"Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack."
I really wanted to love this. I really did. Re:Zero s2 part 2 was the anime i was most hyped for in 2021, and it turned out... exceedingly mediocre. Of course, i am partly to blame. You know what they say, higher expectations tend to lead to disappointment. Spoiler ahead
If i were to describe this season in one sentence, it would be this.
"They're trying to cramp and resolve too many things altogether in a 12 episode season, resulting in poorly realized scenes."
Now, let's talk a bit about how the
first part of season 2 went. For me, the first part was phenomenal. The mysteries surrounding the Sanctuary, the conflict and suffering you see Subaru go through, the inner workings of the Witch of Greed, and that reveal at the end were all so well done. The entire 1st part was set up so well with a clear goal in mind: To liberate the sanctuary and save the residents of the mansion, and in order to do that, Subaru needed to rely on his friends more instead of trying to shoulder everything alone. It was great! They had set up everything they needed for season 2 and then it just... flopped
While part 1 was a series of sequential events with roadblocks that needed to be solved one by one, part 2 was a jumbled up box of plot convenience puzzle that forced every single piece to fit together because they needed it to. First of all, Subaru does not even play that big a part after solving the issues with Garfiel. Look, i get that Subaru can't do everything alone, and that why he needed help from his friends, but there's a difference between relying on their help and becoming almost pointless. In season 1, Subaru was the center piece for all the operations. Despite being weak, he was still absolutely crucial to the plot. Without him, Rem would never have found closure. Without him, Crush's team would've never been able to defeat the White Whale and he would've never been able to defeat Betelgeuse. How did such a witty, brave hero turn into... a motivational speaker? That's exactly what he is in the latter part of the season. A pep talk guy. That's it. He gave a pep talk to Garfiel, Emilia, and Beatrice, and they were the ones to do everything else, which by the way does not amount to much at all.
Another problem that part 2 suffered through was the pacing of the show. Contrary to part 1, part 2 is more focused on character development, especially on Emilia and her trials since she was barely mentioned in the first part at all. To be honest, i am all for this and i even enjoyed learning all about Emilia's past. However, my problem with this is that it drags out way too long, and in turn eats up most of the entire runtime for other important scenes. Emilia's trials alone took up more than half of the entire part 2. I realize that her flashback to the past was necessary to her character development and plot progression, and had it ended there, a major part of part 2's issues would've been solved. From what i could tell, the second and third trials were completely unnecessary. The whole point of Emilia's character development was to show that she had come to accept her tragic past and is now able to leave it behind and move on with her life, which she managed to do in the FIRST trial. The second and third trial only served to highlight that fact and harden her resolve even further, and could easily be covered in less than half an episode, not more than an entire episode.
Speaking of pacing, the arrangement of scenes in the show were atrocious. I don't know whether that was how the original LN showcased it, but jumping from a fight scene, to a flashback scene to another fight scene is just messing up the intended emotion of the show even more.
Now, let's talk about the BIGGEST problem i had with part 2. The solution and closure. Unlike season 1 and season 2 part 1, it did not feel satisfying watching how part 2 solved the roadblocks and ended the show. As mentioned before, the pacing of Emilia's trials had already ruined most of the fight scenes in part 2. I'm not gonna lie. I really enjoyed watching the mansion fight and the Ram / Roswaal fight, but the endgame fight was seriously seriously bad. Not only was it set up really half- heartedly, but its resolution was sloppy at best. All in all, the fight scenes in part 2 feels like playing a puzzle. It honestly felt like the entire show was playing a rock paper scissors game: picking characters and placing them in their own respective fight scenes and that's it, a guaranteed win win situation. Unlike the previous seasons, there's no real strategy or stakes involved, and to be frank, it felt insulting. I did not feel ecstatic or satisfied when they won, it felt massively underwhelming with a "Wait.. that's it? It's over?" thought circulating in my head.
That's probably all the issues i had with this season. I still enjoyed it but i felt like this could be done so much better than what was actually realized. The under-utilization of certain characters, the lack of involvement with Subaru, and the prolonged plot with Emilia made this a lot more dull and unsatisying than it needed to be, especially when the Great Rabbit, a demon beast that can multiply infinitely as long as there's one left, is wiped out in less than 10 minutes of runtime. It's ridiculous. I won't say i'm hyped for season 3 but if the current pacing is anything to go by in future seasons, then i'll just say this now. ' I'm gonna be majorly disappointed by how much Re Zero let me down'
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Apr 1, 2021 Mixed Feelings
"Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack."
I really wanted to love this. I really did. Re:Zero s2 part 2 was the anime i was most hyped for in 2021, and it turned out... exceedingly mediocre. Of course, i am partly to blame. You know what they say, higher expectations tend to lead to disappointment. Spoiler ahead If i were to describe this season in one sentence, it would be this. "They're trying to cramp and resolve too many things altogether in a 12 episode season, resulting in poorly realized scenes." Now, let's talk a bit about how the ...
