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Jan 2, 2023
You get an Excalibur! And you get an Excalibur! EVERYONE GETS AN EXCALIBUR!!!!!
Plot: Sometime in the future, a million Excalibur's appear out of seemingly thin air, and threaten the balance of space and time (somehow) so Britain is sending back 6 veritable 'Arthur's in time in order to destroy these 1,000,000 Excalibur's before they can present a danger for the future.
Hangyakusei Million Arthur is just so damn plain that I can't rate it any higher. I honestly struggled with even giving it something as high as a 5, but in reality it's not even bad, it's just extremely average.
The characters, while kind of
unique in their own rights, are all extremely forgettable and cliche to the point where I can't see any of them fully resonating as a favorite character for anyone. The power scaling from each episode is so confusing, where in the first episode, the team of 6 manage to easily slaughter 10,000 Excalibur wielders, but then every episode beyond that, they struggle with taking out a single one at a time. I understand that in a world like this, there would be a difference of people who are properly trained with their weapons and those who just flaunt it around, and also that they can't make each and every 1,000,000 wielders a viable and extravagant character, but it just felt like such a boring watch the entire way through.
The pacing of each episode also falls off so hard, there are some episodes where a fight with an Arthur takes the entire episode, and some where the fight is over in 4 seconds or one attack. I feel like I'm being robbed of something that could be a lot more interesting. This just fell flat in so many locations that I couldn't actually grab onto it or connect with anything going on. There's too many cliches that aren't done in any unique of fun way. Tsundere, Perverted characters, Isekai, Action, it is all done in such a cookie cutter way that it adds no variety to the watching experience.
Art: 5/10
Animation: 4/10
Plot: 4/10
Characters: 3/10
Voice Acting: 6/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 17, 2022
I really don't like to take people at face value when they say an anime is under/overrated, but Deca-Dence is one of the exceptions that I will have to this rule. By no means is this a perfect series, but god damn is it a pretty solidly unique one.
Plot: Humans destroyed the world (shocker) and now, in this uninhabitable planet, there is just one bastion for 'humanity' left, the Deca-Dence, a traveling fortress that combats the lifeforms of this world, The Gadoll. Natsume is a human who's father was killed as a part of The Power, the team that is responsible for ensuring the safety
of the Deca-Dence by fighting these monsters on the ground while getting supported from the massive tank bastion behind. Striving to become a member of The Power, Natsume never gives up and fights against the odds to discover secrets of the world around her and how she can be a part of the solution to it all.
I'm trying to make this review as spoiler free as possible, but it is extremely difficult to talk about the meat and potatoes here without accidentally ruining somethings, so be cautious when reading this.
I will admit, the story for this kind of got me hooked. It was extremely confusing at first in episodes 2-3, but pushing passed that kind of led to something that was extremely engaging and a solid story to watch. I know plenty of people dropped this series because they couldn't follow along with everything happening at once, but I will say, if you push beyond episode 3, it will be worth it.
The animation you are met with is kind of reminiscent of seasons 2-3 of Attack on Titan in a way, especially with the weapons/aerial movement devices that The Power use to fight the Gadolls'. This also had a heavy sense of Made In Abyss vibes for me with the main character, but it's mostly in terms of personality and perseverance. Kaburagi is an absolute homie and a phenomenal character (both of his forms), and Pipe is such an ugly adorable little pet. The animation was a little hard to grasp, since they are mixing 3-4 completely different styles together, but towards the end of the season, it started becoming a lot more cohesive in its parts (Except for the end when Kabu is inside the Deca-Dence, I found it weird to see the artstyles mesh like that).
The main characters are all plenty enjoyable, even some of the supporting characters, but it's only some, there are plenty that kind of suck (Yes, I'm talking about Fei). The story felt like it waned a bit too hard sometimes, but it always end up coming back together, the main issue I had here was it tended to feel a bit convoluted at times.
Overall, this is a really solid watch, and I wish I could have given it higher, my main gripe was the animation clashing and the confusion of the story at certain points. If you are interested in dystopian/sci-fi worlds where the action sequences are pretty on par, as well as some lovable characters that don't have a massive lack of personality, I think this will be right up your alley.
