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Jan 30, 2025
Genius doctor Ameku Takao solves the mystery of the episode no one else can solve, other than me, five minutes into the episode.
If you are expecting Dr. House, don't. Stop. It's not Dr. House. Other than the first two episode's completely ridiculous contrived "mystery", the rest are solvable by anyone with IQ higher than 77, which is who the anime targets: people of sub-average intelligence. Girl watches flashing images on her phone then almost waddles underneath a train. Gee huh I wonder what that might be! Obviously it's... a cursed video! Huh? It's not, Dr. Ameku? Wow, sasuga Dr. Ameku! You're the best, Dr. Ameku!
Who could have guessed what it REALLY was! I guess no one at the hospital can do differential diagnosis!
People walk into a cave crypt, open up a sarcophagus with a corpse. People start getting terribly sick! Now, knowing that Japan tends to be humid and warm, dark places tend to have mushrooms growing there, and decaying organic matter feeds the nature's decomposers, the cause is obviously... A CURSE! Huh? It's not, Dr. Ameku? Wow! I would have never guessed!
See, this is the pattern that just keeps repeating. People burn up for no apparent reason? Curse!... Wait, it's not?... Wow, Dr. Ameku, you are such a genius for curbing our senseless magical thinking and superstitions we hold as MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS! What could we have done without you!? Probably trepanning.
I'm only not giving it a <3-2 rating because the girls are kind of cute. I absolutely loathe the viewer is being treated like a frankly retarded mongrel. Again, it's not House - the anime does not intend to surprise you, it does not intend to fool you, it does not intend for you to give you a challenge or mystery to figure out. It does not arrive at a surprising conclusion that has all the piece of the puzzle there, it does not surprise you by subverting your expectations. The "surprises" are simply contrived and absolutely nobody of a sound, non-schizophrenic, wildly reaching mind without the writer's insight could possibly guess.
When the episode is not meant to "surprise" you, it's obvious from 5 minutes in what it is, and the mystique of the episode is gone - you might as well just watch the next one instead of torturing yourself with 20 or so minutes of everyone possessing roughly 5 brain cells in total, and not being smart enough to share them to give them a good communal rub. Only our genius Dr. Ameku is allowed to use her brain.
This anime is the definition of a genius character written by a midwit. It suffers from exactly what you'd expect in a story that features a genius, but the writer is of average intelligence at best. Is it watchable? Yeah, I guess. Just turn off your brain and pretend you're one of the doctors.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 23, 2024
Cliche-filled slop that yet never manages to piss me off because it's not taking itself seriously, and ends up being a pretty entertaining story.
Don't think too hard about it and just watch - It's good. The main cast is great, and while the pacing dies a little towards the end, at no point the anime gets egregiously bad in any aspect, which is more than what can be said about the most of them.
Solid and easy 8, I'd watch S2 if it came out. This is the proof you don't need to be original or do something special, you just need to do things that
were done before right.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 10, 2024
The golden standard of comedy anime. I just cannot recommend this enough.
Even if a joke or two misses, there's another coming straight at you. They may not be the funniest, they may not leave you in stitches, but it's not about being the funniest or the best. The sheer pace and volume of comedy is like you're being pummeled in the face with jokes. Pow, pow. What's that? You're on the floor and the referee is counting to ten? Get up, Saiki is about to bite your ear off.
Ding ding.
Round 2.
Basically, Saiki's humor is best described as "it's enough to keep you exhaling air out
of your nose faster than normal for 20 minutes straight". Is every joke going to have you rolling on the floor? No, I'd be lying if I said so, but some land harder than others. Saiki's unhinged reactions while keeping a straight face is what makes most of the humor. It's not that HE is the weird one - he just has too much power. Everyone else is the fucking weird, and he has to somehow deal with it.
You sure you wouldn't teleport halfway across the planet to get away from a bug if you could do so on a whim?
