Absolutely INSANE manga with an unexpected plotwist.
Starts with a cool wholesome story about two guys that fell in love when they were childs but now, as an adults, they realize it.
BUT, in the middle of the story you start to see kidnappings???? Murder intents???? So many weird things that i didnt expect at all... my mind was blowing like what the ffff is that????? HOLLLLLYY, so inexpected, read it and you will see how all of these develops in a romance story.
So random, cool story but weird, i liked the characters. I found this manga searching random mangas in MAL.
Feb 21, 2021
6-banme no Megane
Short story about two boys """"slowly"""" but fastly falling in love.
It's just a short story where nothing seems to happen but its a good read, the final message that stucked with my after reading it if that if you go watch Star Wars with a friend it's probably because you love him and you don't know it yet. PS: It's a joke because the main characters declare his love after watchin Star Wars LOL. I like Star Wars even if the last two movies are a little weird sometimes, about the manga.. huhh.. read it if you want to read something to fill 5-10 minutes while ... Feb 21, 2021
Komori Quintet!
Funny short wholesome story about school girls in a band.
The main character plays the drums and she is happy to find a band that wants her talent, the story is about the power of friendship and how cool is to be in a band with some other people.You can also see some of the stories of the other girls from the band, why they play the instrument they play and that is also something cool. Overall It's seems like a really short summary of the will of the mangaka to create a longer series about girls and music, you can read it in 30 minutes ... |