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Konnichiwa and welcome to my personal MAL page

Konnichiwa and welcome to my personal MAL page

Nothing much to know about me....Just your average degenerate otaku
Fav Anime: Steins Gate/Hunter X Hunter
Fav Manga: Tokyo Ghoul
Fav Light Novel: Classroom of the Elite
Fav Action Shounen: HunterxHunter
Fav Rom-com: Bunny Girl Senpai
Fav Comedy: Grand Blue
Fav Isekai: Mushoku Tensei/Re Zero
Fav Anime Film: A Silent Voice
Fav Sports: Haikyuu
Fav Slice of Life: Your lie in April

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Sep 28, 2024 10:04 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 7
Kimi no Na wa.
Kimi no Na wa.
Sep 28, 2024 9:47 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 10
Sep 28, 2024 7:05 AM
Completed 6/6 · Scored 10
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Days: 31.9
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Raise wa Tanin ga Ii
Raise wa Tanin ga Ii
Aug 16, 2024 10:37 AM
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Runway de Waratte
Runway de Waratte
Apr 16, 2024 4:31 AM
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Kekkai Sensen: Back 2 Back
Kekkai Sensen: Back 2 Back
Apr 16, 2024 4:30 AM
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zahard_004 Yesterday, 10:35 AM
what a man
AllanT329 Oct 5, 2022 10:36 PM
Thanks man! Always feels weird getting older lol
eRu-Sycho Sep 21, 2022 7:43 PM
Thanks to you bro ❤️
AllanT329 Jul 7, 2022 3:57 AM
I like a bunch of different kinds of series too and I usually go through different phases on what kinds of things I’m watching. The last month I’ve mainly been watching space and mecha stuff but shounen, seinin, romance, sports, etc are all fine and I usually don’t judge an individual show just because of its genre but on how well it handles that genre. I started reading survival and cage of Eden which are pretty good, It’s cool seeing how characters handle being stranded and having to survive so that’s probably my next phase lol. Read any good shounen lately? I haven’t read or watched any in like half a year
AllanT329 Jul 7, 2022 3:53 AM
Glad I gave you some better insight on shirou. It’s fine if you don’t like him cause I mean not everyone is gonna like the same things but glad you can understand his thought process in the things he does more. It’d be really cool to see a combined route but I think it’d be really bloated and messy if it’s limited to the time of your standard anime. If it had like double then it could probably be done. Steins gate and Clannad are visual novels but their routes aren’t really completely different stories like the fate ones so placing them in their anime adaptations is much more plausible than fate I’d say. Like I said I agree that kirei death in Ubw was pretty anticlimactic. I don’t mind him getting less screentime in Ubw since he gets a lot in the other two and Gilgamesh is more of a focus in Ubw but yeah I would have liked more. Servants have skills based on their legends and lancer has battle continuation which lets him move around for a few minutes after he gets fatally wounded since in his legend he tied himself to a rock with his own guts so he could die standing up so I don’t really have a problem with that.
AllanT329 Jul 6, 2022 6:11 AM
This is for your other things
-kotomine was wasted in Ubw which I agree really sucks because I love his character but that’s more so because the story didn’t really have anything to do with him. Remember, stay/night and it’s 3 routes are all technically one story so each one focuses on a certain set of characters but ignores others at the same time. Sakura was completely irrelevant is fate and Ubw but was the center of HF, Gilgamesh was really important in fate and Ubw but he gets killed almost immediately in HF, illya is important in fate and hf but not in Ubw and likewise kirei is important in fate and hf but not in Ubw. It’s not the best approach cause each route is individually weaker than zero but as a whole it’s great and everyone gets screentime. I feel like most fate spin-offs, including zero, struggle to flesh out their large casts. Same with certain events. Shirou didn’t find out kiritsugus past in UBW because he never really had any opportunity to. He met kirei once and saber doesn’t like to talk about it. Sakura isn’t a focus in fate or Ubw because nobody found out about how fucked up the matou’s are

shirou doesn’t get stronger while he fights he gets stronger while fighting archer specifically. Archer is the same person as him so when they fight he gets archers memories and skills. So shirou was seeing his future(his execution, his life as a counter guardian, etc) but he was also getting his sword skills and magic knowledge. That was set up earlier to. Ever time shirou was attacked by archer he was having weird dreams and he was able to project his swords.

I agree that saber is kinda bland in UBW. Her role is probably the most different in each route. In fate she’s the love interest and is the Mc just as much as shirou, in Ubw she acts more like a mentor figure, and in hf she’s an antagonist. Out of these three Ubw is probably the most bland for her.

I love rin which is saying a lot because I normally can’t stand tsunderes. She felt realistic. She’s always trying to be perfect and cold hearted but shirou(and Sakura) bring out her humanity and keep her grounded. I like her romance with shirou and thought it was cute and she also kicks ass, I mean she literally beating catser with her bare hands. I guess she’s not for everyone but I’m surprised cause usually people who don’t like UBW still like rin.

HF cut out a TON but I think they also did a great job improving some aspects like the romance so the adaptation is a mixed bag for me, some things are dissapointing while some is superior to the original but I agree that it is really enjoyable.

I agree that the sexual scenes in HF are important and I like them. They’re not really fan service and are an important thing for Sakura. She’s a sexual abuse victim her whole life so when she finally sleeps with shirou it shows how much she trusts him and how happy she is with him.