Animation: 8/10 at some points 6/10 at others
Art: 7.5/10
Plot: 7/10
Characters: 8/10
Voice Acting: 8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 17, 2022
There are so many red flags in Assassins Pride that I don't really even know where to begin...
Plot: In a world of mana based abilities defining who you are as a person, and where lancathropes run amok, an assassin by the name Kufa Vampir is assigned a mission from the Angel Royal Family to become the personal instructor for one of their children, Melida Angel, who has been unsuccessful in having her mana manifest. The caveat is that, if she is not able to have her mana manifest, Kufa is to assassinate her. Though she is determined to become a Paladin, and refuses to give
up on her powers, her mana does not manifest until Kufa imbues her with some of his mana and allows her the power that she sought for so long. Abandoning his mission and vowing to be by Melida's side, he remains as her instructor while also hiding plenty of secrets and facing significant trouble everywhere they turn.
The story here is pretty up in the air, since the writing deviates so hard from the course in every single episode. There is just an amalgamation of shit going on at all times, and it is no help that the pacing of each scene is so beyond skewed that one second you're telling your life story, the next they're disrupting a wedding, to committing murder all in the same 4 minute span. There are SEVERAL occasions where they could have had a cool fight scene, but instead they just chose to...not animate it? They literally just cut past fight scenes which could offer a lot in terms of viewing enjoyment here, but instead it's just completely omitted from the actual show. There are even scenes where the animators just got straight up lazy, like if the main characters are having a conversation in a packed room, they just didn't animate any of the background characters or any noise, so they're all just standing there like really weird statues and being utterly lifeless.
Passed the pacing and lack of effort in terms of animating potentially cool scenes, there are so many issues with several of the characters. For one, the fact that EVERYONE is shocked by the revelation that KUFE VAMPIR admits that he is a half vampire, is just jaw droppingly stupid. Kufa also spends a majority of the show essentially grooming Melida which is so off par for what an instructor should be doing. People will give the argument of "Oh, he is 17, she is 13, that's not that big of an age gap. It's no different than if they were 20 & 24." Like that isn't a MASSIVE difference. Not to mention the power dynamic of a teacher essentially grooming/seducing a student that makes this so unbearably uncomfortable. Nerva is slotted at the beginning to be a prolific rival to Melida, but she is just scrapped as a character after a few episodes, which I didn't mind exactly since her whole personality was "I'm a bitch" and literally nothing more. The 'curveball' of Rose being Kufa's sister is so blindingly pointless and useless that it literally offers nothing to the actual story. Truth be told, the only character I kind of liked was Elise and Black Madia, and they both just get completely brushed under the rug and never get an actual relevant arc.
Speaking on Black Madia, they had the grasp of a cool mysterious character, shrouded and silent, with a unique and interesting ability set. Instead of keeping the character as she is, they decided to COMPLETELY omit the fight scene between her and Kufa, just skip to a scene of Kufa standing over her half naked after he apparently won, make her talk and go from this interesting mysterious powerhouse to just a creepy loli-con jailbait thing. It wouldn't even bother me if they didn't present it like she was going to be such a massive threat for several episodes, just for them to do that, then completely drop her character and personality like it never mattered.
There are so many things wrong with this series, and I hate to say that I didn't even completely hate watching it. It's like staring at a car crash. I watched specifically trying to see "What more can they possibly do to make this suck?" But shocking enough, the reasons to dislike it just kept on coming.
Animation: 2/10 (For lazy animation, there are several scenes with decent animation, but the issue greatly outweigh the good ones)
Art: 3/10
Plot: 2/10
Characters: 1/10
Voice Acting: 3/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Dec 16, 2022
While it is clear that Zuihou de Zhaohuan Shi does not feel shame in the fact that it draws inspiration from numerous sources (Anime, Marvel, Pop Culture) it really is just a mediocre attempt at a story. It is definitely not awful in any way, but it is not spectacular in any way either.
Plot: Ah Jie is making ramen one day, when his creation summons a spirit, Dora, into his realm. Dora, being a goddess, guilts Ah Jie into signing a contract with her in order for him to share he powers and become a Summoner.
