Knights of Sidonia, a Mecha anime most would probably not bother watching because of the character cgi, but once you actually tried it. It's one of those hidden gems you hardly find once having watched anime for years.
The First and Second season was perfect. especially with how nice the action scene was, but we're talking about the movie. Personally, it felt.. rushed.
After reading some chapters of the manga, it seems that a lot of the scene had been cutted, for example, theres one where a tentacle like creature was found lurking around. Which ended up being the Kanata, but this is not shown
Oct 24, 2023
Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season
For those who are 'anime only' this show is one of the best you could watch. That said, i am of those people.
the show definitely feels engaging and sometimes emotional. but seeing as others not liking the show because it was rushed and they skipped the arcs is understandable. We can see how after the parting, the show only showed some scenes of the children growing up while also showing parts of Emma and the others adventure. That itself kinda ruins the potential of a third season. in the same time, I'm pretty sure there are parts in the manga and characters that didn't show ... Jan 16, 2022
Assault Lily: Bouquet
The show is pretty underrated in my opinion. One of the best thing ahout the show is how amazing the animation were and the uniqueness of each character. 1 thing i felt lacking was the story telling, i felt like it was rusher and couldve been told better. None the less this show is enjoyable for me. Its pretty good for people who just start watching anime and the girls are cute and wholesome. Character development couldve been better too. This review is pretty twisted but you get the point. Show really had a nice pottential
Cute girls Interesting idea Amazing art and animtation |