All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 249.6
Mean Score:
- Watching6
- Completed1,028
- On-Hold0
- Dropped3
- Plan to Watch274
- Total Entries1,311
- Rewatched1
- Episodes15,257
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 46.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries85
- Reread0
- Chapters4,267
- Volumes481
All Comments (18) Comments
All I can say is he deserved it lol.
Thank you.
I like your profile. :33
I guess that you left a message along the lines of what you said in your review, Technically speaking, I have not seen your theory of Naomi being struck by lightning, although it's fairly similar to those I've seen before. My problem with this theory is therefore the same as with similar theories. You stated that Ruri needed to induce synchronization to save Naomi, which totally makes sense. However, absolutely nothing in the latter half of the movie suggests anything of the sort. Synchronization, if the first half of the movie is to be believed, means both versions of a person having similar memories. There is no way that the first (real life) Naomi had the experience of being chased by a giant CGI monster, or basically any of the events in the latter half of the movie. So if the real Naomi didn't have that experience, what was the point of having the virtual Naomis do it? Synchronization should've been complete at about halfway through the movie, why does it keep going?
This problem extends further with your theory. If Naomi was hit by lightning, why is there a virtual Naomi that existed for years after the lightning strike? Shouldn't that specific Naomi have completed synchronization when he experienced the lightning strike event? Why wasn't that Naomi warped out at that moment, and instead left to languish in an angsty adult life that the real Naomi never had?
If there is concrete reasoning to refute my understanding of how synchronization works, I'd love to hear it.
Wla bghiti man7ssbehomesh ?
Nta ghandkhul nchuuf dakeshi dyalk
Ps: On hold dayrehom l’hadouk li makite9arnoch
Dropped for movies