I think tone is a big deciding factor too. I like bittersweet stuff so UBW is perfect for me compared to the super dark HF and the fairly optimistic fate route. You seem to like darker storytelling (I could be wrong on that but that’s just what it seems like). So that probably plays a bit into your thoughts on the series kinda like how it does for me. I still like Hf but it’s probably my least favorite out of zero, Ubw and the fate route. I’m not all that interested in Sakura compared to the others and it felt like it crammed to much stuff in and got bloated.
AllanT329 Jul 6, 2022 5:49 AM
Wow that’s a lot but hey glad your passionate lol. I’ll have this reply be about shirou since that seems like the big critique you had and the one I’m probably the most passionate about.

A lot of people seem to have issues with shirou(especially anime only people) but I personally never really got it even if the anime cut out a lot of his inner thoughts and made him a bit more shounen-esque, I think it still goes a good job showing his ptsd, borderline insanity, and obsession with his goals. He’s actually one of my favorite anime protagonists (even more than kiritsugu, though I still love his character too). As a kid he was the sole survivor of over a thousand people he walked through that fire and completely ignored anyone who cried and begged him for help because he was focused only on his own survival(you get more of that in fate route btw). When he finally collapses he’s saved by kiritsugu, who because of all the traumatic shit he just went through in zero, was just so happy to save at least one kid. The pure joy on kiritsugu’s face made shirou envious of that and he wanted to experience that kind of fulfillment too(this was in Ubw)So he wanted to be a hero even before his promise to kiritsugu but seeing the man he admired feel like he couldn’t become a hero really affected him to and made him want to do what he couldn’t(which is another reason he tells illya he wants to take care of her because he loves his father and wants to do what he couldn’t). His ideal is a weird mix of selfish and selfless. He doesn’t even consider his own life at all which is why he gets cut in half by berserker trying to save saber in HF but he’s also very capable of just shutting off his emotions when he wants to (in fate route he almost snaps shinji’s neck with no remorse and he threatened to kill rin in the UBW route when caster had taiga hostage). Shirou believes he doesn’t deserve a normal life because of his survivors guilt which makes him deciding to live one with Sakura in HF so impactful. Stay night is basically what makes shirou decide to live his life. At the beginning he’s just clinging to his promise to kiritsugu and repressing all of his issues but each route shales him to become someone who lives his life the way he wants rather than just being kiritsugu 2.0. This is why I love UBW conflict with archer. Archer has spent so long acting like a machine that follows his ideal that he forgot it was something he was genuinely passionate about. Shirou basically says this to him, that He is technically correct that living like a machine that only helps others is wrong but at the same time wanting to help people and finding happiness in that isn’t wrong either.
Fate route-Shirou connects with saber who always puts others first. He decides to live his life not because his ideals aren’t his own, but because he wants to live his life in a way that will make himself(and saber) proud.
UBW- Archer hits shirou with the cold truths of his life and all the pain it will bring him but shirou decides that even if it’s hard he knows wanting to help others isn’t wrong and will become a hero because he wants to.
HF- shirou decides that Sakura is more important to him than people he has never met. He will live to be with her because he finds out that it also brings him happiness. Shirou is capable of living a normal life and doesn’t need to constantly be saving people if it will only make him miserable. In the other routes being a hero wouldn’t necessarily make him miserable like archer but here it would so he abandons it, which makes archer proud.
If you still don’t like people shirou that’s completely fine but I just wanted to share my thoughts on him cause I think he gets oversimplified by a lot of people when he actually has a lot of depth and a lot of his more “shounen Mc traits” are there to be deconstructed.
AllanT329 Jul 5, 2022 5:29 PM
Hey so how did you end up liking the second half of UBW and heavens feel. The HF movies cut out a lot of content but I think they’re still pretty good and I love UBW
AllanT329 Jun 27, 2022 11:20 PM
Glad your liking it sorry if the reply is also long winded lol. Zero was great I think kariya was my favorite I wish he got more screen time. UBW picks up more in the second half I’d say so that should be a fun watch, I personally like UBW the most out of the fate series. I love the fate route(saber’s route) but the 2006 adaptation was not great it basically combined stuff from UBW and HF as well as it’s own anime original stuff, it was a mess so I’d skip that. You can find the saber route novel on YouTube, it’s the best option until it gets a better adaptation but if your really liking fate you should definitely read it.

For the spin-offs you can pretty much watch those in whatever order. The main timeline is zero(the prequel), stay nights 3 routes which are alternate timelines from one another(fate, Ubw, hf), and the sequel hollow ataraxia(this is set 6 months after stay night and it doesn’t have an anime yet). Aside from these you can pretty much watch the rest of fate in whatever order you want. Play the fate/extra games, watch apocrypha, etc. sorry if that’s a lot, this is basically the explanation I got when I first started and it was confusing at first but it made a lot more sense as you go trust me.
AllanT329 Jun 27, 2022 1:11 PM
Yeah definitely. So how’re you liking the fate series so far? I saw that you just finished zero
lisa_love_anime Feb 12, 2022 7:22 AM
No problem! 🌸
kotothighs Dec 29, 2021 11:57 AM
thanks for the fr! look forward to chatting! dont be afraid to message me or send me a reccomendation.
Uzair909 Dec 26, 2021 10:50 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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