I wish I had more to write in
terms of plot, but there's really not much else than that going on. The story that they were originally following, dealing with the main villains of the story, was really only relevant for about 1 1/2 episodes. Most of the airtime is just tedious showing off of the abilities (which granted are cool sometimes), meeting new people, and then competing in basically a fantasy Olympics.
Dora was definitely the best character, being cute and rambunctious, having enough personality to really make up for everyone else's lack of it. Hana is bland, Stan is just...odd but in a kind of useful way since his power is kind of cool, Miaowu is cute but kind of gets the short end of the stick in terms of spotlight. Ah Jie isn't too terrible of a character, but at the same time, he lacks a lot of personality, and I dislike the fact that as the villains are training, he just...never does...yet somehow always knows new abilities to use. I know they explain that you have to battle/fight with instinct in the series, but he just uses a new ability with each attack and spewing out kind of random names for each of them.
The backstory with Ah Jie's parents as well as the storyline with the villains, just both got shelved and ignored for the most part. If this were a 24 episode series than maybe it is something that would have been able to get more showtime, but as it is, they both just got completely dumped and pushed to the back.
My main issue, other than the lack of story, is the inconsistency with animation and voice acting. While the animation was really good in some parts, it was also super laggy/buggy looking at some parts. It is the same with the Voice Acting. Often times the voices are fine and have no issue, then just suddenly they sound so horrible audio wise and it is just really bothersome how inconsistent it is with quality.
The Last Summoner can probably raise on my and a lot of other peoples rankings if it just fixes those inconsistencies, as well as the lack of story. I would watch a season 2 if it ever releases (Likely to since this was actually really popular in China) since the ending of this first season felt more like a midseason break rather than a season finale. I want to learn more about Ah Jie's parents and who he really is, and I would gladly continue and raise my rank should they actually add more information in this field.
Animation: 5/10
Art: 6/10
Characters: 5/10
Plot: 4/10
Voice Acting: 3/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 15, 2022
I know a lot of people seem to like this series, and this review is not going to say that it is bad overall, I am simply reviewing this in regards to why I didn't like watching it.
Plot: In a world where Japan decided to enact the strictest morality laws possible, they have done away with all things lewd, dirty, and lascivious. Okuma, coming from one of the lowest morality schools in Japan, has been accepted into a high school that is well regarded in terms of having the highest morality standards, and such, he is invited to join the student council so that
he can offer insight into this world of degenerate thinking since no one at this school has any idea on the subject. Here, he meets Kajou Ayame, a member of the student council with the secret identity of 'Blue Snow', a masked 'terrorist' who is trying to spread the message to the world that lewd-ness does not have to do with being a bad person.
In terms of a story, it is actually kind of unique, a dystopian world where everything pornographic and lewd is completely outlawed, everyone has to wear these PM collars in order to make sure that they abide by the rules at all times. The organization SOX is trying to dismantle the system and make the world accept that dirty jokes and lewd behaviors are how people learn and express themselves, which I agree. It is far more detrimental to people (students and teens especially) to refuse them the sufficient knowledge, as well as the freedom, to make their own choices (to an extent) so that they may be safe and prosperous in their endeavors, not hide all information and jail them for being curious about their own bodies.
Truth be told, if you like ecchi toilet humor, and find it funny when someone just yells out the words "Big Penis, Masturbation, Anal" over and over again, you'll probably love this series. I had a few moments when I did laugh, but more than anything, I found myself just droned out because of how repetitive the humor is. It is funny to watch a group of students basically fight for their lives for a stash of porn magazines, and dispersing them to other groups of students, but in the long run I just couldn't get into the series all that much.
The characters aren't too bad, they have personalities and aren't just their to fill the dead space, and I guess it goes hand in hand how extreme their personalities are with their lack of knowledge in sexual fields since they've been repressed and blinded for their entire lives. The story kind of quickly fell into a cycle of "Terroristic act, Student council intervenes, SOX outsmarts them and pulls something off, Rinse, Repeat" and that's where I got very bored. The animation isn't all that bad either, this is strictly just about the fact that I didn't find it as funny or enjoyable as plenty of others seemed to.
If you love ecchi scenes (you'll LOVE Anna), toilet humor & the spouting of lewd words constantly, I have no doubt that you will love this series. Just try not to look too deep into it, because it is, at face value, just supposed to be a comedic take on a larger issue.