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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![]() Show all Apr 8, 2020
Ishuzoku Reviewers
Recommended Preliminary
(9/12 eps)
Sometimes, the best things in life are just unattainable
That's why they are called fantasies We are free to act, we are free to choose, and so we are definitely free to dream As humans, we are but feeble slaves to our desires. Be it male or female, we are constantly entranced and attracted by the wondrous pleasures found both in the real world and in the imaginary ones. It's just a natural way of life and rejecting that part of our nature is akin to refusing to admit that we have flaws. However, when it comes to expressing those desires, it becomes a difficult task to ... accomplish as one wrong move could label you as a pervert or a weirdo. This rings especially true in the anime community, where neko fetishes and ecchi are just as common as secret crushes in the real world. Thus, many people begin to hide those desire in fear of getting judged and criticized, me included. This is where Ishuzoku Reviewers comes in! Ishuzoku Reviewers addresses those fantasies of ours that we love deep down but are always too afraid to show it out. It takes those fantasies of ours and amplifies it into maddening levels of pleasure and interest, effectively reeling us in. Before i even begin to dive into this wonder of an anime, i would like to clarify something in the foreword. Ishuzoku Reviewer is NOT for everyone. Children and Senior Citizens aside, Ishuzoku Reviewers is a show meant to target audiences that have those similar interest, and is not tailored for people who find even slight ecchi perverted. So, if you are a saint and is abhorred by the display of ecchiness and hentai, i'd strongly recommend you not watch it. With the foreplay out of the way, it's time for the real deal. Let's get the basics out of the way shall we? Why was Ishuzoku Reviewers such a big hit for me? Simple. It has the solid foundation for a good anime. What constitutes for a good anime, you ask? It all boils down to 3 simple things. Uniqueness, Appeal, and Its ability to keep the story Interesting. And Ishuzoku Reviewers is a wonderful blend of all 3 traits. Its plot and setting is simple enough. A team of guys visiting various brothels and writing reviews for the various species of girls there. However, it is vastly different from the long list of hentais that features these genres such as orcs, goblins etc. What sets these 2 apart, is their purpose. While hentai typically just shows constant sex scenes with minimal story and plot, Ishuzoku provides a substance to the show by transforming this borderline hentai-esque show into a review quest. This both keeps the audience entertained and hooked with curiosity to continue on. Speaking of curiosity, this brings us to the core aspect of the show. Reviews and exploration. I am the type of guy to give credit where credit is due, no matter how bad or good a show is. And I commend Ishuzoku Reviewers for their courage and bravery in exploring a world unknown, a world often only fantasized by fellow enthusiasts. They also absolutely nailed this aspect of the show. Let's begin with the reviews. Their reviews are somewhat unique and impressive in the sense that they were tackled in a fashion that not only gives us insight to the various species and their very unique traits (birdmaid, cowgirls, succubi etc), but it also serves to give us a better understanding of the various characters, Stunk, Zel, Crim and many other sideline characters. It shows us the experience and pleasures as shown form their perspective and gives us more information on how they act as well as how they think. An ingenious, creative yet effective way to merge character development and appeal into 1 aspect. Next, let's have a look at the exploration throughout the show. As i have mentioned, Ishuzoku did the unthinkable, which is to explore a world that is not braved by many studios as it is considered a dangerous territory. Fortunately, Ishuzoku has managed to find that sweet silver lining between over indulging and underwhelming with its exploration. Throughout the show, many species of girls were introduced, and their traits were explored. This may seem chaotic and biased at first, with some species being entirely favourable like nekos and fairies, while other species were blatantly ignored like undead and reptiles. However, Ishuzoku manages to play their cards right, by utilizing the unique review system i covered earlier to let each species have their time to shine. A perfect example for this is how they handled the egg incubation story. While the main trio were appalled by the egg laying species, the reptiles and merman were truly amazed and intrigued. This is a great way to take care of the biased views that many shows struggle with. I am also deeply amazed by how Ishuzoku handled the various business models for each and every succubi establishment. It gives a nice differentiation and serves as a nice side dish to the main story to see how different shops serve their customers and what kinds of surprises and packages awaits our perverted heroes. Next, let's talk about one thing i have very rarely said about an anime. And that is the atmospheric portrayal. More times than not, the atmosphere is the most important thing about a show following the story, and the attractiveness. For most anime i've watched, i rarely get hooked on their atmospheric portayal as it is either predictable or just completely screwed over, however with Ishuzoku Reviewers, the atmosphere caught me completely off guard. As brothels and escort services go, it has always been treated as a dirty minded activity coupled with a disgusting aftertaste . But Ishuzoku did a complete 180 and turned it into an enjoyable setting that is shared amongst friends, who bonds over it as a favorable past time instead of an illegal and vile activity. Their whole positive outlook on the activity really takes me in and makes me enjoy the show a whole lot more, being able to experience an atmosphere i never could! Another major thing that sets it apart from hentai is the way its art style and animation is portrayed. Since it's an official anime, certain parts and scenes can't be shown without violating the regulations and crossing over the hentai ecchi boundary. Ishuzoku knows that and plays with this cleverly, disguising the censored parts with objects such as Crim's mayo bottle, carrots, and shining ray of lights. Though all these were general and commonly used throughout anime history, it doesn't change the fact that minor tweaks like these are what makes the show interesting and appealing as it gives viewer's free roam of their imagination, yet does no more to restrict their pleasure with the animation. Ishuzoku also has its fair share of comedic timing and humor that goes on par with shows such as Konosuba and Gintama. Even though there's more i could go on about Ishuzoku like the YMCA rendition opening, i'll stop here and just leave you with this. If you go into this show expecting anything like a hentai, you are sorely mistaken. You would enjoy this show more if you keep an open mind and don't think of it too much. Just treat it as another echhi comedy anime and you should be fine. I definitely would recommend this anime to anyone who has extraordinary fetishes (you know who you are) or even to those who are open minded and enjoy something a ecchi / a little different. Just be sure to lower the volume as it ain't exactly family friendly.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Jul 8, 2018
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
Who hasn't been teased by a girl before!? Not unlike Danshi Koukosei, Karakai Jouzu no Takagi san is one of the most relatable slice of life for any teenager around the world. The show involves a very simple yet relatable plot: a boy named Nishikata that constantly tries to outwit a girl named Takagi-san but ends up always being outwitted and teased instead.
