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Dec 23, 2022
Its like inuyasha if it was more of a romance! it also has a fruits basket feel to it which i think someone else has pointed out as well. If you dont know either of those, thats ok! Start with this anime and if you like the fantasy aspect, pick up inuyasha! If you like the soft drama and romance, fruits basket is for you!
I went in not expecting much and was pleasantly surprised! The characters are unique and fun without having to try too hard and the art is decent! The main girl is just sort of everyday spunky but it still lends well
to the story. I only wish they explained her backstory a little more? They introduce her as down on her luck and why but dont really get into her feelings on her past and her ability to get over it is kind of...odd? I mean her dad skips town and leaves her alone and broke. And thats it? I just feel like somethings missing there and its sort of unresolved. The main guy is a sassy demon. You know the kind in these types of anime. Its still endearing though to see them overcome their pride for a girl they previously thought was beneath them. Unless thats not your cup of tea. But still, I think its nothing that gets harped on too much. This show was still entertaining and probably a good watch for Shojo and shonin fans to come together for some common ground, because even if it is a romance at the end of the day, the action was good too with some interesting demons and folklore!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 23, 2022
I just want to start off by saying i watched this when i was four months pregnant and had no idea i was four months pregnant, and after i found out, my reactions to this anime made SO much sense! I was seriously bawling my eyes out hard. And the heavy themes are even more poignant since Ive given birth to my own little boy. Yes the anime has some flaws and i just seriously cannot get behind the "one piece" ish art style the characters are so silly looking, but im really glad i got over it and gave it a chance. I dont
need to get into it and break it down other reviews have probably already got that covered i just wanted to note this probably will hit harder if your a parent, or in my case, expecting! Its a good hindsight of children and what you should and shouldnt do to mentor one in your life.
Give it a watch and dont forget the tissues!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 23, 2022
This show started off good in a drama sort of way, with a few "gotha!" moments that made me want to get the popcorn. But as the show continued i noticed there was a lot less action being taken by the characters and more talking about politics that are honestly kind of hard to follow. And after the first snob got their comeuppance, it got a little old when it happened again and again where Eli needed her prince to come save her. And im not sneezing at the princess in distress trope, some people really get off on that kind of thing, but a
better story would have the character its happening to learn from it and grow in interesting ways, Eli was just sort of...bland and indifferent to things that happened around her apart from feeling like the victim again. The prince was just a handsome prince thats devoted to his crush on her. he doesnt do too much to stand out as a character or anything. The other side characters are forgettable too, but at least this anime wasnt trying too hard, which in my opinion, is way worse. Like when an anime character HAS to come onto the scene declaring themselves as quirky or important trying to force the watcher to remember them, Shonin have a bad habit of that, where in Shojo its given to be more of a subtle nudge to establish a character and their importance. this show just sort of dums it down so bad I dont really care about any other characters and what they have to say, it took a lot of effort to care about what the mains had to say it was so bland.
But im not going to lie and pretend the first few episodes didnt have me excited about watching the next episode, the tea spillage was just too indulgent. The setting of the palace is pretty too and the art is nice.
Anyhoo, if your interested, watch it, but dont worry if you lose interest after a few episodes, your not missing anything.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 1, 2022
Main character Tohru is very pure and says some profound things that envoke that Maya Angelou quote “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” And Tohru does that for the characters inside the pages as well as outside the series and it can be profound if you read it at a tender age like I did. Shes really empathetic and is good at making everyone feel like they matter. We should strive to be like Tohru and try to understand others. Its like chicken soup for
the soul but in manga form.
The only reason i give it a nine and not a ten is because it does get kind of confusing and there is such a range of characters its cumbersome to explore the dynamics of every single one of them, and this extends outside just the zodiac members, friends get stories, side characters get page time, family members of the zodiac get some attention with their range of reactions to the family curse, it can get overwhelming if you lose track of the narrative. The author also ages up the characters throughout the books and though its more realistic i sometimes forgot who was who on the page even after they said their name. It took more than one read through all the volumes for me to appreciate them. And honestly i didnt feel much sparks between the Kyo or Yuki towards Tohru because the story didnt have the time to focus on them too much with everything else to check off. During the first five or so volumes yes but after all the zodiac are there things tend to muddle. There are entire volumes when one or more of the main three are not even present. Which is not too bad, but i was a slow preteen when i picked this up and i wasnt always lucky enough to get the next volume in order so it would get confusing fast when the volume hit double digits. But as i now own all the volumes together on my shelf i really treasure them and feel like it helped shape my teenhood. I think every older child and teenager can benefit from this. Heck, adults can benefit from this because the story does well to provide perspective to others lives and how we should see them.
