Bond "Subject 8" Forger

Bond Forger

Spy x Family
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Spy x Family Part 2
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Spy x Family Season 2
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Spy x Family Movie: Code: White
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Ayataka Spy x Family Movie Campaign Ayataka de Hotto Hitoiki
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Spy x Family Movie: Code: White Manner Movie
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Spy x Family Season 3
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Spy x Family
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Spy x Family: Kazoku no Shouzou
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Member Favorites: 1,070

Bond Forger (ボンド・フォージャー)

Bond Forger is the pet of the Forger Family. Formerly known as Subject 8, Bond has been used for experiments that resulted in him gaining precognition abilities.

Bond is shown to be a very kind dog, as he uses his precognition abilities to rescue a child from being hit by a falling board. He also helps Anya Forger to retrieve her favorite pair of gloves from a fierce dog by intimidating him.

(Source: Spy X Family Wiki)

Voice Actors
Matsuda, Kenichirou
Walker, Tyler
Moreno, Victor
Portuguese (BR)
Montor, Brandon
Orlando, Francesco
Bretonnière, Marc