Plot: 8/10 The show's biggest selling point for me was how relatable it was to my teenage life. Even in college, i am always looking for ways to tease people (family and friends) or am always on the receiving end of being teased. ... Karakai's way of portraying teasing is attractive, interesting and SOOO relatable it's ironic. It's like getting to see yourself in the main protagonist's shoes as he plots his plan meticulously only to have them thwarted effortlessly by Takagi-san. Throughout all 12 episodes, there is so many ways of teasing introduced that it always feels fresh, and rarely boring. Even though some of the teasing methods were familiar to me and predictable, i never once found the desire to skip ahead. Seeing Nishikata's inner monologue and thought process is a treat and a very different perspective you never expect to see when you think about teasing in real life. Most time, I find myself comparing Nishikata and myself from years ago and laughing at the antics that he pulls or plan he fails at, just because i understand his desire to get back at Takagi or his humiliation at Takagi's hands. This relatable feeling to the protagonist is what kept me interested and eager to watch the continuing episodes, be it to reminisce about my life or see what my life could have been like if it were full of tease like Karakai. The little romantic gestures between Takagi and Nishikata is also portrayed so sweetly in this show. The way Nishikata looks at Takagi and the way Takagi hides her true feeling by teasing him is so sweet and nice to watch. It's like watching how a secret crush between 2 people progress and develop, while also seeing how both of them cope and feel towards one another. The side story about the 3 girls is also one of my favorite things about the show. Each of the 3 girls's unique personality is something to adore and adds something a little more to the already fun show. Not only is it funny, and adorable, but it also serves as an interesting distraction from the overloading of teasing the show already has. Rather than suffocating you with overabundance of teasing, the show cleverly inserts the daily lives of these 3 girls, to satisfy you before being pulled back to the main story. Sound: 8/10 I LOVE THE OPENING THEME. The opening song to Karakai jouzu is so smooth and sweet. It's so relaxing and fitting to the theme of the story. It's a nice pace away from the fast paced / rock / pop of the usual anime openings. I'm not so sure about the Ending songs though. Some of it were nice, some of it were ok, but it's not long enough to have a long lasting impression on me. Character : 10/10 What else do i have to say. The characters are adorable. I honestly have no reason to dislike any of them, probably couldn't find any if i try. Nishikata is an extremely relatable character to me (and probably most guys out there). Always getting teased, having such a complex thought process, always failing at plans, gets embarassed easily, not knowing how to express himself. Takagi is like that girl is our lives. THE ONE WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. Cute smile, always getting on our nerves and yet we can't live without them. She's the girl we don't want other guys looking at / talking to, and we want her all to ourselves, despite not being able to stand her. The trio girl group always has great personality, with a fun/ clumsy one (Mina), a cool one (Sanae) and the sensible one with the biggest headache taking care of the other two. (Yukari). Apart from being lovable, the best part about these characters is the relatability i have with them. All the characters shown in the show are characters we could easily understand. We could also just as easily have been in their shoes at any point in our lives. Enjoyment: 9/10 Really nice slice of life. Unexpectedly funny comedy value. Relatable plot and characters Relaxing and nice opening theme Creative way of portraying teasing. Recommended: Yeah, a very nice and relaxing anime, and suitable for everyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Apr 23, 2018
Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara
I believe no one needs an intro to this anime anymore since this is the 3rd season. And with the sequel for season 3 on air now, i believe everyone is SUPER HYPED WATCHING IT because i know i do! In order to commemorate the airing second course, let's continue reviewing season 3! The Prequel to a Storm
For those who have read my previous reviews on the series, you all should know i am a HUGE fan of this show and i have explained why that is in those reviews. For season 3, the hype is no less than the previous season, if not more. ... Season 3 of Shokugeki no soma lets us dive deeper into the Totsuki Culture and the mysteriously eluded Elite ten as well as introduce the prelude to the BIGGEST arc of the series, and most probably the best one! [HEAVY SPOILERS] Proceed with caution Story : 9 / 10 The story this time around is highly anticipated, especially for those who have not read the manga. This is because the entirety of the story is like a dive into the deep sea of mystery that is the Elite ten, and the beginning of a major arc of course! The story opens up with another traditional Totsuki Culture that is the Totsuki Festival! (Name validation required). Aside from the very interesting way of how the festival is ran and organized (the different levels of district, club stalls and food served), the real highlight of this is the challenge that Some has extended to Kuga. This is one of the more indirect challenges that has happened in Shokugeki no soma. While the previous battles had all been conducted in a Shokugeki. This indirect battle is actually spanned over the course of a few days. I find this very interesting as not only does it offer a fresh new perspective of battle. It also shows in detail of how Soma overcame the difficulty of matching an Elite ten member despite his inexperience in the festival field compared to Kuga who has dominated the field before. The process and determination of Soma to create a winning platform with a simple stall and innovative idea is overwhelmingly incredible. Not to mention, the cooperation of friends and foes alike to help Soma with the success of his stall is also nice to watch. All in all, this is one of the more creative and fun arcs of the story to watch because of how different and fresh it is. The transition of the end of the festival into the latter half of the story is also very smooth considering both arcs are totally opposite from one another. From a lighthearted and fun festival challenge into a deeper and darker plot. The entirety of this arc is nothing less of astounding. There are so many highlights here it's really hard to conclude how fun this arc is so i'll try to describe how fun it is as clear as i can. First up is the of course, the Elite Ten. After getting a better insight of Kuga, you are shown a demonstration of the special First Seat's skills as a chef. Later on in the show, you can also see other elite's performance such as Eizan. That itself is already a treat on top of the already glorious food wars. Next up is the irony of the plot. Shortly after the 2nd arc starts, you can clearly see how much of a twist the show takes. The show revealed the darker side of the story NONE OF US has expected up to this point. Director Azami's dark intentions with the future of Totsuki, Erina's sad, scarring dark past, and the unlikely event that the Elite Ten approved of Nakiri Azami's election and betrayed Totsuki. Everything about the sudden change in plot is filled with interesting plotlines and hints at a very excitable fourth season in the making. Thirdly, is the individual character's reactions during the plot itself. Confused and bewildered, some even angered at the sudden change in Totsuki, many of the students are cornered to dealing with the Purge. Each using their own ways to cope. Soma being soma of course went for the hardest route to overturn fate, Alice and Hisako (Ryo being forced) decided to rescue and protect Erina from her father. During the entirety of the Purge, you can feel and see how each student struggles against the inevitable fate. And yet, even faced with such drastic odds, decide