[b]Are you fan of a hollywood sci-fi, then this anime is for you.
Or are you New to anime then this is a must watch for newcomer.[/b]
By reading it's summery "bringing happiness with my singing is my mission" would look like it is another run of the mill idol anime, which is very misleading, but don't be mislead.By reading it's summery "bringing happiness with my singing is my mission" would look like it is another run of the mill idol anime, which is very misleading, but don't be mislead.
This is the first show which actually explainss why A.I in future can destroy humanity, and how they
Feb 24, 2022
Grand Blue
This serires was really fun to watch, after I was really bored by every action anime and wanted watch some funny series, so I decided to binge this for some comedy and really enjoyed this series. Though I was craving for some romance in it which was not in it which I found a little dissaponiting. And story progress is like non existence. and both iori and otaku's loud noises of yelling at each other becomes a littele annoying. But I find theirs faces change all inocence to total scum is very fun to watch. though animation was like littel generic for a slice
Feb 22, 2022
Sabikui Bisco
After watching it, I don't really know whay I am liking this series, all I can say is that both Bisco and pandas' duo is very good and their adventure felt refreshing for some reasons. Post-apoclyptic wolrd is very good take with the combination of some wierd turtle mountain and snail helicopter(i think that what I would call them) creatures and some hippos and a very understanding crab pet. Though it isn't the best stroy as of 7 episode. but I think anyone who want to take a breake form those generic isekai anime, I think This would be my recommandation for them.