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Sep 18, 2021
I watched all 3 episodes just to sadly announce that this anime is not about the album Pinkerton by Weezer. 0/10.
And since MAL wants me to write an actual review, instead, here's the lyrics to "Across the Sea".
You are
Eighteen year-old girl
Who live in small city of Japan
You heard me on the radio
About one year ago
And you wanted to know
All about me
And my hobbies
My favorite food
And my birthday
Why are you so far away from me?
I need help
And you're way across the sea
I could never touch you
I think it would be wrong
I've got your letter
You've got my song
They don't make stationery like this where I'm from
So fragile, so refined
So I sniff and I lick your envelope
And fall to little pieces every time
I wonder what clothes you wear to school
I wonder how you decorate your room
I wonder how you touch yourself
And curse myself for being across the sea
Why are you so far away from me?
I need help
And you're way across the sea
I could never touch you
I think it would be wrong
I've got your letter
You've got my song
At 10, I shaved my head
And tried to be a monk
I thought the older women would like me if I did
You see, ma
I'm a good little boy (good little boy)
It's all your fault, momma
It's all your fault!
Goddamn, this business is really lame
I gotta live on an island to find the juice
So you send me your love from all around the world
As if I could live on
Words and dreams and a million screams
Oh, how I need a hand in mine to feel
Why are you so far away from me?
Why are you so far away from me?
I could never touch you
I think it would be wrong
I've got your letter
You've got my song
I've got your letter
You've got my song
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Apr 7, 2016
My favorite anime of last year came down between five anime that I simply adored. Hibike Euphonium, Sore ga Seiyuu, Osomatsu-san, Non Non Biyori Repeat and Rolling Girls. And at the end of the day, my choice for best anime of 2015 was...Osomatsu-san. Now I know some technicalities make it so Osomatsu-san isn't a 2015 anime but anything that debuted before the end of the year is 2015 to me. So...what makes this anime so special? Well, let's take a look.
The story to Osomatsu-san is simple. It's six sextuplets who grew up into 20-something adults from their previous adaptation, Osomatsu-kun, and are now trying to
survive into today's age of new technology and new surroundings. Though they don't seem to have a hard time since they're able to be the wacky insane children they were but in 20-something year old bodies. Overall, there's not much in this department other than sit back and enjoy.
You have a TON of characters to explain in this show. First is the brothers. You have the somewhat "leader" Osomatsu, the cool and confident Karamatsu, the mature one Chronomatsu, the dark but has a soft spot Ichimatsu, the totally bonkers Jyushimatsu and the two-faced Todomatsu (the one I got from a Osomatsu-san quiz kek). Then you have the other side characters such as Iyami (Mr. Teeth), Chibita (the one who runs an Oden shop), DAYOOOOOOON, and even bratty characters like Totoko, the one who wants to become a fish idol but instead will take any attention she can get. All characters are given lively personalities and even though the main focus is the brothers, the side characters are not left out on purpose.
Why this anime is so great:
There ever comes a time when an anime makes you laugh, cry, be mad, laugh some more, go "what the **** just happened?" then laugh your butt off. That's Osomatsu-san. Each of the brothers make each other's lives a living hell but in the end it's all for the sake of a joke (ex. Osomatsu ruining Chronomatsu's chances of meeting his favorite singer or all six brothers being kidnapped by a parody of Jigsaw) and whether or not you find that joke hilarious or flat out meh is up to your taste. The side characters I mentioned also come in for the sake of a joke, whether it's Totoko messing with the feelings of the sextuplets or Iyami and Chibita getting into the rent-a-girlfriend business. In the end, all the characters make you feel at home when watching and you're always in for a good time no matter what episode you watch as the episodes do not carry over from one another. There will be some hit or miss jokes, but most of the time, the hits really hit and there are rarely any misses. I would relate this anime to be the male equivalent of Nichijou, without most of the japanese references and more about just living the life of a sextuplet. I really wish I could explain this anime more but it's really meant to be experienced instead of explained. It's the closest to a slice of life gone wacko that you'll get in today's comedies.