to keep fighting for Totsuki's future. How can anyone not want to be moved by something like this!? It contained everything! Fear, Cooperations, Struggle, Trust, Courage, Determination. Everything was there and it was perfectly executed into a twist of masterpiece. And the final highlight of the second half of the show, and that is Nakiri Erina. I will elaborate more in the character section since this is more character than story related Art 10/10 Honestly, nothing i could say that haven't already been said. Creative graphics, mouth watering plates of food, side serving of ecchi. Sound 10/10 Opening and soundtrack is awesome as usual. Soundtrack becomes something more to an ominous and tension filled song which complements the plot well. One major change for me is the ending animation. Not much on the song but the animation really captured me. Why? Well, the moment the ending song starts. every single plate that has been served is visually collaged and displayed. The rush of feels when seeing this is not easily described. It's like this short animation is telling you how much the show has shown us. And come on! The dishes all look visually stunning so if you aren't the sentimental type at least looking at the dishes gets your mouth watering thinking about the previous matches. Characters: 7/10 I am honestly torn between giving it a 10 or a 5. So i decided to give it a 7 instead. See, anybody who watched this season probably knows what i'm trying to say. You might even get it if you see between the lines of what i was saying above. Basically, apart from soma and ryo, you don't really get any showcase from the returning characters! When i mean showcase, i mean that the returning characters do not get to show their skills in any of the episodes (mainly hayama, alice, takumi, tadokoro). After the intern at different shops, it'd be ecstatic to see how much the characters have grown in terms of skills just like Ryo did during his battle with central and soma during his battle with Eizan. Although you do get nice snippets of them during the festival and see them struggle to survive in the Purge, you don't actually see them cook as they did in the previous series (Season 1 preliminary matches and Season 2 official matches) . However, it is not all bad since this season is wholly focused on two different things. The plot and The new characters!! That's right! With the sour one out of the way, let's talk about why we're here [apart from the story] First up, THE ELITE TEN! In the previous 2 seasons, there were scarce mentions of the Elite Ten but in this season you get to know them more, both in terms of cooking battle skills and personality quips. And both aspects were wholly entertaining. I do not even need to MENTION that we got 3 battles with the Elites this season alone!! What more can a guy ask for? To make things even more exciting, this means that next season, we won't be having any more intermission apart from the best of the best fights and plot! Imagine what the other Elite ten can do and their personalities! The second of course is the woman whom we owe the ferocity of this season to... NAKIRI ERINA! Seriously, this has got to be the biggest change in Shokugeki history. With her character growth this season, i'm actually surprised they managed to fit it in 12 episodes. From her nature as a born princess to be revealed to have such a tragic past and to turn her into a vulnerable and lost person is such a drastic change i never imagined possible in this series. Not only do you get to see her past, you also get to enjoy an innocent and new tsundere side of Erina you have never seen before! Watching her try to crawl away from her father's control and learn to live amongst other polar star students and exposed to their culture is nothing less than entertaining. It's like watching a person being reborn. It's honestly these characters that have brought season 3 to an all time high and built a great foundation for season 4! Enjoyment: For strict anime watchers, go for it! Please! Do it! Even if it's just for my sake! Compared to the first 2 seasons, this is like tasting Tsukasa's dish! For Manga reader like myself, you probably will be more hyped for second course like me!! But no spoilers given for that season ;)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Feb 16, 2018 Recommended
Smile! Sweet! Sister! Sadistic! Surprise! This show has such a huge hype during its airing that i could see the 5 S everywhere. Well, after giving it a spin, i found it to be quite entertaining as a comedy relief with a little romantic spin and... that's it. While wholly entertaining, i didn't understand why everybody was super crazy over it. Sure, there were cute girls, the show's quite funny and the plotline is interesting but... that's it? The show isn't particularly Spectacular in any of the related terms. The only thing i could see being overhyped about was the opening, which really it
deserved one of the top spots on my cute anime OP list, close to Himouto and Gabriel Dropout. Everything else was somewhat a little above if not just average.
Story: 7 / 10 Yes, the story is funny, admittedly funny and the plotline is interesting : A girl who has an unnatural scary smile is put to work at Cafe Stille as a Sadistic role play. I really like the way this story is set, different girls with different personalities set to role play completely contrasting roles. Sweet to sadistic, otaku to tsundere, ecchi to sister, etc. It really gives a fresh perspective into the comedy genre and has a lot of new angle to work off on. It really did pay off, as the accidental sadistic nature of Maika is uncanny and funny as hell. On the other hand, the romance in this show feels unneeded and a bit forced. Sure, it was still funny how Maika's sadistic nature of turning the Manager down keeps you laughing but behind it all, the question that'll pop up is... Why? First of all, there's no real if not Any chemistry between the two at all (I know sometimes chemistry is not needed but that in itself already minus points). Secondly, Maika's reaction to the Manager's 'feelings' towards her is so deeply dense to the point it gets really annoying. Third, why is it needed!? With or without it, the show moves on fine, and since the romance doesn't get anywhere, it feels really unnecessary to the show. If you think about it seriously, it only serves as more comedic relief to the already funny show, which i believe could be dedicated more towards the girls and their role-plays (the 2nd minor problem of the show). Another problem to the otherwise great plot is the lack of roleplaying. Honestly, i would be more invested in the show if i was shown more of the girls and their roleplaying life in the cafe. Granted, there were scenes of them roleplaying but as it gets deeper into the show, the essence of it seems to just be gone, especially with the latter characters. It get a 7 for being pleasing to watch even with the lack of roleplay and the unneeded romance. Art 8 / 10: Not really anything much to talk about. The art is vibrant and its good use of effects for the different roleplays are suitable as well. Sound: 9 / 10 This is where i feel the show really shines and is the crux of all the fan hype. The opening is refreshing because it's different, in the sense that it revolves itself around the word S, something that an anime has never done before. Paired with the catch fast beat and fresh way of singing, it becomes the epitome of cuteness for a song. (Though, the cuteness still can't compare to Himouto, IMO). The sountrack of the light skipping flute is soft on the ears and just puts a smile on your face as well. Character 5 / 10 I love the characters and that's why i feel a 5 is needed. As i have explained above, the girls don't really get much of a development, both as a character and as a roleplay maid, especially with the two latter characters (Maika aside). With the story set in such a setting, it is such a waste that the story decided to focus more on Maika and the manager's working romance rather than more on the individuals as maids in the cafe. It is unfair to say there weren't any showings of their roles as maids or their personal lives, but i had hoped that the focus on each of them as a character would be more in depth. There also isn't much interaction (only the most minimal conversation and comments) between any of them apart from the 3 main maids and the interaction between the guys, which is a real pity since there were some really great scenes in the show that could help bridge that gap (the jungle theme scene). It is considered to be even more of a waste when their base character traits were already that solid, and have a good grasp on positive first impression on viewers. So, a 5 mark is given for the lovable yet not stretched to full potential characters. Enjoyment: 8 / 10 Despite all i have said, i really like this show. It's one of the better comedy shows i've seen in quite a while, full of laughter, cute girls, lovable songs and a unique plot. But i feel that such a great anime could be better. Recommendation? Yes, definitely. Even though i can't think of why it's so hyped up, i would still recommend anyone who enjoys a good comedy to watch it, even more so if you love watching different character stereotypes, since it has a whole BLEND of Super Sweet Sadistic Surprises in store for you ;) ;) ;)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all Jan 17, 2018
