Eh, what to say here... uh, i'm just a random 1995 born gamer boy with ADD, Asperger and the most wide and weird music taste(i literally like all music genres except Christmas music[and even under it there are exceptions that i can like, but mostly i'd like remixes of Christmas music in _other_ genres or normal but completely new and original songs, i guess. Whatever that isn't one of those overplayed-to-death old xmas songs ugh...], but mostly i listen to *core music, Psytrance or Experimental music, but that's just my listening habits and i like going outside my preferences too to explore the music world further again. :D). Born and living in Lahti, Finland, i kinda want to become a game developer(or maybe otherwise a programmer of some kind in general if i prove to be not good enough for that specific field, i hear the competition is pretty intense in game industry, but then again i do like indie stuff, keeping it in smaller circles could be more fun... also InfoSec is another field i'm interested in but i wonder if i'm too "open" personality to work as an ethical hacker, hmm...) but we'll see what ends up happening to me in the future because of my time management issues and problems at actually starting to do things. I have also done some experiments with making music but it has mostly been Noise music so far(i did say i have got a weird music taste after all...). Most of it can be found from my Soundcloud but someday i'll try to put all my music on Bandcamp because SC's 2 hour limit for free accounts suuuuucks and i reached it ages ago...
I'm also very interested in Psychology, Glitch Art(and Psychedelic art as well as Psytrance, except not for the drugs part since i'm completely intoxicant free[but in extremely rare cases may allow myself to make an exception to taste some alcohol drinks, just for a little sip, to learn what that specific drink tastes like]) and some other things that may or may not be more or less weird topics and subjects. :P Oh, right, anime and manga is pretty cool too. :ok_hand: And memes are a very interesting phenomenon too! :D Though i haven't made many myself(don't get me started with my relationship with jokes and PUNS though. You have been warned. :D And as perhaps indicated by the length of this text, i'll also warn that if i get comfortable with talking with somebody and we have got common interests, you are gonna have bad time if you can't handle a person with a really bad case of speech diarrhea. :P My condolences, in advance. c: ). Not sure why i ended up mentioning about memes in an About me text though... ~~even if i'm a bit of a joke myself too lol~~ Ah, self-deprecating humour... In all seriousness i'm legit just a living glitch. Oh and i love languages too. Obviously a native Finnish speaker, i also ended up becoming a bilingual thinker using English shortly after my English studies started during comprehensive school(there are some interesting stories related to how i became bilingual instead of just simply learning the language, lol). I can understand Swedish a little bit but haven't got any confidence in those skills, sadly(i do wish to change this though since i do like how that language sounds and Sweden is a neighbouring country after all...). I have studied Japanese too and ironically feel more confident in it than in Swedish but definitely not confident enough to go on a trip to Japan yet(to be fair, i have set that bar higher than i probably should, just because i'd like to be more ready and have "more doors open" for myself via better language skills if i actually go there someday :P Blame my deeper interest in Japanese aesthetics(Mono no Aware, Wabi-sabi <3), way of thinking, culture, language and so on too...). Now if only i could get myself to keep continuing those Japanese studies in the longer time intervals so that someday i'd be ready(getting a job would be nice too, so that i can afford to make that trip in the first place, haha. But those time management skills... i need to do something about these problems of mine and eventually learn to live independently, sigh... maybe someday i'll come back to this text box and can finally delete or strikethrough these problem talks as history from the past. :v).
I said i'm a gamer but didn't open that more earlier, so here goes: my favourite game genres are rhythm games, roguelikes, puzzles(NOT sliding block puzzles[jigsaws are fine, i'm addicted to Pixel Puzzles Ultimate and unfortunately have decided to 100% it... someday] and especially not the hentai ones[not to say i don't like lewd stuff otherwise/elsewhere lol]), and platformer(Ratchet & Clank <3 AAAAAAAAAAA) games. Super Animal Royale is _pretty good too_ imo. I miss playing online multiplayers with friends on PS3...
Finally, as for animanga, my fav genres are Psychological, Comedy & Parody. Intertextualism/references between works always excites me too! Also philosophical themes, especially: reality/dreams/existence/transience.
Also: Hi. XD
All Comments (24) Comments
(you're one of the highest affinity I have on MAL, whatever)
Unfortunately, I'm not much into Psychological, so I only have my romance comedy for you :c
Buuuuuuut !
Sabagebu! (I requested horror of 26-40) (I forbid you to give me a season 2 of a show I haven't watched first season ofc, but for Higurashi no naku koro ni I finished first season)
accepting because why not uwu
voin muuten vannoa että Pokemon XY ja XY&Z (tai lähinnä pelkästään XY&Z) on ihan eri tasolla kaikista muista Pokemon kausista :o
uskaltaisin melkeinpä väittää että XY&Z:n jakso 25:ssa tapahtuva pokemon battle oli yhtä hyvä kun One Punch Manin Saitama vs. Boros tappelu. Molemmat on mun top 5 anime fighteissa (tai siis olis jos olisin joskus tehny sellasen listan xD)
100% komediaa koko juttu!
> en tiiä johtuuks se siitä että oon kattellu nii paljon animee mut nykyään ymmärrän mitä sanotaan ni ei koko ajan tarvi kattoo subtitlejä :P itseasiassa tälläki hetkel ku kirjotan tätä viestii ni pyörii pokemon tossa vieressä ja en nii sanotusti missaa mitään tarinasta ku ymmärtää suurinpiirtei mitä ne sanoo :D
Jos joudut muuten kelaileen nopeen dialogin takia, älä ikinä kato Teekyuu animee xD
8 kautta 4 min jaksoja ja jokanen kausi 12 jaksoo mutta teksti kulkee sen verran nopeesti että dialogia on kyllä 20+ jakson edestä xD
esim. yks päivä satuin kattoon 42 jaksoo ja just eilen vai toissapäivänä katoin kans joku 35-40 jaksoo. Siinä saa aikalailla aamusta iltaan kattoo ja pelkät vessatauot sallittuja :D
>tv jaksojahan on yhteensä Pokemon (276), Advanced Generation (192), Diamond & Pearl (191), Best Wishes! + 2nd season + Side N + Decolora Adventure (84 + 24 + 14 + 20), XY (93), XY&Z (47) ja nyt tuleva Sun & Moon (21)
eli siis pelkkiä tv jaksoja jos vaan pääsarjat lasketaan mukaan olis ton verran (962) mutta sitten olis vielä Pokemon Chronicles (eli side storyjä) 16 jaksoo.. sekä 19 elokuvaa (20:es tulossa tänä kesänä) ja 50 speciaalii jotka suurin osa koostuu yhdestä 20 min jaksosta mutta on muutama jotka koostuu useammasta jaksosta myös xD
huhhuh.. kyllä on tulu katottua tässä nyt. Nyt huomenna tai ylihuomenna kun pääsen vihdoin tän urakan loppuun kattomalla uusimman jakson Sun & Moonia niin on tullut katottua 962 tv jaksoa, 16 muuta tv jaksoa, 19 elokuvaa ja 50 muuta speciaalia eli kaiken kaikkiaan määrältään yli 1000 videoo tullu pelkkää pokemonia katottua xD
tällä hetkellä netistä niistä voi löytää 82.
oon ettiny maan ja taivaiden läpi mut en oo mistää onnistunu löytää
noita neljää ja sit on tää tänä kesänä tuleva leffa mikä tulee teattereihi japanissa 18 heinäkuuta mut se on jo lisätty MALin databaseen :P