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Sep 8, 2020
Story: [6] - Pretty good story line. The episodes aren't chronological so watching which ever episode at any order wouldn't confuse the viewer too much. Each story is based on a superstitious in Japan and learning more about it was interesting to watch. The last few episodes you could tell the writers were just trying to end it quickly. If it wasn't so rushed I would have rated this area higher, but I also know that this anime was a huge flop in Japan so I guess I understand the rushed ending.
Art: [6] - Its an older series, so of course the animation will look
repeated. Either way, it still looked pleasant to watch. It was nice to watch an older anime if I am honest.
Sound [8] - I absolutely LOVED the dub version. It kept me wanting to watch and see what silly things they will say next. They gave it the humorous effect that made it similar to Scooby Doo, that made me continue watching to see what the gang will go against next. Now the music? I LOVED IT. The beginning grew on me and every time I watched a new episode, I would sing along with joy. And the ending music? ICONIC. Such a strange song but I will never forget it due to strange theme and the iconic lyric, "sexy sexy"
Character [7] - How drastic some of the characters are, made me laugh in more ways than one. With a Jew here and a devoted Christian there, there is bound to be some humor just between the characters. The voice actors and dub writers did an amazing job on personalizing them. Never a dull moment.
Enjoyment [8] - Breaking the third wall, references, and naughty jokes are only scratching the surface of why I enjoyed it so much. Taking the advice that watching the dubbed version would be better was the best advice I followed.
Overall [7] - Such a great anime. If you are deciding to watch the sub or dub , here is some advice. The dub is amazing, its humorous and still keeps the base storyline. The sub, I cant say much since I didn't watch it, is much darker than the dub. I have heard it is more serious and retells the superstitions as accurate as it can. Depending on what your looking for, humor or knowledge; or even both if you decide to watch both versions, have fun and know your in for a ride.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 3, 2020
Story: [9] - I enjoyed the story. It may seems slow to others but I enjoyed that the story isn't too quick. You see the characters developing and growing not only in strength and in character. You can see more of their internal struggles and have them voiced aloud. Occurrences that we as a reader knew would eventfully happen, occurred. We knew these events would occur but, seeing how the characters would react is what keeps me watching. The amount of hardships thrown was well balanced and I finally see the little romance I wanted. More characters were added in appropriate areas that wouldn't throw
off the viewers.
Art: [8] - I don't know much about art. But it looks good? There are a lot of close ups, which isn't surprising, that cause a lot of frozen faces slowly moving with their lips moving. I kinda wished that more movement would be added but, it must be hard to draw/animate an anime that is filled with fluent movement. On a good note, I enjoy the different drawing styles for the characters. I find it not only fitting but pleasing to watch.
Sound: [10] - I loved this sound track more than I do Inuyasha's ost (and that says alot). The opening op "Odd Future", *chef's kiss*, I absolutely loved. I could listen to this all day and jam hard. The second op "Make my Story", very beautiful and I enjoyed that they added this one after a 'new beginning'. I liked that it showed that many are gonna strive after a huge event that occured. The ending op "Update" and "Long Hope Philia" are beautifully written. These themes are really nice to see where they started and how much they have grown in the past 3 seasons. I wish I could continue with how much I loved the music, but my review would be too long.
Character: [9] - I love watching characters improve, even if it may seem slow or filler. I like to think, "there must be a reason why the author choose to include this" and with that thought, I find 'fillers' to be interesting. The story wasn't too dragged out that I was bored and the amount of improvement and development was always an adventure. Would I cheer? Would I gasp and praise them on? Or would I scream and question their actions? Either way, I was always anxious to see how they would handle their situation.
Enjoyment [10] - I had to tell myself to watch a certain amount of episodes each day or I would have binge watched this. This anime I can see as unhealthy towards my health because I become alittle unproductive when I need to...Whoops. Each episode would end at a cliff hanger and it would be extremely hard to stop myself.
Overall: [9.6] - I enjoyed this anime so much. Yea it might be very similar to other hero-like animes. But seeing how it may differ or develop different is what I like to focus on. Once you look past how similar this anime may be to other animes and focus on the differences, you'd see more of what this anime is worth. Also, I don't like dissing animes so I am an extremely nice review so that is something you'd have to consider when reading my review. lol
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 10, 2020
Story [10] - The story continued to show how Deku and his classmates develop into better heros and personas. It was also nice to see into the other classmates developments as well, I enjoyed seeing everyone developed. It was rather interesting, to see people who I thought to be well layed out, to have their own situations. It was a nice wake up call that this anime is not like the others. I enjoyed how it ended and will most likely pick up in the next season.