Shokugeki no Souma: Ni no Sara
This is a continuation of Shokugeki no Soma 3 part review spec-spatula!... Ok... that pun was horrible. Anyway... Let's jump right into part 2! XD
For those who are confused by the above statement, i'm doing a 3 part review for this. The first one is already up if anyone is interested in reading it. BEWARE OF MINOR SPOILERS Part 2: The calm waves of the fiery trilogy In all honesty guys, even though this series is one of my all time favorites, i have to admit that the second season didn't feel as hyped as the first one or the third one did. I know many people are ... going to disagree but i do have my reasons for saying so. As those who have watched the first season may know it ended on a cliffhanger. Naturally, when the first half of the episodes were out, I was ecstatic. Imagine all the built up anticipation waiting for the continuation of the the actual competition for months and months, who wouldn't be excited? (P.S i couldn't wait for the anime and instead rushed for the manga. But that just made me long for the anime that much more) And true enough, the show delivered. All the battles were as awesome, if not more so than the first season. Even though the second arc was a huge step down from the finals hype, it was not to be blamed because of the episode constraint. It being a short anime season does not have that much of a leeway because of the tight constraint that is 12 episodes. The real problem lies in the fact there is no real plot involved throughout this season. Now, before you get mad, just hear me out. In the first season, throughout all 24 episodes, you knew that the show was heading somewhere. That it had a specific goal for every arc. Soma enrolling into Totsuki, saving the Don RS club, passing the examination with his friends, challenging *** to save Tadokoro's expulsion. They were all filled with excitement. What's going to happen next arc!? I found myself asking. Since the 2nd season is mainly about the Autumn Elections Main Competition, it lacks a certain eagerness from the first season. Sure, the hype was still there, but it revolved wholly around the competition unlike the first season which had spread the elements of surprise over different arcs and different stories. In the case of the 2nd season, once the hype ended, the transition into the next arc felt more like a interlude than anything else, or OVA if you will. Even the 2nd arc didn't have as much of an impact when compared to the other arcs from the first season. It just felt like a small training session for Soma and Soma alone. None of the other characters were shown (Only tadokoro and others briefly for about 1 minute) and there weren't any real twist or surprises from the show. Not even any indication it was going anywhere. By the time it ended, i was expressionless. I didn't feel the hype, nor did i feel any excitement. For strict anime watchers, you aren't even convinced there'll be a 3rd season (unless you read the manga beforehand). All in all, it is a great season but it just pales in terms of plot to the other 2 seasons, and by quite a margin. Though some of the battles were better than the 1st and especially 3rd arc, and not to mention points are given for the Mimasaka battle and the unexpected finals winner, so its plot level was still above average. Oh, and i LOVED the first intern arc. Art: 8/10 No real comparisons from this season and the first. Though some of the metaphors used in the show was disappointing. Such an example would be Tadokoro and Ryo's ahem 'gang battle'. I'd honestly be more shocked if anybody enjoyed that. That metaphor alone ruined Tadokoro's personality. The first season protrayal of tadokoro... now that was a masterpiece! Other than that, no real complaints. Sound 10/10 As always, the music is astounding. More soundtracks have found its way into the viewers heart. One such soundtrack i can think of is during the first fight. Global Innovator of Taste. The whole soundtrack just screams NAKIRI ALICE! The previous season soundtracks were awesome as usual. Character 10/10 Remember when i said the characters didn't get much growth development during the first season? Well, this is where they start to shine. For starters, more of their character backstories are revealed so that you may start to relate to them more. Their skills are also explained to a clearer effect to enhance them as a character. Not to mention with the transition from season 1 to 2, you could clearly see that each of their skills have improved (cooking and personality wise), and not just Soma himself. Their ferocity and competitiveness also got fiercer and it is shown with much clarity during the pre finals fight. And that is something that i find really entertaining because it hinted that they will be back as stronger characters in the future. Oh and just 1 little detail that managed to push the initial score of 9 to a 10, and that is secretary Hisako. It's really enticing to see how much her character has developed. Not only did her perspective change, you could see just how much she has to change her views in order to grow and improve, especially after deeming herself incapable of being by her master's side. Enjoyment: 9/10 There are certain parts of the show that i think are really really outstanding and have rewatched them a few times. Though it felt a little lacking afters its first season, it is still nevertheless a great show. And the main competition deserves more than just the spotlight of the show. So, watch it for that if not for anything else.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Jan 15, 2018
Shokugeki no Souma
I finished the 3rd season of Shokugeki last month ahem year and i have to say it was just as awesome as its two predecessors. So, as a commemoration to the heart stopping 3rd season ending and the anticipation of the 4th season, i have decided to give my personal review of all 3 seasons of this show. Welcome to part 1! The beginning of everything, Season 1
