its not that I didn't like Kite, because I was neutral on his character the whole time. The emotional moments surrounding Gon and him just fell flat to me. I mainly feel this way because we hardly had any time to familiarize ourselves with his character and we're already supposed to care about him as if he were around the entire show. The dynamic between Gon/Killua, Mureum/Komugi, and all the other side characters got more of an emotional reaction out of me than Gon/Kite. I don't hate it, it was just the one of the very few negatives of the show imo. Which isn't a big negative at all. I loved the CA arc even though it initially left a negative impression on me. I was skeptical at the start because I prematurely thought "Oh here we go, after all the unique and interesting villains we've seen thus far, this show is going to dissolve into a 'humans vs insects' type of plot." It was that exactly but sooooo much more. I thought the entire arc would be about the queen and the first weakling ants we come across, but nah. It blew me away.
CrimsonGiant Sep 2, 2015 12:10 PM
Just got to episode 31 and the show is definitely getting better. The magic is interesting and I'm really curious to see what all this Ten, Ren,etc. stuff is capable of. So into this series.
Tux3do Aug 31, 2015 6:27 AM
You should watch baccano! if you enjoyed durarara! that much, tell me what you thought about it when (or if) you finished it.
Also its half as long so why the hell not?
SplotchyLnr Aug 25, 2015 7:42 PM
Glad you think that! I love talking to people on MAL so I usually try to give an at least somewhat thought-out response lol. Once I get settled into school I will be able to respond faster.

All I can really say is that you should give it a shot, most people aren't disappointed and I certainly wasn't (after all its one of my favs). If you do start it I recommend starting with episode 3 since that's the ''real'' first episode as I mentioned before. What I did was really just power through the beginning episodes. It takes different people different amounts of time to get hooked on the series, but I'd say its usually once you click with the characters. Personally, I think the comedy episodes are great and they very very rarely are a miss for me. They have lots of references to Japanese culture, other anime/manga, 4th wall breaking, and crude humour....lots of crude humour lol. Here is one clip from episode 79 I think -->

The other anime from this season I'd recommend is Rokka no Yuusha. The animation isn't the best and the plot could be considered generic at first, but it quickly turns into a ''find the traitor'' mystery that in my opinion is done very well since I still am not quite sure who the fake is and it's already at episode 8.

Saber was my favourite character in the series (followed by Rider :p) but I can easily see why some people think she it too stoic. Also, I partially agree with your opinion on Kiritsugu's past. While I was kinda ''meh'' on the first part of it, since I felt like I'd seen it elsewhere, I thought the second part with Natalia was done very well. I thought it was interesting seeing where he got his ideals and I really liked the scene where he shoots down the plane. One more thing, the ending..... The problem with the ending is that because Fate/Stay Night was made before Fate/Zero the ending was to make set up for F/SN. I think it would have been really interesting to see the grail actually work, but the ending was already planed out sue to the visual novel.

Glad you're loving hxh! (again it's one of my favs). I actually like the anime far better than the manga (probably partially since I enjoy anime more than manga most of the time and the art is waaaaaaaayyyyy better), but I do agree with you on some of your opinions like Greed Island. I do think the anime did the Chimera Ant arc better though. even though some of the scenes were really dragged out I was never bored and lots of scenes like the King's death and Gon's anger had more impact to me than the manga.

Also, let me know what you think of the Election arc! I think they adapted it really well and I thought the ending was good considering that the manga isn't finished and it doesn't look like much is going to be written any time soon. (Togashi plz T^T) Also Beans gets a pretty good amount of screen time :3.

I really enjoyed the con! I didn't buy much other than some Durarara blind boxes, but I don't usually buy tons of stuff. I ended up getting Mairu and Kururi (Izaya's sisters), Aoba (from x2), Shinra, and Kida. I was jumping in joy when I got Mairu and Kururi :P. I got to go to a couple panels including a Type-Moon one which was really interesting. The only down side to it was that I got third-wheeled by my two friends that I went with since they're dating. Also, speaking of Rin......I actually went to the con cosplaying her :D. I look quite similar to her and had clothes that could easily be altered to look like her outfit, so I decided to cosplay her since she is one of my favourite characters. My dad also says I sometimes act like her -_-. If you want I can send you a picture.