Animation: 6/10
Art: 5/10
Plot: 3/10
Characters: 6/10
Voice Acting: 6/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 13, 2022
A perfect balance between wholesome relationship building and gritty reality of the life of someone who lives in the world of the Yakuza
Plot: Kirshima is the first lieutenant to the Sakuragi family. Often referred to as "The Demon of Sakuragi", he is the 'no holds barred' kind of combatant, who can and will steamroll anyone who gets between him and the family. As a dangerous enforcer, there is very little that holds Kirishima back from being the rebel that he is. That is, until the boss of the family, gives Kirishima the task of becoming the babysitter for his only daughter, Yaeka. Not knowing how
to care for a child, or how to follow rules, it is clearly a difficult task for the Demon of Sakuragi. Denouncing his old ways, he begins to slowly adapt to the life as being the caretaker for the little lady, and doing everything in his power to ensure that her happiness comes before anything.
Kirishima and Yaeka are one of the best dynamic relationships for main characters that I've seen in a long time. The dangerous and sadistic Kirishima, being forced into a role that pushes him to become the best version of himself and be a father figure to the sweet & adorable Yaeka. It is wholesome and endearing watching their relationship quickly grow as she adapts to this new parental figure. Yaeka is a gem of a character, wanting to make everyone happy, and wanting to give back all of the joy that Kirishima is trying to give to her.
There are definitely moments of tear-jerking capacity in this series, which compliment well with the humorous aspects, as well as the physical combat/action aspects. They did an amazing job of balancing everything and wrapping it into a beautiful box. The supporting characters don't have any lack of personality, Sugihara, Aoi, Kanami, Miyuki, Rei, they all have their own unique reasons to be just as important to the story, and drawing their own interesting backstories.
The voice acting (specifically for The Boss) are incredibly well done, and fit each character perfectly. The animation style, especially towards relaying the emotions of Yaeka and Kirishima, are just so perfect. There is very little that I would actually change in terms of content on this series. I am only upset that this was ONLY 12 episodes, as I would easily watch 200+ episodes of this family as they do everything to make Yaeka happy, but also deal with their business at the same time.
One of the cutest things of this series is watching the backstory of Kazuhiko & Miyuki, then equating just how perfect of a mix of both of their mannerisms are shown in Yaeka. They deserve their happy family, and Yaeka deserves only the best from the world. I hope the second season comes out fast but with the same extraordinary execution that season 1 had.
Animation: 9/10
Art: 9/10
Plot: 9/10
Characters: 10/10
Voice Acting: 9/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 12, 2022
Oh how the mighty fall.... To go from something as iconic as Death Note to something as lackluster as Platinum End turned out to be, is a feat that should really be studied.
Plot: Mirai Kakehashi is a school graduate who has made the executive decision to end his life. After jumping from atop a large building, he is caught by an angel named Nasse. Nasse tells him that she can give Mirai happiness in the forms of either Arrows which allow him to control people, or wings that allow him to fly at speeds faster than the human eye. Being an anime MC, he chooses
both and gets both, because that was always an option apparently. Along with 12 other individuals, Mirai has unknowingly been entered as a candidate to become the next God. While some of the candidates take this opportunity to try and kill the others, some decide that this is not the correct way to act in the situation, and the story follows as these 12 candidates try and go about figuring out who will become the next God as the current one is weakening.
Flashy animation and art was not able to save the incredibly dull and lame story that was written here. It really was a cool concept for a series, and I think there could have been something phenomenal here. What made Death Note such a success, was the complete opposite of what they tried to present here. An MC with an addicting personality, suspense and gripping story (Up until the final arc because we all know that sucked), and side characters that took away any dullness from the series. They decided to omit all of these positive qualities from Platinum End and just turn everything upside down.