In the end, Osomatsu-san is a comedy that makes you laugh till you cry, makes you feel things you never thought you could feel, and makes you want to cheer for one brother over the other even if all six have great qualities. There RARELY comes an anime that can make it into my top 25 anime of all time while only being on japanese airwaves for less than a year. THAT is the power of Osomatsu-san.
Jebus Matoi gives "Osomatsu-san" a solid 4.5 SHEEEEEEEEEH's out of 5.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 8, 2014
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI Jebus reviews Yuru Yuri, hajimatte yo!
So when I first started watching this show, I thought to myself "oh no, here we go, middle school girls thinking they're lesbians so they go and do lesbian things with other lesbians that are friends of said lesbian" and you know what? I was right. Now mind you, this was when I found the idea of lesbians being funny just ridiculous so I didn't really enjoy it like others did. I watched the first episode just out of curiosity and I was bored to tears and just found myself getting angry with every lesbian joke that came out
of this show. I turned it off and never looked back. This was when it aired.
...then I watched episode 2 three years later after lightening up a bit.
My god, how this show managed to slip through my radar is incredible. Every character has feeling and emotion and just fun qualities about them that it's impossible not to enjoy and love at least one of these characters. Whether you love the rowdy and carefree TOSHINO KYOUKO, the bratty and sometimes caring Chinatsu, the caring and bold Yui or the one-you-just-can't-help-but-feel-sorry-for Akarin, there is someone to love in this show.
Now to be fair, this show isn't for everyone. If you are not a fan of the slice of life genre, or you just don't find the same running jokes funny after 5 times in a row, you will not enjoy YuruYuri. If you like girls who work off each other to pull off some of the greatest situations in SOL history, you will love the hell out of YuruYuri.
Also, this is the first show in many anime that I found the supporting cast to be just as fun and wonderful as the main cast and sometimes they get more screen time than the main four, but boy, does it pay off. Ayano is a girl who is totally tsundere for Kyouko and whether she wants to admit it or not, everyone else can tell. Another character (and when I talked about running jokes) Chitose is a running joke all by herself. Taking off her glasses will make her mind imagine two girls that she sees infront of her engage in a yuri-esque situation and thus, she gets a nosebleed. I do admit, sometimes the joke can be overused but sometimes it works wonderfully when used at the right moments.
OVERALL: The show is a balance of fun and curiosity between the cast and even though the show gives off a vibe of "lesbian only" jokes, most of the jokes are anything but. Most of the time, the jokes are just simple SOL jokes you would find in classics like Azumanga Daioh and School Rumble. The setting is simple but it barely plays a part in the show's overall feel. However, like I said, this show is not meant for everyone so try to keep an open mind when going into it. Also, I really advise you to skip episode 1 and head straight into 2 as that is when the show kicks it up a notch.
Jebus gives Yuru Yuri 4 curiosities out of 5.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 8, 2014
To be fair, this series is very short (3 minutes per episode with the OP taking up 1 minute each time) so I forgive it for not having much content in it.
...Though that excuse is thrown out the window when you spend each episode making 3 jokes at the most that fall flat due to late reactions, idiotic faces and just flat out boring interaction between the characters. None of the three main girls feel like they have much to offer except when combined with the other two for support. The side characters are just there to fill in roster spots and the setting
is your normal everyday Japanese.
To be honest, there's not much to say about this show. It was one of those "here's your daily dose of moe" shows that you watched between episodes of longer shows that season, and that was pretty much it. Hell, the last episode just screams "JUST FINISH IT ALREADY" when you watch it.
I admit, the artstyle is nice and it's not something you see in every show nowadays. And for those who like to find attractive qualities in little girls, this show exploits it. From thighs to side boobs, this show tries to hide it's perverted side but it just falls out and lands in your lap. Though I guess this is just me overall and that's the only redeeming factor I found to enjoy.
Overall, it's a SOL 3 minute show for the casual SOL 3 minute fan. Nothing more.
Jebus gives Aiura 2 Crabs out of 5.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 11, 2013
So the manga was apparently VERY popular among the popular website 4chan and it's anime board, /a/. I should know, I was there. And low and behold, it was green-lit for an anime adaptation. They were so excited to see what would happen, and low and behold, it was a disappointment.