I just finished Sakurasou yesterday and ......I loved it! I adore quirky characters (like in Durarara and Gintama) so I loved the characters in Sakurasou. The romance wasn't over dramatized either, which is one thing I hate about SOL/Romance anime. Also, lots of the problems they went through really hit close to home for me, especially since I draw so much and work really hard at it. I can see why it's one of your favourites, it's easily my fav Slice of Life/Drama anime.
CrimsonGiant Aug 24, 2015 11:31 PM
I'd say the episodes I've seen so far have been good, so I can't wait to see it become great like I've heard so much about. Thanks for the heads up, I'm planning on sticking with the show for the long-haul (:
CrimsonGiant Aug 24, 2015 8:56 PM
No not any reason in particular, every now and then I'll randomly add people to be know what people are watching and what I should look out for. Fate/Zero is the truth :)
Tensho Aug 18, 2015 6:33 AM

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Hello there, friend!
We at the Australian & New Zealand Anime Club are proud to present... Our very first newsletter!

This community was founded on the 28th of January - 2015, and since that time we've come a very long way.
You are only reading this because YOU made it possible by being a very important piece of what makes this club what it is.

That said, we are happy to announce that we're coming close to reaching the 1,000 Member Milestone!
It's a wonderful thing to know that there are so many fellow Aussies and Kiwis who love Anime and we hope that we only continue to grow from here on out.

About the newsletter:
So you might ask, what's this newsletter all about?
Well, great question. We've scratched our heads a few times and figured that this newsletter will be dedicated to letting you know that we're active!

Despite the substantial growth of our club, there is still a handful of you that we still haven't had the pleasure of getting to know.
We want you to understand that this is a safe and fun club, but if you're shy then we're not going to force you to participate, this is simply to remind you that there is a place for everyone at this club, so if you ever warm up - come and say hi!

Here's what's happening right now:
We have a wide selection of club activities that you can participate in, from anime discussion to club games or casual conversation.
Anyone in the club is free to make up whatever thread they feel would interest people!

What we hopefully have planned for the future:
GFX Competitions, Giveaways, Club Member of the Month, Gaming Groups and more!

So, other than that, there isn't much to say this time around but hopefully the next time we have to do this, there is much more to look forward to.
We again are thankful to have you, and hope that you come and have some fun with us sometime soon.

- Yours truly,
The Australian & New Zealand Anime Club.

SplotchyLnr Aug 13, 2015 9:43 PM
I am so so so sorry for the late response >.<, these past two weeks have been extremely busy for me. I also waited until I had a good amount of time so I could give you a non-halfassed response. Sometimes my responses can be pretty late, but I just want to tell you that I will always respond eventually :).

Gintama does have an overarching plot, but it isn't always addressed in every fact it usually only gets addressed in the serious arcs. I'd say the ratio of serious to comedy episodes are about 1:4. Gintama's arcs are usually only somewhere between 3-6 episodes so the serious arcs get straight to the point and don't waste any time like normal shounen do. Yeah, most people are turned off by the first two episodes because......they're filler. The first two episodes are basically a special for celebrate that Gintama got an anime so they were meant for people that were already fans of the series. The show does take a while to get going. I'd say it doesn't really get great at a certain point, but rather the writing gets better with each episode and when you get to know the characters well. Most people start loving the show about at episode 50 ish since that's when the first serious arc happens. I started to really enjoy it at about episode 30.

Since you seem to like shoujo I'd also recommend Akagami no Shirayuki-hime for anime airing this season :).

Well, one of the reasons I rates Fate/Zero 10/10 is because it is one of the anime I enjoyed most out of the things I've seen and my ratings are rated based a lot on enjoyment (maybe 50% or something idk). I also absolutely loved the dialogue, which is why the scene with Rider, Saber, and Gilgamesh drinking together is also one of my favourite scenes :p. I thought each of the characters were interesting with different ideals and it did a great job of fleshing each one out enough, although that's my opinion. Also, even though the action wasn't the main focus of the anime, it has some of the most epic battles I've seen. Plus the soundtrack is pretty awesome. Then to top is all off it's got my favourite female character, Saber.

Really? Most people thought Kiritsugu's past was interesting or even overwhelming. I liked seeing his journey to how he became who he was in the present. I also find it interesting that you liked the first seasons better since it was mostly build up for everything that happens in the second season, which most people (including me) thought was even better than the first. Ugh, I'm finding it really hard to express why I love Fate/Zero so much lol, sorry if my reasoning isn't very clear.

I also see you put Rin in your favourite characters! She's also one of my favs lol.

So how are you liking Hunter x Hunter? I hope your enjoying it :)
Frozenstein Aug 11, 2015 12:55 PM
Thank you! Much appreciated. :3
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