I believe that this show needs no introduction, seeing as the hype for it is just ridiculous. But, just for precaution sake, i won't spoil anything about the show in this review. Those who watched it, you know ... what i'm talking about or what i'm referencing (mostly puns). First timers, newbies, if you haven't watched it, or not sure if you WANT to watch it, just read this. Just do it. Plot 10/10 Ever had something so delicious, you just wanna moan? Of course you have! No need to lie, it happens to the best of us. Well, that's basically shokugeki in a nutshell. This show is about a boy who enrolls into an elite culinary school full of promising students. However, this isn't any ordinary school. In this school, the students engage in food wars known as Shokugeki, where they compete with each other in terms of their cooking skills, to determine who is superior. So what makes it interesting you might ask? Well, apart from the already interesting plotline, the main selling point of the show lies in its battles and its ecchiness. Yes, that's right. Ecchiness. No... seriously, it wasn't a typo. Let's elaborate more, shall we? It's obvious that the battles would be something of a spectacle. But that's not just it either! In each battle since the beginning of the show, they present something more than just plain fights. Whilst battling, they actually elaborate on how each dish is prepared, cooked, and plated, giving some insight on what's actually happening instead of all show and no words. This is a really interesting aspect of the show since it educates you at the same time as instilling a rush of mouth watering anticipation of the food. Besides that, the ferocity between the competitors are no joke. In every battle, you could feel the fierceness and the passion of each character to win that it creates a really tense atmosphere, not just in the arena. It really spices things up ;) If the battles weren't enough to sate your appetite,how about some ecchiness? Food wars's success is more than just food battles, it comes from an unexpected mix in a genre of anime that no one would ever expect from a culinary anime show, and that is the ecchiness, which is really one of the main reasons people are drawn to it anyway. The ecchiness stems from the amount of deliciousness the characters get from food, and depicts a wave of uncontrollable sensation you get from eating it. It's as if it is saying that the deliciousness is unbearable that you are completely STRIPPED ;) of your free will and conscience. The varying degree of metaphors is something to be admired as well, showcasing the extensive creativeness of the author. Not convinced? Here's something else. The first season not just caps out at ecchiness, and battles either. Throughout all 24 episodes, you are slowly brought around the Shokugeki World, from Totsuki Academy, to the Polar Star Dorm, to Totsuki Resort. Everything you experience is something new, from casual fights, to arena battles, to frightening exams, to diner saves. Don't even get me started in the waves of emotions and atmospheres it tosses you through. From the heated battles, to cut up tension to shocking revelations, to unexpected outcomes to peaceful resolutions to tear jerking moments. From the very beginning of the episode, every arc feels different and presents a varying degree of excitement and emotion to you. It was just so satisfying to watch! Art: 8/10 The art really shines in 2 places. 1. The metaphors - Apart from its creativeness, you can tell it sells when the scene changes and is literally stripped from reality and brought into the world of imagination, and it is at that spot that you begin to feel the grasp of the deliciousness of the food strangling (hehe) at you. 2. The plating of the dishes. Even from the scene changes, you are able to tell that the dishes shine (LITERALLY). The food that is being presented is marked at a different artwork from the rest of the show. You could see that the food served has really intricate designs to show how refined the work was from the chefs. I'd say that's somA dedication (get it? xD) Sound: 10/10 Another masterpiece! I don't really know how to describe it but let me speak from personal experience. When i first heard the songs from Shokugeki no soma, there were tears...though it didn't fall (yes, i said it). The differing osts sought to escalate an already high tensioned battle into something beyond. There were the battle themes that escalates the hype and the tension of the ongoing battle. And there was the victory theme that just brings tears to your eyes when you hear them. The openings were awesome as well. I mean, Kibou No Uta was such a smooth song. All in all, i LOVED the music. It had everything, from tear strained chokes to fist bumping hype. Character 10/10 In my opinion, the ABSOLUTE BEST PART of the show. Though if you are just watching it for the first time, you may not feel as attached. As i have said in some of my other reviews, there are a few shows that can handle a large roster of characters with care without screwing anything up, and the shows that could, are always shows that are nothing short of masterpieces (usually). Shokugeki no soma has one of the LARGEST roster of characters i've ever seen. So, what makes the Shokugeki characters awesome beyond compare? First of all, the ferocity and passion. This is really what contributes to making the show succeed. In every character, you could sense the passion to fight and never give up, to lose and yet strive on, the ferocity to fight till the end. Each of them has something that drives them, and that drive is what makes them compete so fiercely for the title of Totsuki best. With the story progression, the characters open up more and more, so that you get to know them a lot better. Secondly, their personality. I mean, come on. All of them are entirely lovable. Despite their ferocious battle spirit, they become good friends on the outside of battle. To teach one another and hone their skills and use it against others who have done the same. It's really a bond that is not to be underestimated. Thirdly, their distinctive personality. To top it all off, their personality are so distinctive in ways that they become instantly remembered. For example, Ryo with his sudden cool and sudden violent attitude. So, if they are so awesome, why did i give them an 8? Well, that's because in the first season, the characters did not receive much character backstories and growth development, though they do showcase their skills and abilities in a specific field of culinary arts. Though they do return in the following seasons, that is left to be graded by that season. Enjoyment 10/10 It's kinda obvious how much i absolutely loved this show, based on how much is written above. I honestly found no flaws to the show and have rewatched it time and time again, and fell more in love with each increasing rewatch. So, go watch it! Seriously!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Jan 4, 2018
Made in Abyss
This anime is nothing less than astounding. It's one of those rare Kimi no Nawa type of shows that are on par with Kimi no na wa type films. From its plot, to its art, music, everything is really well defined. So, without wasting anymore time, here's my review of MADE IN ABYSS! Warning: Showers of praises incoming. ;)
Plot 9/10 The main plot is by all means simple. A girl named Riko and A boy named Reg explore a deep dark unknown called the Abyss, with each forwarding their own agenda. Riko to see her long lost mom and Reg to find out more about ... his origins. It may seem like this simplicity is a premonition of a boring show but it is not close to boring by any count. See, the main selling point of this simplicity is in the exploration itself. As they traverse the deep Abyss in the first half of the series, the viewers are introduced to completely new territories as well as the dangers that surround them at the same time as the main characters feel them, and to feel the same emotions and awed struck expression of the characters in real time is exhilarating. The eager and anticipation to see what world lies ahead or how they were going to deal with the dangers and calamities befalling them leverages the show to exciting levels and doesn't make it boring, even without the constant actions or complexity of the story. As they near the end of the show though, the viewers are taken to a completely new angle in realizing just how dangerous the Abyss really is and that it poses more mysteries than one thinks. The sudden 180 turn the show takes heighten the viewer's already amused feelings and hypes them up by hinting at future stories and deeper revelations. From the first more relaxing part of just seeing new worlds, to a latter more mysterious and dangerous context, the show never fails to deliver on excitement or expectations. Art: 10/10 Holy Abyss, the art is... UNBELIEVABLY BEAUTIFUL!! It's one of the best aspect of this show, the other being music. The artwork of each layer of the abyss is so beautiful, and detailed, it never ceases to amaze. It really is one of the best Artwork i've seen in the 2017 animes so far. If i were to compare it to something.... if Kimi no na wa's meteor shower is the bright sunlight, the artwork of the abyss would be the untouched jewels of