Art [8] - Very lovely art. It fits in well with the story and plot. I enjoyed watching
and wasn't cringing like other certain animes. There were some funny animations that made me chuckle in real life.
Sound [9] - I enjoyed the sound(?). When it says sound I assume OST and such. The two beginning OST were beautiful. I especially enjoyed the later one. The foreshadowing of the heros past reflecting their current actions was a well nice planned. I enjoy development in any shows I watch. And seeing it in an anime is always pleasant to watch.
Character [10] - Enjoyed seeing the development of ALL the characters was amazing. Loved it.
Enjoyment [9] - I enjoyed it a lot. Lots of scenes which made me hold my breath, laugh, gasp, and even ponder along side the characters.
Overall [9.2] - Enjoyed it and would recommend to all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 28, 2020
[Story: 8] I thoroughly enjoyed the story. The beginning was kinda rushed in and it took some time to understand what was going on but, after that, I was so hooked on the story I had to pace myself to no binge watch it. I enjoyed the idea of a character being sucked in an otome game and avoid the death traps that have been placed. I thought I would be able to predict the ending and in some form I did, but there were lots of surprises I wasn't expecting to emerge. I am kinda sad there wasn't as much romance as I thought
the game would hold but there is a lot of love to replace it.
[Art: 7] I am not an artist so I can't say anything about the art but I did like the style. It mimic the style of some otome games I have seen. I believe it fit the story well and it was pleasing to watch.
[Sound: 8] Again, I am not the best at judging on sound but I did enjoy the ost the anime held. The beginning was fitting in my opinion and I enjoyed that it didn't spoil the story but instead kinda helped to understand what was going on in the first episode. The ending reminded me so much of the amnesia ost however. I am not saying it is a copy but the somewhat dark format, I think that's the word?, was so intriguing that I watched each episodes ending without skipping it.
[Character: 6] The main character was interesting to watch. She knew of the traps that the game had placed and avoided them to the best of her ability. She is a happy go lucky character who made friends and tried to avoid making enemies. You know, the usual. Nothing so amazing to rate higher than a 6, but defiantly not the worst character I have come a crossed to.
[Enjoyment: 9] I found this anime to be HILARIOUS. The way this character thinks is just a ride of silliness. Not only did it have some humor in its story, it also had lots of suspense that kept me wanting to watch the series with joy.
[Total: 7.6]I would recommended this anime to those who enjoy a quick anime to watch. It has a good amount of humor, suspense, a little bit of romance. I enjoyed this anime and I am so glad that they are going to make a second season! I am excited to see what will happen!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 17, 2020
Before reading my review: I have 'finished' this manga but, the ending seemed incomplete? I believe I'm not truly finished the manga but based on the websites I have read them on, it seems like I have 'finished'
[Story: 7] The story was interesting. I enjoyed reading about a young girl who is going against what society believes in. It shows how modern she is compared to the Victorian Era. I liked the story, it was however hard to keep track as it felt like the story was going too fast or too slow. There wasn't a consistent pace but, the obstacles the characters faced would
constantly bring me back. I also gave it a low score because I felt like I haven't truly finished this novel. Once I can find the true ending, I will change it to its true review.
[Art:8] Absolutely loved the drawing style. I am not sure what it was about it but I loved it. Maybe it was because the theme Victorian Era style but, it fit in well with the story and it was just beautiful to see. However, it was hard to distinguish the two boys Lawrence and Adrian since their style was extremely similar. I only knew who was who when the character would say their name.
[Character: 7] The character style is good, however, it still felt like I truly didn't quite grasp the personality of the cast. There was so many and it would bounce off and on. I enjoyed seeing the development but, it wasn't as smoothly placed together as I would like it to be. I am not saying the characters are bad, I'm just saying that I learned too little of the cast and I was yearning to see more of their personality. Especially the sisters and the side characters.
[Enjoyment: 7] It was good. I liked reading this story in this era. I enjoyed the little situations the main character would find herself in and I especially enjoyed how she would solve them. I would have rated higher if it didn't feel like the story was going too fast in the beginning. It kinda through me off as well when it was hard to continue the story based on my confusion on what I was reading. I sometimes had to reread a chapter to make sure I gain the right information.