Let's start with the characters, who are the equivalent to human napkins in terms of personality. Mirai and Saki are the two that we follow for the majority of the series, and Jesus Christ, they both have personalities akin to wet cardboard. Neither of them are interesting, Saki is relatively a useless character, while Mirai has the same backbone as a jellyfish. I understand Mirai wanting to follow his morals to the end, but "Oh I'm just going to let this character get away with becoming a complete terrorist because he doesn't deserve to die" is a wild ideology to follow. I wish they made Mukaido the main character so much because he had a story, he had a reason to fight and something to protect, as well as the balls to do what needed to be done. The rest of the candidates are just as dull, and Kanade/Metropoliman was just a creepy-incestuous terrorist who really offered nothing to the story as a whole.
I get it, Metropoliman, Professor Yoneda, Mirai, Mukaido, are all supposed to represent how people with unfathomable power react in the situation not meant for human obtainment, but that doesn't mean they have to be portrayed as the most boring & worst possible versions of each extreme.
The first 12 episodes consists of:
"Oh, Metropoliman is being a terrorist"
"I'll go stop him" - Mirai
*Weak battle being fluffed up by decent animation that ultimately ends in nothing because Mirai can't actually do anything*
"Oh don't worry gang, we'll get 'em next time! And this time I'll actually do it!" - Mirai (Spoiler: he never does it)
The final 12 episodes are literally just:
"Well, we're all good now, let's vibe"
*Queue several 20 minute episodes of pointless dialogue of people debating God-ship and if this is the right thing to do*
*Queue mad scientist type who flip flops his ideals at the drop of a hat*
"Oh hey look, there's a new god"
The ending was so bad it's actually impressive. Homie just Thanos snapped existence because of depression which is kind of based. But everything leading up to this, and all of the time skips in between, were just so incredibly tedious to watch that I actually had to scrub through dialogue scenes because there are episodes where literally NOTHING happens, and it is just people talking in a closed room.
Great concept, Horrible execution, I feel like I wasted 9 hours of watch time
Animation: 7/10
Art: 7/10
Plot: 3/10 for execution, 7/10 for concept
Characters: 3/10 (8/10 for Mukaido, He a homie)
Voice Acting: 6/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 11, 2022
Deadman Wonderland had potential, but really dropped the ball when it came to actually delivering. Before I get into this review, just know that the series was cancelled, so there will be no season 2 for it, which effects the viewing heavily.
Plot: Everything was normal for Ganta Igarashi at school, until a mysterious being cloaked in a red cape came and absolutely OBLITERATED his entire class, except for him. Being framed for the massacre of his class, Ganta is sentenced to death row in Deadman Wonderland, a morbid amalgamation theme park that boasts main attraction events in which prisoners compete in order to win prizes
so that they can survive their sentences. Ganta quickly finds that beyond this already morbid concept that onlookers just think is a show and no real danger is coming to the participants, there is something much worse and more sinister happening at this out of the ordinary prison.
I actually really liked the concept of Deadman Wonderland. I thought that this could have been a great idea if it wasn't so broken down. There is a lot of over the top gore, but the action sequences are hardly up to par. There is more drama than anything happening which each side story that is presented between the characters and the relationships, and the gore is mainly due to the factor of the characters abilities being blood related. The concept of forcing these supernatural prisoners to fight to the death is honestly a really minor factor to the show, since you only get the see the competitions on about 3 occasions, the rest of the airtime is just focused on the background happenings and what goes on behind the scenes.
The main big bad guy, aka 'Red Man', who Ganta is hunting for the entire time, is never made actually relevant aside from fueling Ganta to keep going. The characters that are NOT the MC are actually a lot more interesting and enjoyable, but I feel like they all got short sided with what they were shown doing/allowed to do since Ganta had to be front and center the entire time. Shiro had such an interesting story, but the ending of the season felt a lot like a mid-season break that was supposed to lead to something much bigger. Maybe if they were to actually follow through with that, and the series got another 12 episodes, then there would be a better rating to the show, but where it lies now and will forever, it just fell short of its mark.
Because of the fact that this series got cancelled, it was just...half-baked as it is. I know that the manga delves further into the story, and the anime got cancelled for the fact that it deviated too far from the manga, but where it ended, there was actually 0 conclusion to any of the main story or side stories. I can't give a half-baked series anything more than a half-baked review.