It was a great influence on my life, and i recommend highly to anyone who is struggling with empathy, needs someone to see them for how they really feel( I guarantee you will probably identify with one or more of these characters) or just want to lay back and enjoy the drama. Fruits basket is a Shojo haven with a little something for everyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 1, 2022
I can give this one a pass because I like the way the main girl Shiriyuki, when faced with being forced to do something she did not want to do, she stuck to her resolve every time. Granted my expectations were low since there was a "princess" in the title, being associated with the soft spoken snow white, I was pleasantly surprised when she voiced her opinions to not take crap without a fight.
That being said, she needed help...a lot. She never really got herself out of trouble but she tried I guess? She always seemed to have a friend who had the exact
skills she needed in that moment coincidentally. So shes not a badass in anyway, just a charmer, in that "Oh I guess im pretty and smart but i never noticed because im so humble about it" kind of way, which i can see why that would turn a lot of people off of this one. Someone called her a mary sue, and yea i can see that. She could have done with another flaw or two but she was a damsel in distress in a story titled after another famous damsel in distress waiting on a prince to provide a happy ending so you can connect the dots and sort of see where this anime is going. The rest of the characters are just as predictable, still likable, but predictable so if your looking for something new you shouldnt look here for much. So if you go in with high expectations youll not like it, but if your the type that doesn't care and just like to see anime with romance in a regal kingdom setting, this is your time passer. Just turn off your brain and itll be aright.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 19, 2022
This anime probably deserves a perfect score from the art alone because its so damn **AESTHETIC**
Seriously, if your an artist, heck, even if your not, I dare you not to get into this from the style, the opening, the shadows, the colors alone!
The romance and story itself actually average but has a charming slow paced realism to it, its not like other anime that tell you how to feel, the characters on screen dont even recognize their own feelings and its more realistic in that sense. This might sacrifice some of the characters chemistry, but that doesnt make the story bad at
Also, if you ever heard of a cartoon, Miraculous tales of Ladybug, and fantasized about lead girl Marinette in a slice of life format, the main girl here reminds me a lot of her. They even have similar voices and hair styles. Nevermind that its a Yuri, it stands just as well if one of the leads were male in my opinion.
But I just keep coming back to the ART. The aquarium scenes are breathtaking, the opening is just so damn beautiful, even the ordinary cafe or classroom in the anime seems to sparkle and shine with the effects and work put into animating every episode alone. Ive only seen production quality like this in anime movies and this is still better than some of those! Seriously!
If your on the fence, just watch it anyway for the art. Get a hot cup of tea, cuddle into your blankets and watch your soul feel refreshed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 19, 2022
I appreciate that they are trying to bring more attention to socially anxious characters, but if im being honest, I watched Aharen san at the same time and i have to say that kept my attention better than this one and they have similar premises, with lead boys that are so alike i kind of forget who is who sometimes, as their roles are the same, to look at the main girl and translate what she is thinking. But the leading boy in Aharen did a lot of wild things and ran through hilarious guesses to achieve getting to know what the girl really thinks,
this character just looks at her and...knows. I guess. So extensively that i wouldnt be surprised if he told komi when she has gas or missed a BM.
i understand that Komis affliction is more severe than Aharens, but the romance aspect is going at such a snails pace that its hard to root for. Aharen and her boy had their first kiss at the same time Komi worked up the nerve to hand her man a simple gift.Though i suppose that might be an unfair comparison, since Komi can barely speak, while Aharen is hanging off her friend on day one since her social awkwardness comes from having no spacial awareness.
Still, I cant help but feel a little over it. The art is nice, but why are their lips so small?
Oh, but my biggest pet peeve is one particular character that constantly gets on my nerves and does not deserve to be redeemed but somehow always gets a pass? I mean i guess you could argue that about any of these side characters, but the brown haired girly yandere girl in particular is just not ok. Shes like minetta from MHA if minetta actually committed sexual crimes. Its not ok to sexually stalk and harass someone to that extent, and if this character was male doing this to a female, it would be seen entirely differently and I just cant stand by that bias. Its NEVER ok to be this way! Probably more so if your victim is a socially stunted girl who probably cant do anything or tell anyone about it! Its really really wrong if you let yourself stop and think about it. They even called her out on this when the psycho physically kidnapped and threatened someone for just getting near Komi, but she still got a pass?!? and they became friends with her anyway?!? Um call the police wtf?!
That alone leaves a bad taste in my mouth and not wanting to continue, but for the sake of it, Ill finish it just to say i finished it, but if anyone reading this likes the flavor, just watch Aharen san instead. It hits similar points and while it has its own flaws and can be somewhat boring, its preferable the repetitiveness of this shows episodes with really flawed and extreme side characters.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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