Story 7/10
It has a focus on making something of your life which I think rings true to most people. He is striving to change his life but there's hurdles in his life. The writers do an amazing job of building anticipation throughout the story, each game they partake in brings a whirlwind of emotions, asking you to pay attention to every sentence and every word said. These can create a sudden change and realisation as you along with the MC go on a journey of trickery, deceit, betrayal, friendship, sadness and turmoil. This create a yin and yang scenario where do you trust someone? Or
will you betray someone? But if you choose to betray someone, surely that just creates more betrayal. It gives in to some intriguing questions and glances at your ideology and how you would view the circumstances the story places on the MC.
There were points where I questioned the view of the MC and said to myself WHYYYYY, WHYYY would you do that. But then you realise, he is human himself. He wants to have faith in people, he does not want to cheat his way leaving people distraught. The story does an amazing job of conveying all these variables in to one high stake psychological anime.
The ending was left open for a continuation of the series, but it can be enjoyed as standalone. The ending was satisfying and ended with you wondering what happened in the next chapter of the story.
Sound 9/10
The use of suspense music is filled throughout the show and used in correct ways. This was used heavily to create atmosphere and help with sudden shifts in behaviour or direction of the show. It was done beautifully and kept you on the edge of your seat.
The VA is amazing alongside a good use of monologues.
Personally, the opening and ending were forgettable, but at the same time not awful. I did listen to them a few times but often skipped them.
Art 7/10
This show has a unique art style which some may love, some may dislike.
The first thing you will notice is the distinct nose of Kaiji the main character. It’s definitely distinct and that creates a memorable artistic standard. This is seen throughout the creator’s other work. Through this there was diversity shown through the character designs, but some support characters did share similar features.
They used a good mix of metaphorical imagery, such as showing a leap of faith when a character makes a tough decision.
Characters 7/10
The anime has multiple different characters which you come to meet. MC Kaiji struggles with his inner self throughout the show in multiple facets through trust, deceitfulness, betrayal among many other emotions. Whilst he is well developed there seems to be a stark contrast in his abilities depending on the context of the situation. Certain points he portrays a seasoned gambler and clinical psychologist, but other times he portrays a lacklustre figure who struggles heavily with his inner turmoil. This can be understandable as he is not use to this lifestyle of high stakes gambling among many other things. Whilst we can question the realism portrayed in the situation it’s hard to point a finger on it. It is a unique situation and placing yourself in the situation can create a false narrative.
The growth of characters is seen through a few characters, and slowly you learn who people really are in dire situations. This is something I would have liked to have seen more especially from the MC, we saw growth in certain aspects to his game, but more would have been welcome. There was a wide array of supporting cast who had their place in the show, with good reason and didn’t seem overly used or underused.
The narrator played a huge role in this show, their position was to create suspense, and help explain situations and circumstances. In certain parts without the narrator, it may be hard to follow on and understand what is happening. The usage of the narrator helps in this aspect. Whilst I do think it was used a little too much, it is understandable as certain areas can be quite hard to understand.
Enjoyment 9/10
It was an enjoyable experience, the high stakes games keep you wanting more, I think if you enjoy psychological anime you will enjoy this. The series is complete suspense with little moments of relaxation, this may put some off but for others could hook you for the entirety of the show. Characters are interesting with excellent voice acting and some badass bad guys for you to dislike.
Overall 8/10
The show has a lot of good points going for it, the only points that stop it being a 9/10 is the lack of character story and the decision the character sometimes carries out. All and all it’s a fantastic watch and I highly recommend fans of gambling or psychological based animes to give this a watch.
Jan 18, 2021
Story 7/10
It has a focus on making something of your life which I think rings true to most people. He is striving to change his life but there's hurdles in his life. The writers do an amazing job of building anticipation throughout the story, each game they partake in brings a whirlwind of emotions, asking you to pay attention to every sentence and every word said. These can create a sudden change and realisation as you along with the MC go on a journey of trickery, deceit, betrayal, friendship, sadness and turmoil. This create a yin and yang scenario where do you trust someone? Or ... Jan 16, 2021
Pet - An amazing anime with an amazing opening theme song
Story 9/10 The one thing I can say that may put people off slightly is that the story can be quite hard to follow. But I do believe this can be a good or bad thing depending on how it has done. It is not done in a nonsensical fashion instead it is a deep storyline that requires you to piece puzzles together and pay upmost attention. This style of storytelling does limit its potential audience as I believe this does not appeal to a large target audience which is understandable. The story was at points unpredictable ... Jan 15, 2021
Dorei-ku The Animation
The battle of the slave masters The animation
If you cant be asked to read a block of text the shortened version is: The story may not be excellent and you may be questioning it sometimes, but it is still an enjoyable watch at face value. Especially if you're interested in psychology, but there are better options out there. Story 3/10 The whole scm system is intriguing and neat, but the usage and explanation is all over the place for the context of the story. So the initiation of duel happens by two people stating that they want to do said duel in whatever game manner, they both ... |