The lights of sanity are flickering, but they still somehow persist. For how long will they last?
Sidelining my edgy existence, I hope you have a good day. Enjoy the starfish.
I figured I could show some other stuffs about me, and there's really nowhere else to put it, so I'm gonna put some more stuff here.
This is a list of some of my favorite songs. There would be more, but I never go out of my way to find music and I'm a bit of a picky bitch when it comes to music, so even when I do, I don't find much. Perfect examples would be Sabaton and REO Speedwagon, and maybe fun., I searched what they had on Spotify and didn't like much of what they had. Anyways, feel free to shit on my taste if you want, I don't really care. There are some pretty shit songs there that I pretty much only like ironically (pretty much anything from Senzawa).
But creating the playlist was fun, took me like 4 hours of pretty much just tears because I don't actually listen to music often, just use it as background noise. So actually listening to the songs was fun, and I watched the music videos for a bunch of them just dying laughing at how stupidly sexual they were.
Chinese Shit
Next up is a list of all the Chinese shit I read. If you know what they are, you know what they are, but if you don't, I can't be bothered to try and explain.
Emperor's Domination
Absolute Resonance
Nine Star Hegemon Body Art
Tales of Demons and Gods (depressing how this turned out)
Beastmaster of the Ages
A Will Eternal
Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect
A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality
Martial God Asura (fucking gave up on this shit like 4000 chapters in, probably never gonna read it again because it's complete garbage)
Dragon Prince Yuan
Fields of Gold
The Charm of Soul Pets
The Great Ruler
Martial World
A Pawn's Passage
Beyond the Timescape
Desolate Era
I might put some other shit here in the future, but this is all I got for now. Maybe some AMVs since I'm a bit of a bitch about those too.
*Note: The google doc listed is a bit outdated; I tend to just write any thoughts in the notes section of an entry, nowadays. The ratings listed, however, are still how I rate. In defense of the scores, the scores are meant to be harsh. To me, a show that is completely average and unexceptional has little merit, and I refuse to give it a decent score like a five. In my opinion, if the creators can't be bothered to make a show as good as possible, then it doesn't deserve a good score for just being not terrible. Thus something average gets a low score: a 3. I will concede that this restricts nuance in the ranking of worse shows (for example, Great Teacher Onizuka is a really low 2 in my rating, whereas Birth is a high 2; and there is significant difference in those scores, despite both being 2). However, most shows that low are hardly worth watching in the first place, so the nuance is pretty irrelevant in that conclusion.
I usually rate the anime I watch when I've finished them. There are a few exceptions where I either feel it retarded to rate it, like hentai, or I don't feel like I can rate it, like Tamago's egg. Usually, anime I don't feel like I can rate are anime with a really high reception and I feel like I missed something, usually something thematic or really well written. Nonetheless, I'm trying to improve what I pick up on, and some anime will have their score changed if I look and don't think it was accurate.
I do try to keep my scores objective, meaning regardless of whether I liked it or not, it could have a low score (eg. Acchi Kocchi or Strike Witches).
My grading scale is roughly defined like this:
1: just about the worst anime can be; terrible on every front and it both bored me to death and made me want to jump off a cliff 2: bad, but not too bad; just bad enough to where you can laugh at it 3: a show that's completely average; it does nothing special and doesn't try to be anything; either that, or it just fails miserably on what it tries. 4: a show that can almost be called good; most will find some level of joy and does at least one thing well enough to stand out from all the mindless sludge below it 5: the baseline for something good; everything about it is competent enough to be considered above average; subjectivity starts to get mixed into the rating at this point 6: just a little better than five: either I enjoyed it a little more or it did some things a little bit better 7: a really strong show on both the quality and enjoyment fronts 8: similar to seven in quality and I just enjoyed it a little more 9: near-perfect quality 10: near-perfect quality and I absolutely loved it
Most of them aren't very good, so I don't put them on the site, but there are some decent ones there. At the very least, they say what I think of a show. If I've scored a show, there's more than likely something written about it on that page. If there's no number rating, then it's most definitely not on there.
unfortunately I can't center that damn spoiler tag
damn you MAL!
Nice review on the Takagi san movie, I relate to your review a lot it's hard to watch things that are happy tbh haha :l Its been a ride watching this series and waiting for every new sequel. I hope you're ok btw
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