[Overall: 7.25] Its a good story and lovely art to read. However, finding how it really ends will be a struggle for those who are looking online. It ends suddenly but, I believe the ending might be out there. Or maybe, if you'd like, find and buy this novel to read. It would support the author of course!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 16, 2020
[Story: 9] I absolutely loved the story. One, I never watch an anime unless it was a shoujo/romance but my friends kept telling me to watch it. I gave it shot and the only reason I kept watching was because of the story. I love how we get to see the main character grow and develop his own skills, his quirks and his personality. There was never a dull moment and I was constantly watching to see what would happen next. I enjoyed how the ending would continue in the next season. A good cliff hanger.
[Art: 8] I don't know much about art but I
like this anime art. Each character appears differently based on their quirks. And I enjoy that tiny detail. Maybe other anime does it, and I am glad that this anime also did this.
[Sound: 8] I also don't know much about sound. I assume this is speaking about ost and dramatic music. I like the beginning and ending ost. Wasn't as catchy as I thought it would be but still pretty good. I didn't like how in the beginning ost, it foreshadow what would occur in the end. Just my opinion.
[Character: 10] I LOVE the characters in this anime. Each one is unique and fits well with their quirks. I also enjoy how they are also developing along side the main character. Not as noticeable but still shows how they grow to Deku. Absolutely loved the characters.
[Enjoyment: 9] I was constantly reeled into the story. There was never a dull moment. I believe I watched around 5 episodes in a day and I knew this anime was dangerous. I could waste away a day and never know it until I looked at the time. I literally had to pace myself so that I could be productive and enjoy the anime.
[Overall: 9] I enjoyed this anime so much. I know I only have seen only a small amount since I still have to watch the rest of the seasons. I can't wait to see what is to come for the characters! PLUS ULTRA!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 16, 2020
[Story: 8] The story that this anime contained was very similar to other animes I have watched. However, the amount of symbolism and metaphors that were included gave the story another flavor that I have missed. It was interesting to see how different the characters could be. The characters could have two different appearances based on if you have watched the anime or not. If you only seen clips, then you would assume ordinary and cliche anime characters in high school trying to survive their days of youth. However, if you have seen or finished the drama, you realize that the characters are more than
what they appear. They not only fight with how society sees themselves but also fight and discover their hidden true self. The journey to see them mature can be a little slow but the end result was sorta worth it. Kinda foreshadow the ending but the little hidden symbolism at the end was unexpected and added a bit more beauty to the story line.
[Art: 7] I don't know much about art and design but I liked the art style. It was nice and fit in well with the story line.
[Sound:7] I also don't know much about the sound. I enjoyed the ost of the anime but it didn't drag me into the anime. It wasn't as catchy as I would like, but it fit in well with the story line. The ending ost, I enjoyed how it changed and followed the story line as well. Nice touch.
[Character:8] I loved the characters. I enjoyed seeing them as society sees them and then later seeing them for who they truely are. They try to hide it from society but every so often, the episodes show a bit of themselves until we see who they truly are. And seeing them discover themselves was something beautiful to see.
[Enjoyment:6] I enjoyed the anime. However, the anime took longer than I thought to finish. Sometimes the episodes were so good I had to watch the next episodes. Other times, the story wasn't as interested and I would stop watching it for days to come. If the reel was as good as the story, I would have probably finished this sooner.
[Overall: 7] Good anime. I would reccommend to those who enjoy school based setting and self discovery. It is a bit slow but it is worth the ride. No matter how long the ride is, aha.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 26, 2020
In the beginning, before I even read the book, I first looked upon the cover. Yes, I judge books by the covers and I am guilty but, that is how books draw me in. The cover was interesting and seemed....innocent yet devilish based on the characters facial expression. The cover fit in well with the title, so I said sure why not.
While reading: In the beginning I felt like I was reading a childish book based on the plot it was given. It was an interesting point of view and yet, I still continued reading to see how Hana would grow to be. I had
a feeling she would be naive based on her juvenile stage but the interactions with Vivi were not as predictable as I thought would be. I enjoyed the little situations that came across their path and I found myself rooting for them when new problems arise. Little did I know that I was starting to grow attached to the characters.
Finished: The ending was beautiful. I will not lie, tears were shed. The ending fit in perfectly but to me, it seemed a bit rushed. I wanted to see more of Hana in that stage of life, but I also liked the bittersweet ending. It felt like....it was fitting. And even when I wanted the ending to be a bit longer, its due to my selfish needs for the plot to not end.
Conclusion: Very lovely manga. I enjoyed it. I would reccommend this manga to those who enjoy symbolism, devilish people, and innocent love.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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