Apr 9, 2016
This anime was a pleasant surprise, I started it after hearing somewhere that the first episode was an amazing watch if you jumped right in without knowing anything about this anime. So I stopped right there, and watched the first episode with little to no prior knowledge. If you are reading this review prior to watching this anime trying to decide if it is worth your time, I would advise you not look too much into it, but simply stop reading now and watch the first episode and make you decision based on that.
With that out of the way I'll get on with the review.
something unenjoyable simply due to it being too predictable? I think that this is something that will be the difference between really enjoying this show and becoming frustrated with it for some. I've definitely been frustrated with it in the past in some shows, like every twist in turn I saw coming a mile away. However for this anime, where I'll say I saw most of the twists coming (aside from that first one, dayuuum). I think that this was a conscious decision by the writers of the show. There was lots of foreshadowing floating around just begging to be noticed. And I think in some ways, that actually added to the show for me. Just like when you read a book, or poetry, foreshadowing within a piece of work can really enhance its effect. Long story short, I think that a predictable story still has the potential to be a good one.
Story: 6
The story in this show was, not the most intricate I've ever seen, nor the most original. However it was certainly enjoyable. Some of the finer points of what the hell is going on are left unanswered at the end of this series, but that was never really the focus of this show to begin with, and the story really isn't where this show shines. Much of the time the story doesn't focus on the impending zombie apocalypse outside their doorstep, but more on the day to day living, struggles, and psychological issues that have ensued in the aftermath, and how they learn to move on and live a happy life regardless. Not to say that there isn't any zombie killing and drama, because you will have your fill of that I assure you. I won't say much else about what happens other than that the ending doesn't really leave you hanging, but it could definitely use a little bit more work or direction as to what comes next.
Art: 8
The art in this show was consistent and well animated. There is also one or two scenes that stick out in my mind where they really went out of their way to leave an impression.
Sound: 6
I honestly can't say I noticed the soundtrack in very many scenes during this anime aside from a few, but I think it suited it well in the scenes I did notice it. Also I must say the OP was very enjoyable, I normally skip OPs but this one I watched almost every time.
Character: 9
Now this I think is where the show really leaves its mark. The show has a rather small cast of characters, ranging from the airhead (and mentally unstable) Yuki, Kurumi (Shovel-chan), Yuuri (Responsible big sister type), Megu-nee (Teacher), and Mii-kun (Intellectual). They balance each other out quite well. And I must say that their interactions were all very enjoyable to watch. Now Yuki in particular will either drive you nuts or you will adore her. I certainly enjoyed watching her bubbly, ridiculous, and at times, downright crazy statements and interactions with others. There was more than one time where I fully expected her to go full psycho mode and just start kicking some zombie ass, despite her rather small size and friendly nature. Yuki was the character that I think really made this show excellent.
Overall I think that this show was a good watch, but the ending could've used a bit more work, or closure.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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