Apr 6, 2023
If you're looking for a generic 5/10 fantasy story, skip to ep. 9. Because everything before that is some of the most vile garbage I have seen in a while.
Story: 1
The main character is a literal child predator who gets reincarnated as a new born in a fantasy world. Which I'm not against, IF they do something interesting with it. But they don't. He just assaults lolis for 8 episodes straight. I have seen people claim that you aren't supposed to like him and that he is getting past his predatory ways, but he doesn't. At least not in this season. They also claim
that the first 8 episodes are necessary to set up the characters, but most of them are completely gone after ep 8... They also say they set up the world, but they didn't. On that topic:
Setting: 3
So many people say the setting is great, I don't know what they're smoking. It's just a generic feudal era fantasy setting. That's fine. But if you go into this thinking the setting will be great, you will be disappointed. All of the locations are just name dropped as "the Asura kingdom" or "the middle kingdom". However none of them are fleshed. It is also never explained how any of the lands relate to one another so the names are meaningless.
Same with the magic. People can just generate fire and water and throw rocks and stuff. Ok, fine. As long as it has good writing. Oops, this doesn't. Konosuba had a generic setting and magic system but it worked because it was primary a comedy and every episode had great jokes and pacing.
Characters: 1
As stated, the main character is reprehensible. But that's the point apparently so if you can tolerate him then take it or leave it. Unfortunately most of the other characters aren't great either. The lolis and female characters are just there to get exploited by the main character or another male character. Then they just forgive him for all the horrible things he does. The red haired girl is decent. But even she isn't safe from him... People SAY he learns and gets better, but only after the author has indulged in his kinky fantasies and every single character has forgiven him for his sexual exploitation.
People also say the show comments on the era and how it exploits women, but the main character just exploits women too... So where is the commentary?? (There is none). They try to make his dad teach him about consent sort of, but that's another contradiction. He's supposed to be a womanizer, until he inexplicably isn't. Then the main character doesn't change at all from the experience anyway. Great.
Animation: 7
The animation is definitely the best part of the show. When action kicks in there are some very good visuals and it is appealing to look at all throughout. There is a very simple texture filter applied over everything, which isn't great but it gets the job done at making it look painterly. Same thing with the textured outlines they use. It's nothing compared to something like Megalo Box, but it works.
Enjoyment: 3
It was either boring or offensively bad. It was actually sort enjoyable at ep 9 onwards. So like I said start there and see if it's something you'd be into. I'm willing to forgive flaws if the show is enjoyable but this one just isn't. Shows like Made in Abyss and Bakemonogatari have some pretty sus stuff, but those shows have amazing settings and writing, so I can look past that. This one just doesn't offer much of anything though.
The first 8 episodes are a 1/10 and the last three are a 5/10. So I'll average it out and give it a 3. Hopefully the later stuff is better. If it is, then hopefully this review will help you suffer less than I did.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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