Watamote deals with a 15 year old named Matoko who is entering high school and while she thinks she's the biggest thing in high school history (if there is such a thing), she soon realizes that she is not popular at all, only in her head, and now she deals with overcoming her VERY huge
lack of social skills and trying to make friends and overall, a boyfriend. Madness ensues as she goes from giving herself a makeover, to talking to her best friend about boys, to watching a couple (from on top of her high school's roof with two middle school kids) doing it in a hotel across her high school.
The character of Tomoka is one that is just not memorable unless you were that awkward virgin in high school who had the popular friend and made yourself look like an ass every opportunity you got, and her best friend is the girl you wanted the looks and body of but of course, with every alpha there has to be a beta, and sadly, that was you.
Overall, it's a series that you can tell was not popular with the japanese audience. It flopped and has yet to be green-lit for a second season. You can tell this by the way it ends (if you are like me, you will not like the ending of this show) that it did not do well and personally, it shows. As much as I wanted this show to succeed, it did not find happiness and we will only be able to wait until more Watamote is made or the manga hits big selling numbers once again.
Jebus gives Watamote: 2 hugs from a purple puppy dog out of 5.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 10, 2013
Studio Gainax, before this production, was one of the biggest names in anime history. With such works as Neon Genesis Evangelion, Gurren Lagann, FLCL, Nadia, Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, and Panty and Stocking, you would think they would stick around forever, but that ride to fame would be short lived. Some members who made Gurren Lagann would go on to form Studio Trigger (Inferno Cop, Kill la Kill) and some would follow Hideaki Anno and form Studio Khara (Evangelion Rebuild). While Gainax still picks up the pieces of what they used to be, they came out with a show called Stella Women's Academy Class C3-Bu,
and while this show would seem to be cute girls doing cute things, that is simply not the case.
We follow new girl Yura Yamato as she transfers into an all girls school (go figure) and finds out that her roomate is Sonora Kashima, leader of the airsoft club at the school. While it takes some convincing, Yura joins the airsoft club and finds her place in the circle, the circle of airsoft pistols and rockets. Soon, Yura finds herself wanting more than just people to shoot so she trains harder and harder as she wants to be the very best that no one ever was. She then realizes that while her intentions are good, she takes the game too seriously according to her teammates and soon it comes to the point to where she loses not only her sanity, but her place in the circle of friendship.
Overall, this series was a surprise. It certainly takes a dark turn in some places, and while it CLEARLY WASN'T REFERENCING STAR WARS EPISODE III FOR 3 EPISODES STRAIGHT, it was a good show and a sign that maybe Gainax is not dead after all. The characters are enjoyable, the story certainly turns away from the average "cute girls eating cake and drinking tea (I have no bad feelings about K-ON, I loved that show)", and yes, there's even a couple of GAINAX ENDING clues along the way. If you like cute girls shooting cute girls, this is for you.
Jebus gives Stella Women's Academy Class C3-Bu: 4 YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE's out of 5.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 10, 2013
Coming off the masterpiece that was Evangelion 2.2, Hideaki Anno decided to make Shinji Ikari's life a living hell, and that's exactly what Evangelion 3.3: You Can (Not) Redo is about. Shinji's life turned into a living nightmare.
After being out of action for 14 years, Shinji is awakened and finds out that Asuka is indeed alive, Rei is still nowhere to be found and Misato blames him for everything that happened to activate Third Impact, which was stopped by a new organization called WILLE (I know what you're thinking, and no, stop being lewd) led by the former employees of NERV, Ritsuko and Captain Misato
Katsuragi that is bent on destroying NERV. Now (unless I missed it) please don't ask why, no one quiet knows the reason. Though now Shinji is forbidden to pilot Eva Unit 1, and this is where he meets Kowaru (you may remember him as a certain 5th child) and he tells Shinji that he almost screwed everything up and now NERV wants to eliminate all life on earth. Shinji is destined to make everything right, only he now knows that not even God is on his side...
