This is shit
The animation is bad ass shit
The story is dumb ass tho
Who tf is the MC? Absolutely dumb
Too many characters
Boring as hell
The MC is fucking annoying
Idk why TF the season 1 is absolutely undoubtedly fucking amazing but when it comes to S2 like wtf is the writer wanted
The story changing and everything absolutely hard to catch what the writer wants. Other word they make it very boring
Story background like tower of god and ranker is very interesting but the writer failed to make it interesting
The way they put everything in the hand is failed
What a fucking waste especially with nice characters design
The story development is very confusing, a lot of unnecessary things
Dumb characters and dumb dialogue
The logic behind these story are very confusing
The world setting, it's joke, I mean the writer doesn't even thinking about this, they just randomly use places from real life and forgetting about the concept of tower of god, lol.
The climax of the story is what, the writer failed to make the reader understanding it
The good thing from this anime is the one and only the music, opening ending literally my taste.
They spending the budget just for getting nice music not the animation 🤣
I mean if the story was that bad no wonder the animation getting so bad,lmfao.
Animation 2-3/10
Story overall 2/10
Opening ending music 9/10
Anime sampah jink
Ceritanya nggak jelas mau dibawa kemana, apa maunya creator nya dengan buat nih cerita
Karakter development nya sampah nggak menarik
Terlalu banyak karakter
Ceritanya boring banget kecuali pas season 1
MC nya terlalu soft boy, terlalu polos, manalagi nggak kebagian cerita pulak, dialog nya dikit banget malah jadi karakter sampingan jadinya. Kan nggak jelas Jing ya kali kalau lu bikin ceritanya menarik sih GPP ye lah ini kagak
Logik nya nggak jelas, dialog nya nggak jelas, kekuatannya macam apa dan kenapa juga nggak jelas banget, manalagi klimaksnya mau apa juga nggak jelas
Shidou Buki? Manusia dicairkan jadi senjata? Hah?? Ada chat gpt? Hah?? Paan sih anjing?
Ngentod lah bodo amat mana mau gw pikirin
Pas gelut malah banyak bacot dan malah adu nasib cokkkkk, kan tololll bangsattt
Desain character selain character dari season 1 (MC dan temennya) semuanya jelek gw nggak suka
Comedy nya jelek
Full of shit, iam done with these.
Rachel lonte cewek bangsat
Rachel bitch
Feb 16, 2025
Kami no Tou: Koubou-sen
This is shit
The animation is bad ass shit The story is dumb ass tho Who tf is the MC? Absolutely dumb Too many characters ... Jan 29, 2025
Sasaki to Pii-chan
At first it's been amazing but after fucking shit, I hate the part of elsa. Absolutely hate that.
The story is has very good potential but the animation ruined it and after one two episodes the story become boring, idk it's look like the writer loses his touch. Quite sad, iam seeing this title is unique and have very good potential but people who involved in this project didn't put the right thing. Very sad, hopefully people can appreciate their work more. Animation 3/10 very cheap animations, too stingy. I hate that Story 4-5/10 I mean why the fuck Marc is began heroine chapters, like who tf is this ... Dec 20, 2024
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha II: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou Part 2
What the fuck is this story? I mean what drugs the creator use when writing this story.
Dammit it's fucking confusing feels like hearing atheist chuunibyou seito talking about god's and how the world is working. Iam feels so stupid when watched this series moreover my rationality and my IQ getting downgrade if I keep following the story. Cmon tell me what the drugs the creator use when making this story? Maou? Magic? OP MC? Singing? Gods and Dragons? Wtf ... Dec 14, 2024
Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku
I hate and don't really like the part of his classmates except the otaku, why the fuck the girls is so keeping eyes on the MC like what the fuck is the reason especially the labyrinth act and tried to protect the city.
Idk what happened in the original story but the anime is appalling, looks like they're cut the story or if not the story itself missed the important thing and need some more improvements. Tbh I quite like this story the background, the MC, it has very promising but they don't take it really serious. Very waste, I hope the originals was not this bad like ... Dec 9, 2024
Engage Kiss
I don't like smokers or I can say I hate smokers because it's have bad influence from my country so I give it score 7/10 overall, because of the MC grow up with active smoker Iam understand the circumstances.
Also I don't really like his personality (the MC). 3-5/10 Normally if the MC is not smoker I would give it 8/10. Iam just realised it after completing 13 episodes. This title is quite lack of fanservice like nudes scene or others, if coming out with more fanservice what I mean iam gonna give it 9/10 First episode animation really really awesome, I love it.This is need to be ... Jan 14, 2024
Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki
Wowww this is Actually one of hidden gem never watchd anime so enjoy before until the last episode and can't wait to see the next story.
Talking about the story Toaru Ossan VRMMO was perfectly fine but really disappointed with the animation they didn't put a lot effort maybe due to budget or something but whatever the reason Toaru Ossan VRMMO really really deserves high quality animations so this can be top anime also compared with the big names of anime this year, the releases of this series can competed fairly. Theme: VRMMORPG 30's salaryman give me good vibes 10/10 Story background: i love kind of this base ... Dec 18, 2023
Kidou Senshi Gundam ZZ
Really sucks story I hope never watched kind of this story type.
The main character is fucking shit Side character too was fucking shit Story really bad This is dumb shit I quite like Z Gundam but ZZ is different story. The way story maker put a lot a characters in one places and still keeping Camille was worse ever part. ... Dec 6, 2023
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
It's actually good but I don't really like genre romance and sad story with some confusing ntr spice(even not) I had hard feelings about that.
If the ending was good, removed and changed the part about I wrote above this anime overall gonna be perfect. You know guys everyone is love happy ending. Animation overall very good inded 10/10 ... Oct 11, 2023
[Oshi no Ko]
I think it will be focused more on aqua but I heard that was not really happen but yeah anyway I am very enjoy watching this anime very great to watch something new genre and perspective of anime and some works.
Visual is very good 10/10 Animation is very good too 10/10 What I mean animation is the frame to frame drawing works. I don't work on animation things by the way but I do some knowledge about that so otherword just enjoy the anime if someone has contra about the story I don't really care about that cause oshi no ko story was clearly first something ... Oct 9, 2023
Eiyuu Kyoushitsu
What is the purpose of this story? and what genre is shounen? ecchi? drama? comedy? horror? gore? sci-fi? I do not understand. There are too many genres included in one story with very very bad story development. Even though the story maker included the genres above in reality the story does not meet the minimum requirements to enter one of the genres above.
really wasted money and energy to make this anime or story. My advice is to make a story that leans towards a genre, adding lots of genres is good but getting the timing right slowly is the proper way. |