So just to clarify I didn't even know there was a game and this anime adapted the game. Which now makes sense. So my review is from a person that only watched the anime.
It's rushed, it's never goes deep in anything, and it's super boring omg this was a nightmare.
If you are looking for a romance this is not the place for you. It's a reverse Harem with no romance seriouly. GET OUT
Story is SUPER rushed like into 4 episodes it's already been like one year in the story line. Things happen just for plot convenience.
And the worse, the main character, the girl, IT'S A
Aug 6, 2019
I'm almost finishing this manga but oh boy... What a disaster in my opinion.
I'm going to try to write something different from what I read on the other ppl review but yeah in general as a shoujo lover this manga is not great. Story: 5/10 I thought I was going to like the story because it seems like a more "mature" shoujo, but it's not like that honestly. It takes a while for anything to happen honestly. Another thing I want to point out is how there is so many sexual assaults and harassment in the story so the main girl is saved by the guy. Like entire ... Jun 9, 2019
Kyoukai no Rinne 2nd Season
If you are expecting ANY STORY development forget it, not even in the manga something will happen. So if you are just looking for a good laugh for one episode then this is the anime for you.
However, this was not for me... This is the same as the previous season, with more characters. So enjoy: Rinne is a boy of mixed human and shinigami heritage residing in the human world Sakura was spirited away as a little girl, but comes back with Tamako's help, and gains the ability to see ghosts and spiritual beings. You will meet Kain and Renge which Renge is a dagamashi and Kain a shinigami ... Jun 9, 2019
Kyoukai no Rinne 3rd Season
If you are expecting ANY STORY development forget it, not even in the manga something will happen. So if you are just looking for a good laugh for one episode then this is the anime for you.
However, this was not for me... This is the same as the other seasons, with more characters. So enjoy: Rinne is a boy of mixed human and shinigami heritage residing in the human world Sakura was spirited away as a little girl, but comes back with Tamako's help, and gains the ability to see ghosts and spiritual beings. You will meet Rinne mother and a lady with a crystal ball. Sep 28, 2016
Obito no Hime to Kubinashi Kishi
I'm not going to talk about the story because it is only 4 chapters but I have to say I thought that it would be worse.
I never read a short manga before, because I never thought you could write a good story in only 1 volume. However this manga is not that bad as you may think. Yes it's short, it doesn't give time to develope the characters or even the story but it was interesting enough to keep me reading it. Art is amazing, handsome guys, the girl is not week as tipical shoujos. I recommend this manga if you are looking for a short shoujo ... Sep 22, 2016
Kamisama Gakuen@Armeria
[I'm sorry for my bad english]
Well I was a bit surprised when I saw this manga didn't have a review yet. I still didn't finish it but I have enjoy it so far. Well I assume if you are going to read this Manga is because you like shoujo/romance style so go for it! Even though I'm starting to read more short romances mangas, I had a good impression with this manga. It is not perfect but it's enjoyable. Story: Pretty unique for me, the romance is in the right amount as well the fantasy part which I really enjoy it, and etc. I'm not going to ... |