It's a shame that such a passable concept was ruined with such violently bad animation. I'm not stuck up enough to think that I could do better, and I understand that talented people probably put a lot of work into making this anime look the way it does, but I think they're all in the wrong business.
It's not even the FPS and speeding it up doesn't make it look any less terrible. The animation doesn't look like anime; it looks like one of those free video animation sites that we all used in high school to make presentations. It looks like an artificial intelligence was
Mar 17, 2021
I binge- watched this is one sitting instead of studying for my Econ 101 exam. I know that I am very easy to make laugh and therefore am probably not a reliable reference for what's funny, but I still thought this was really funny. I will laugh at anything, but the first scene of the first episode, I had to watch three times before I was satisfied.
The plot is minimal. The conclusion is unsatisfactory. The characters are one dimensional. The progress is forced. BUT, it made me laugh. :) That is all I expected from the show and that's what it did. It's not a ... Mar 17, 2021
Back Street Girls: Gokudolls
This show cracked me up. It's so stupid, and objectively, not very good. There is no plot worth following, but it is funny.
This show isn't trying to be some highbrow smart Code Geass/ Death Note- type show. It knows what it is: a cheap laugh. And if that's what you're looking for, look no further. I loved this show and I've even rewatched a few scenes. I am, admittedly, very easy to make laugh, but this show kept me laughing for its majority. It's a dry crude humor and I loved it. Because there is a minimum word limit, here is a bit more text. ... Mar 17, 2021
Happy Sugar Life
I often like to go in blind for shows. I saw this on Amazon Prime and it had "Yuri" as one of the tags. Perfect. A light fluffy lesbian show I can play in the background without subtitles while I do my work.
And that's what it was for like 10 minutes. I am doing my work on my laptop and then looking up to see some pink haired teenager talking with her friends with a bubbly little sound track. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a dark, red, scene. The bubbly pink character is speaking in monotone and her eyes dart ... Mar 17, 2021
I feel bad giving this show a 5, considering that I genuinely did enjoy it. There are parts of the show I would give an 8 to, but there are also parts of the show I want to be able to unsee. If you have a high tolerance for uncomfortable scenes, this show may be worth watching. The plot is genuinely fine, but it takes an annoyingly long time for the real meat to unfold. I used this show as background noise, but it was good enough for me to want to pay attention, but also bad enough that it took me over a month
Mar 17, 2021
Kuroshitsuji II Specials
It's all of the cringe with none of the plot. I can never recommend Black Butler to someone else, even though I enjoyed it. It's very campy and uncomfortable, made moreso with a surprising amount of crossdressing and *suggestive* scenes involving the main character, a child. But the plot for the show makes it worth watching. These specials, however, were only uncomfortable. It's not objectively bad, though, and I am not claiming it is. It was just too uncomfortable for me.
Because there is a minimum word count for reviews, this is an some extra text that I am typing out. I think I said all ... Mar 17, 2021
Death Note
I will defend the potato chip scene forever.
This show is my current favorite and has held that title for a couple years. No singular part of it is particularly amazing, but it just comes together really well. It's simplicity done right. It's smart. It's self aware. It's true to the original. Yes, there are certain parts of it that are extremely cringe- inducing. But, those are mere scenes and shots in comparison to the greater whole. The overaction and dramatization is just expertly done. I literally wrote an English 101 essay on the potato chip scene, the tennis match, and the first writing montage. ... Mar 17, 2021
Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
I'm sorry but I thought this show was really funny. I have never (nor do i plan to) watched horror. I think I'd be easily scared. I do, however, watch a lot of comedy and will laugh at almost anything. My standards are very low for what can make me laugh. This show may be worth watching just for the comedy.
[SPOILER AHEAD] Some of the editing quirks were just so adorably funny. You get to watch the main bro fall into a state of psychotic denial as he stares ahead with guilt and awe at what used to be his mother. He knows the truth, ... |