This movie was negatively received by the Japanese audience and yet I understand their feelings for this film, though you must understand that this is only the stepping stone to Eva 4.0 and therefore it was not going to be what most people expected. While I trust Anno to deliver the goods in the final installment, I did not expect much from this film and that's what I got - not much. The final battle is both chilling and frightening at the same time and it will leave you wanting more, but sadly, that will not happen until 2014.
Jebus gives Evangelion 3.3 - You Can (Not) Redo: 3 Rei clones out of 5.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 10, 2013
In my last review, I said watching Evangelion 1.1 would be worth it once you get to watching Evangelion 2.2. Now it's time to show you why.
This is where the original story of Neon Genesis Evangelion turns a whole 180 and goes full berserk on itself. After Shinji has gotten used to handling the Eva, he continues to fight the angels even while everyone's favorite redhead, Asuka Langley SHIKINAMI (yes, her name is changed into this movie, don't ask why) has entered the battlefield. Soon after things start getting heated between the pilots and while both Asuka and Rei are now starting to have feelings
for Shinji, the twists and turns of the story start happening and soon Shinji must figure out that Evas CAN go berserk and he must fight the angel that will set off the one thing NERV headquarters has tried to prevent all this time - Third Impact.
Overall, a movielike this only comes along once in a generation and not even other popular shows that got movies can compete with it *cough* Madoka *cough*. The last 30 minutes of the movie is what will make you be on the edge of your seat and if you are like me, you will not be able to hold in what you just witnessed. Studio Khara, in my honest opinion, did a better job handling a Gainax franchise than Gainax did.
Jebus gives Evangelion 2.2: You Can (Not) Advance: 5 impacts out of 5.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 10, 2013
So just to make things clear in case you need to know what happens in this movie and you didn't see it back when it came out in 2007, there is little to no difference between this movie and the first few episodes of the original Neon Genesis Evangelion. If you have already seen the original series, you can skip this movie.
That being said, if you are a majestic Evangelion fan, then by all means watch this movie. The story is still the same with Shinji being taken in by Misato because his father, Gendo, wants him to pilot the Eva's that will save
humankind from a force called the Angels. While this movie is made by Studio Khara ("Ponyo", "From Up on Poppy Hill", "Wolf Children"), this is their first take on a Studio Gainax franchise and the animation shows. Compared to other anime movies, this one is top notch and the music is just as glorious as former Evangelion OST's before it.
Overall, there really isn't much to say about this movie except if you haven't seen the first half of the original show, by all means watch it. The second movie will be worth watching this first one.
Jebus gives Evangelion 1.1 - You Are (Not) Alone: 4 chosen ones out of 5.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 9, 2013
Okay, so I have never been the biggest Madoka Magica fan but since this movie had alot of hype around it, I decided I would finally complete the Madoka Magica saga, and to my surprise, I found this conclusion to be.....pretty meh. Especially if you're not a fan of Akemi Homura, the girl this movie is most focused on.
The biggest part about this movie is how Madoka was finally "saved" from dispair and agony by Homura, but not the way Madoka wanted to be saved. Aside from the super-sized weirdness factor, the way they made the magical gang be more like the Mighty Morphin Power
Rangers, and how everyone seemed to be so powerless against Homura (even when she hadn't become Homucifer yet) is something that really destroys the hype around this movie. I expected an Eva 2.2 type of finale, but instead I think they took some notes from Eva 3.3 and tried to make a whole new storyline out of an ending to an already average one (yes, I thought the original was average, sue me).
The music is great, the animation is brilliant from almighty Studio SHAFT, and the girls are still the same besides the "IT'S MORPHIN TIME" and "WHO'S GOT THE CAKEY" scenes, so you won't have to read a spinoff of a "Puella Magi" series to understand what is going on (unless you haven't seen the original series in which case you should very much do that).
Overall, like I expected it to, it didn't live up to my expectations. Instead of the girls fighting for what they want, they let Homura run all over them by not expecting the worst from a girl who throughout the entire movie screams about how she wants Madoka back. The most memorable scene will be about 15 minutes away from the end of the movie, but even then, it's not one that should've ended what was called the "greatest anime of 2011".
Jebus gives Puella Magi Madoka Magica 3: Rebellion: 3 bebe's out of 5.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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