the earth. From the astounding gaping hole in the middle of the earth, to the musty swamps of the deeper layers, every artwork of these worlds are clearly differentiated to present a different atmospheric feel for both the viewers and the characters. Sound 10/10 It only took me 20 minutes to rank this as the best aspect of the show. As the first episode comes to an end, you are introduced simultaneously to one of the greatest scenes in the show, and 2 of the greatest songs of the show. The 1st is the chanting vocals of the music, and the 2nd, the opening. And let me tell you, both of them are OH MY GOD powerful. The first time i heard it, i could not believe my ears at how powerful the music strikes me at the core. Not only was it powerful, but the different genre of music from the usual pop and rock is what makes it stand out from the wide sea of anime songs. The only other chanting song i can even think of to match this powerful music is the opening for Lion King, which i'm not even sure which is better. The opening itself is not on a level below the chanting song either. The first moments of the opening already tells you it is going to be a great song. Character 6/10 Despite the great plot, and heavenly music and artwork, i don't feel that the characters are up to par to what the show offers. For starters, Riko's personality is horrible. Driven by only the passion to find her mother, she has no regard for any dangers whatsoever. It isn't logical how much her drive causes her to rush head in with no thought. The characters who ahem 'support' her to find her mom are even worse, to let a small kid descend into layers lower than the 1st one which she couldn't even get past. Not only that, but she is close to helpless, with no skills (with the exception of cooking) nor any weapons to help her through her journey. Fine, you could argue that her drive to face inexplicable dangers is something admirable, especially in a kid, but what she is doing and the encouragement from the others are all senseless. According to how dangerous the Abyss is from the white whistles, she'd be more than moronic to descend there, even if it was to find her mom. Reg is honestly nowhere better, but at least his actions speak a lot louder than his words, or than Riko who is all bark and no bite. Even her dense quirk of no tact towards gender nor nudity is abhorrent, though that isn't much to complain about since they're just kids. All i'm saying is that if Riko were much aware of her own skills and did more preparation than she had, her character personality would be much more interesting rather than it making her more like a side character than Reg. The other characters are honestly not that bad, especially Nanachi and Mitty (their friendship is just so tear jerking!! MITTY!!!!!) Enjoyment: 8/10 I enjoyed it more than i thought i would, feeling awed at the new layers of the abyss, loving the music, feeling waves of anticipation at certain points of the story where more mysteries are unveiled. I suggest you give it a try, even if you are not a fan of anime. If you like Kimi no na wa, then why not? Perhaps you will even enjoy this show more ;) Looking forward to season 2!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Dec 31, 2017
Mixed Feelings
Welcome to the world of KEIJO!!!! An international well-known sport of... you guessed it! Boob and Butt war! Now sit back, relax and enjoy this not so ecchi version review of the show! The show Keijo is a show as you'd expect it to be, a literal pvp battle using only butts and boobs. Its unique storyline was what piqued my interest (ahem... mostly innocent) to watch such a show as it is getting much rarer to see a UNIQUE plotline in anime in recent years.
Plot 7/10 The main selling point about this show is all about the battles! The battles are nothing short of ... interesting and every battle keeps you entertained from start to end, and never fails to deliver any satisfaction and excitement in any of the episodes shown. Every aspect of the battle is something to be admired. From the wide variety of interesting battle styles and move-sets (yes, battle styles) to the creative designs and ideas of Land (battleground name), all of them blew any expectations i had of the show out of bounds (get it? xD). The show transformed what would seem to be an ordinary butt shoving competition into something way more exciting, in every aspect of battle (battleground, moveset, battle type) and their never ending stream of suprise movesets keeps any audience on their toes and eager to see what comes next, making the show a hype stream from start to end. However, as entertaining as the battles go, that's about it, i'm afraid. Other than the interesting battles, there's not much going in in terms of plot. Sure, there's a specific goal in mind for the anime and it is a simple one indeed, to be the number 1 Keijo player in the world, and.... that's it. It presents nothing else to the story. Sure, there were some backstories here and there but the battles overshadow them so much they don't appear important at all and all the other plot lines excluding battle wise are nothing much to be said or... cared for that matter. But since the anime is all about battles anyway, it doesn't really stand out much. Art: 5/10 To be REALLY honest, i gave it 5 partly because of my own inability to digest the inconsistencies of the character designs. Disregarding their bloated hairstyles (for me, it's just an art style to get used to), the part that really gets to me is how much a lot of the characters are different. No, not different in the sense they have different personalities but it mostly has to do with their body structure. Of course different girls have different body structures but some of the characters are so vastly different from the others that it's like they are from different anime shows. Example: Most of the girls are the same with slightly different bust and chests but some of them are so buffed and manly, they don't even look like they have butts. This concerns me because the difference in characters make me feel like they don't fit together at all, like they are drawn by 2 different authors and forcefully mashed together into a collab anime. Sound 7/10 Nothing really stands out with the music. Battle music is pleasing, the opening and ending songs are standard. Character 6/10 This ties in with what i mentioned in the plot subsection about the plot not being anything much other than battle fuelled. In my opinion, the reason that is is because of the character development. As i have said, the battle is what made the anime. And as such, there is a considerable lack of decent character development. Even though there isn't any flaws with any of the characters, there just isn't much going on with them that could make anyone sympathise with them or even care much. Even when they provided some of the character's backstory, it just doesn't welcome any affection for them because they just aren't well developed throughout the story, and feels like it is inserted through sheer force. But, other than that, there isn't any real flaws with any of the characters. Enjoyment: 8/10 All that being said, i really enjoyed watching the show. Casual, simple and entertaining. Not to mention a unique storyline and lots of surprise attacks keeps me well satisfied throughout the show and doesn't feel boring. If you just feel like watching something casual, or are just here for the fan service, you should give it a try, couldn't hurt ;)
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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![]() Show all Dec 20, 2017 Recommended
Let's dive into an anime from a few years ago! K-on! I know many people have seen it but i felt like writing this even though it's from quite a long time ago, well... simply because i wanted to acknowledge this anime in its entirety. If you do happen to read this, i just wanted to let you know my feelings for this show is genuine and not at all biased. Basically my aim for writing this review after the show has aired for so long is simply because like me, there are some people who are only catching up to some old animes a
few years after they air and i wanted to let them know how i felt about it.