Animation: 6/10
Art: 5/10
Plot: 7/10
Characters: 6/10
Voice Acting: 5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 10, 2022
A certifiably mediocre take on concepts that have been done hundreds of times over already
Plot: In a fantasy realm where 'crests' determine your affinities and how high your powers can reach, super mage Gaius was bored of not being able to increase his power having the first crest, so he decided to forcibly reincarnate himself in the same world in order to obtain a different crest so that he may proceed to grow in power. His reincarnation, Matthias, attends the Second Academy of the Royal Capital where he immediately meets his new comrades, Lurie and Alma. It is obviously apparent off the bat that Matthias'
skills significantly surpass that of all of the other students and even the Royal Knights that the capital have to offer. Forming a new party with Lurie and Alma, they set out to dungeons and on adventures in order for not only the two girls to train, but also for Matthias to grow in power as well.
Like I said, this series is absolutely mediocre at best, taking concepts that have been done so much better in other applications and managing to make them kind of excessively tedious to watch. Matthias is an extremely overpowered opponent to every single person he comes across, especially the demons that he fights. The characters are kind of meh, and the fights, while having some decent animation to them, are never anything exciting just because of the fact that you know Matthias has nothing to worry about since he can just tank right through every attack thrown at him.
The demons that he fights, which are supposed to be the big bad guys of the world, aren't even interesting enemies since they all perform the exact same thing over and over; "Haha, You're just a child, you can't beat me!" into "NGHHHH HE DEFLECTED MY MAGIC?!?!?!? WITH A SINGLE SPELL?!?!?! THIS CAN'T BE!" followed by "You've activated my trap card, I summon disfortune to the battlefield" into Matthias just mollywhopping them in one hit immediately. Rinse and repeat, and you have just about every single fight that occurs between the main party and any demon around them. Not to forget Matthias saying "Wow, now I feel like I have a challenge" or some reiteration of the phrase which is complete BS since no one is a challenge for him to fight due to OP abilities.
I love fantasy anime and this was easily one of the most boring ones to watch because it is just so predictable. There is plenty of content that you can just scrub through in each episode, as there is so much nonsense conversations, and bland/typical conversations and strategic planning happening that lead to the same ending every time; Matthias just simply overwhelming everyone and the girls cheering him on worried that he'll gett hurt, when he appears out of a plume of smoke completely unscathed saying "Oh I'm fine."
So many better choices to watch in this genre that I can't even really recommend this for anything other than background noise if you're doing something else. Just take a shot in the dark and guess what you think is going to happen next, and you'll probably be right the entire time.
Animation: 6/10
Art: 5/10
Plot: 5/10
Characters: 5/10
Voice Acting: 5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 9, 2022
Deaimon is something to fill your heart
A simple face, hiding a deeper and meaningful story with some elaborate characters and loving relationship dynamics
Plot: Nagomu, after leaving home for 10 years, he is returning to his parents' Sweet Shop with the belief that he will be inheriting it upon his father's retirement. Here he learns that his parents' have been taken care of a child who was abandoned by her parents, Itsuka, and his father is planning on passing the sweet store down to her due to her work ethic and love for wagashi. Nagomu's mother explains the situation to him, and requests that he tries
to act as a father figure for Itsuka as they grow their relationship, which he agrees to. The series follows this loving family as they work in this sweet shop, and their relationships with the once estranged Nagomu grow.
This series is really food for the soul. It is just a wholesome slice of life, with a loving family dynamic of people who just want the best for Itsuka, and want to make the best wagashi possible.
The confections they make in the shop, look delicious, even by anime standards. The animations are soft and sweet, just like the sweets they make, and the entire series has a loving air to it. While there are comedic aspects clearly in each episode, it does not outshine the actually underlying & sweet message of these relationships that they are trying to deliver. Watching as Nagomu & Itsuka grow closer together as a family, is precious unto itself. When you add Nagomu's relationship with the rest of the workers, his parents, and his ex-girlfriend who reappears, it just overflows with cuteness all around.
For a wholesome slice of life that doesn't task you for watching with grueling drama or intense plot holes, it truly is an enjoyable watch. Simple and clean, just as slice of lifes should be, and I can't wait to see a second season so that we can find out more answers about Itsuka's past and watch this relationship blossom further.
Animation: 7/10
Art: 8/10
Story: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Voice Acting: 7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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