Mar 17, 2022
Nichijou is the BEST GODDAMN THING I HAVE EVER READ let me tell you WHY it takes place is a TOWN in JAPAN and someone laced the town water supply with COCAINE and now everybody is FUCKING INSANE and going off the walls with RANDOMNESS and OVEREXAGGERATION in a slice of life MANGA i prefer the MANGA over the ANIME because it is LONGER and there are more JOKES in it because it is LONGER the characters are all FUN and FUNNY because they have good JOKES and its really FUNNY. at one point a character RAPS and its AWESOME and i LAUGHED OUT LOUD
Mar 17, 2022
Yotsuba to!
that shit CLASSIC. abolute BANGER. best thing i've ever READ that isn't NICHIJOU. my FAVORITE thing because its AWESOME and really COOL and the characters are FUNNY and the dumb kid with the green hair is STUPID and a DUMBASS but is super FUNNY and her dad is COOL and he has a friend who is COOL and TALL. and another friend who is a DICK but is AWESOME and the neighbors are GREAT and COOL and AWESOME i wont spoil the PLOT because there IS NONE they just HANG OUT and do COOL STUFF and FUN STUFF and the kid is STUPID and does