Just a heads up before we start, but i REALLY LOVE THIS SHOW. It's one of the (if not the only) casual comedic high school slice of life storyline that i've re-watched time and time again. It was also the first actual anime (that i knew of) that i watched before getting into anime. Even when i compared it to some of the other casual anime (especially the newer ones), it stands out as one of my top anime of all time. It's not even an exaggeration to say that if not for this show, i probably would not have bothered delving into the anime world. As usual, i'll try to keep my joy restraints in check and give an honest and unbiased opinion. Story: 8/10 Like i said, the show is nothing short of spectacular for me and the story itself is one of the reasons why. There are many reason as to why i gave the story an 8. It's interesting, funny and enjoyable. However, there is one thing that tops everything listed before and that is the portrayal of friendship. The friendship between all the characters in the story is astounding and heartwarming. Given that the roster of characters are small to begin with, the growth of their relationship as friends over the span of 2 seasons are something to be admired and warrant an involuntary smile to anybody who watches it. The best part of it is the friendship is not instantaneous, but instead nurtured ever since the beginning of the first episode until the very last episode which makes the ending episode even more heartbreaking. Of course, the story flow is important as well and boy does it not disappoint. During my viewing of the show, never once had i thought that the show was rushed nor were there any plot lines that were lacking. It was as if you were watching a show where the characters start from the literal beginning and slowly mature along with you, the viewer. Everything in the show is paced orderly and not skipped ahead, or left out to the viewers. Every musical skill and talent, character and personality growth, and overcoming obstacles are tackled in a proceeding fashion alongside the viewer. Not to mention, the comedic value in the show is great in itself, and every flashback story is entertaining and in some cases, touching. This is perhaps everything in a nutshell. Art: 8/10 For an anime of that time, the artwork is quite amazing. However, as with all casual anime, albeit amazing, it doesn't really stand out much. So why such a high score given (8) ? Well, here's the thing. The artwork is highly compatible with the music as both complement each other perfectly. With already amazing graphics for a casual anime of 5 to 7 years ago (not sure), the way it works together with the music is really a masterpiece. I would say that both these 2 work together so well, it always creates a very fitting atmosphere for the show. Rainy scenes with relaxing music, or the mischievous tune with playful cutscene. Sound 10/10 10.... is the highest score i could give. I highly regret not being able to give a higher score for the music and soundtrack deserved way more than a measly score of 10. Let me summarize: Music, epic. Soundtrack, holy goddess of amazing. First impression? Never had a better one. The fine line that always separates perfection and great is the first impression and K-on did an impressive job of that. Every literal song in the show hits me so hard the first time i hear it. From the vocal music to the instrumental music, every one of them felt different and gives off a different kind of joy and pleasure to my ears. From a fast playful tune, to the rainy solemn peaceful music, from the light and jumpy music to the rock and fast paced jam, all of them were enjoyable. And the way it complements the artwork gives it even more of a bonus! Sure, most other shows have great music too, BUT the only difference is that K-on had a much higher impact on first impressions than the others do. A very fine example of this would be Love Live. Love Live is one of the most popular series ever made, and one of the most popular idol band to date. I love all the Love Live songs too but it took some getting used to before favoritism unlike K-on which became an instant like. Character 10/10 If you watched the show, then you wouldn't even need to read this to know why it got a 10. All of the characters are extremely likeable and adorable. One thing i wanted to talk about though and that is the connection of friendship bond between the characters. The bonds of friendship between the five main characters are no joke as the developers made them and created the story such that every character has an interwoven interaction and bond between one another. It's not just 2 pairs of best friends or flimsy and simple friendships. Throughout the whole 2 seasons, there have been episodes that illustrated how every character feels about one another, even the characters who seem to have no relation to the other. There are even some episode that are dedicated to deepening the bonds between two seldom interacted characters, resulting in interweaving the bonds between all of them even tighter, making them more than just close friends, but portraying them as a family. Of course, the personality and development of each character is extremely well balanced, so that no one outshines the other. All in all, this show has an extremely good character balancing along with story character growth and development. Enjoyment: 10/10 Needless to say, after all the things above said and done, i really enjoy watching this show as it fills me with waves of emotions every time. With great plot, art, and epic music and character, i highly recommend you to watch it if you are a fan of music, comedy genre. Even if you are not and just want a good anime to start off your otaku life. I still recommend this. Give it a try, i promise you won't regret it ;)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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