Aug 30, 2021
My Hero Academia is a pretty good anime. I personally enjoyed 1st Season even though the "superhero" aspect is less appealing to me, and I'm sure other people will enjoy the 1st Season as well.
Story: 7
The story is generic and its other aspects are no different, and while the process is the same, it's pretty enjoyable and is executed pretty well. The pacing is nice but takes a while to get to the good parts and when you do, especially during the climax, it's pretty great.
Art: 8
Kohei Horikoshi's art is distinctive, stylish and easy to recognize. It looks even more alluring in motion. It
does look childish and makes certain characters harder to cope and take seriously or make antagonists less intimidating and threatening, but most of the character designs are pretty unique and interesting and it's a fitting style for the younger audience.
Sound: 8
The sound effects are decent, some of them are pretty much the same as other existing anime. Yuki Hayashi's music definitely hits and I get goosebumps every time. It's emotional, epic, makes me wanna stand up and do something cool. It's phenomenal. The voice acting is, as always, great. The voice actors/actresses did a great job, especially in the cool, sad, and funny moments. The opening is great at giving goosebumps and the ending was an emotional one.
Characters: 7
The characters, both have generic and interesting traits, with some being unbearable at first, which is fine. Teenagers IRL are no different and are much worse. But once their fleshed out, they'll start to become less infuriating and become more humane, flawed and tolerable. For now, they're less developed and will show some growth in the 2nd Season.
Enjoyment: 8
I felt a lot of tingles just from the 1st Season alone. Despite all the shortcomings, I found a lot of amusement from this. The emotional and epic moments gave me goosebumps, made me cry tears of sadness and joy, along with the phenomenal soundtracks, opening and ending. I wouldn't be enjoying it if it's less entertaining and doesn't make your emotions go wild. I loved it.
Overall: 8
This isn't an excellent shonen anime, but it's a pretty good one for teens, people who love emotional and epic moments, people who love superheroes, and people who just wanna be amazed. Some improvements would definitely make things interesting and better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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