This is a yuri manga of truly stunning visuals that easily outdo the plot. This alone, however, is a good enough reason to try it.
It's a relatively short story with tiny chapters that tell the tale of how two schoolgirls from the countryside found a steampunk-ish VR machine in a shed and submerged themselves into a virtual world full of surreal imagery that remotely resembles Dowman Sayman's crazy worlds (but only remotely). Therein, they go through an emotional journey and reach an enlightenment of sorts.
Plotwise, it could easily be a oneshot. The story is very romantic and touching, yet its briefness left me with the
Feb 12, 2025
It is honestly amazing to see Shuninta Amano, who created some of the most emotionally and intellectually complex yuri manga, just saying, "To hell with all this high-brow and sensual crap, I'm doing absurdist and lewd coming-of-age comedy now." That is exactly what this manga is.
It's funny, dirty, and, at some points, just ridiculous. Yet, with all that in mind, there is more to it. What makes it stand out among many other ecchi yuri comedies is the profound honesty. With all its absurdity, this manga is a ruthlessly accurate snapshot of what it feels like to be a 14-year-old girl among other 14-year-old girls, ... Feb 12, 2025
Osoto Gohan wo Goissho ni
I honestly intended to write a long review, like I usually do, but then I thought, nah, it can be expressed much simpler.
Ever thought, "Ah, if only Yuru Camp were Yuri Camp?" Turns out, the yuri goddess was listening. This is the answer to your prayer. The only warning I'd like to give you is that, pretty much like Yuru Camp, you should never approach this when you're hungry or, gods forbid, on a diet. That would be a very, very bad idea. The amounts of food porn in this manga are, if I were to put it very mildly, apocalyptic. Jan 30, 2025
This manga starts off very strong with a funny and enticing premise, likable characters, and a great pacing of the plot. I honestly had high hopes for it since the first two volumes are nothing short of amazing. They look exactly like what a light-hearted yuri romcom should be.
Unfortunately, as the story approaches its middle point, the whole thing devolves into one of the biggest useless lesbianism festivals in yuri manga history. The obstacles that the heroine faces start looking more and more forced, and her childhood friend and love interest's unwillingness to face the facts begins to feel too unnatural (and, if I'm ... Sep 28, 2024
Maitsuki Niwa-tsuki Ooya-tsuki
Whoa, there is not a single review for this one. I am astonished. I guess it's my turn to be the first, once again.
So, here's the brief version for those of you who don't enjoy long reviews: it's a very nice yuri manga, but the ending is a bit crumpled. If you don't mind having the final chapter being a mildly inconclusive bunch of cuteness that resolves pretty much nothing and just want to enjoy the journey, I can recommend it to you. If you're in for a decent closure, approach this one with caution. For those of you who like longer, more detailed reviews, here ... Aug 27, 2024
Ienai Himitsu no Aishikata
I’ll be brief, pretty much like this manga.
It was promising and kind of cool, but someone probably forced it to end prematurely, so there is literally no resolution. I can’t imagine any writer deliberately murdering their own story in cold blood like it happened here, so it’s likely that it was scrapped. Maybe it’ll get some closure later, but I won’t get my hopes up just yet. So, if you’ve got no other yuri to read, trying this one out would be fine. If you exclude the ending, or whatever they tried to pass as one, it’s a reasonably interesting story. But for the love of ... Aug 13, 2024
This is arguably one of the best yuri fluff works you could ever read. This fluffiness creates a tingling, bubbling sensation somewhere in your heart. And it's not boring or repetitive by any stretch.
I could call it a series of one-shots set in a shared universe, but basically, the entire first volume is a set of several stories segueing into the next one. They all are about happy yuri marriages, obviously set in an alternative Japan where same-sex marriages are legal. The second volume continues the storylines that started in the first one and adds a few new characters. The timeline is a little messed up, ... Aug 11, 2024
Yuri Anthology Dolce
I'm really amazed that nobody has written a review for this one so far. I'll do the honors, then.
Many people avoid anthologies because they don't like getting invested in a 20-or-so-page-long story. I used to be one of them until I read this one nearly 10 years ago. Here's a little disclosure. Unlike serialized manga, anthologies are basically editor-led projects. It is the editor's duty to come up with the overarching theme, select authors for this theme, supervise their works so that they would fit in, and generally make sure that the entire anthology gives off a certain feel. Which, again, is decided by the ... Aug 4, 2024
Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
The hype preceding this anime was totally poised to oversell the whole thing, and, as it seems, it did. From what it seems, people tended to expect an explosion of postmodernist insanity. What they (well, we) got was something completely different. It's not bad. It's just something else.
In my eyes, there are several anime that are blindingly beautiful in their postmodernism, albeit for different reasons. Those would be Nichijou (which actually features a deer), Wasteful Days of High School Girls, Sabage-bu, and Asobi Asobase. And the hype surrounding this anime even before its release obviously led some people to believe that it would join their ... Aug 3, 2024
Hana Monogatari
It is a hauntingly beautiful and honest work. Unlike the prevailing majority of yuri stories, this one deals with women who are, let's say, in their golden years. The protagonist has just lost her husband and seeks some new things to fill her life with (simultaneously realizing how empty and bereft of self-care it had been before). But instead, she finds a new love in a cosmetics store.
Telling a story like that is no easy task since it involves more than just truthfully depicting a budding romance between two old ladies. It also has to explain their background and how they see the modern world, ... |