Both S1 and S2 are just too good. I have not yet found a comedy anime that appropriately matches this one, though Hinamatsuri does get close. If you haven't watched it, seriously, go do it. At least an episode or two. I am willing to bet good money that you will like it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 25, 2024
Alya-san mumbles her feelings in broken r*ssian once every 4 to 5 episodes.
The imouto really saves this anime and it's the only reason I'm not rating it lower. It's not bad per se, it's just the plot really meanders and goes nowhere. Unlike in most romcoms the MC is actually likeable, which introduces the core problem this show has:
The main girl is boring, Alya is a boring character with nothing going for her. Sumire Uesaka sometimes says something in broken r*ssian and Alya makes funny faces. That's her character. The VA's grasp of the language was extremely overblown and I'm not quite sure by who.
write a romcom where every character other than the main girl has some redeeming qualities?
The imouto steals the show in each episode she appears in. She has great chemistry with the MC, the relationship feels extremely organic despite (or perhaps because of) the shit she pulls on him. It's almost as if the whole character was introduced for the inevitable "WE ARE NOT RELATED!?!!?!?!" plotline but as far as I know, the LN has NINE volumes of student council election. NINE. Where is the plot? Is the student council the plot?
This brings me to another problem: There is no plot. The animation and production quality is pretty great, it definitely gets 8+ from me easily. This isn't a failure of the studio - this is a failure of the source material. I can't even call this honestly a slice of life show, because it isn't, it has an overarching plot, but the plot proceeds forward at a glacial pace which will never be resolved.
It's not that the writing is poor either. If that were the case, the MC wouldn't have been likable, and Yuki would be yet another pouting imouto that yells that she hates her brother and throws heavy objects (not the balls with guns) at him. I genuinely don't want to watch this because it's just so damn boring, but every now and then Yuki comes in for 5 to 10 minutes and instantly makes the episode better by just existing. 10/10 character kept as a hostage in a 3/10 anime.
I am very, very eagerly waiting for the writer to drop this shit and start writing a spinoff titled "My Imouto Doesn't Really Hide Her Feelings" where the plot actually exists and the main girl is actually the best girl.
Alya is even inferior to her own sister, which is sad for a main girl. Extremely sad. Alya is a sad girl, she should go back to her country and die of alcoholism.
This is probably the first anime that I have genuine mixed feelings about. Nothing about is bad per se, but there's so many things stopping it from being good. It's just depressing. Watching it feels a lot like being a hostage negotiator on call with a hostage taker, you can hear them becoming more and more irate over the phone, but then someone says to you "Hey, don't worry! I've just received a heads-up that Vympel is coming to save the hostages!"
You can beg the hostage takers to surrender and come out, but you know they won't. Despite your best efforts, there's nothing that can be done. You can only go through with the motions and watch the disaster unfold, then go home with three bottles of strong alcohol to wash away the guilt. You sit in your dim, moldy, damp Kruschevka already through 1 1/2 bottles, Playing Solo Roulette with a Revolver That Sometimes Goes Off.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 1, 2024
Hot garbage, hot garbage, hot garbage.
Avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid. It's not funny. It's not even The Room funny. It's just boring, awful, AWFUL. The MC is insufferable, autistic, the plot is contrived, everything about the setting is contrived. It's contrived to the point where you think it might be ironic; great, you think, finally an isekai that's self-aware and poking fun at all the stupid stuff!
Nope, not at all. It's playing itself straight. The characters are completely flat, nobody is likable, the MC least of all. You can't possibly relate to anyone here. No one is sympathetic, relatable or likeable. Nobody is even entertaining to
Also a golden example of horrible directing: a character attacks with a sword, and then another character is down on the ground with his sword. Hold on, what happened? Why is this chara- Oh! I see! The completely braindead director thought it would be a good idea to do a random jumpcut in the middle of the action! That totally didn't confuse me at all. Nope, not at all. I was completely ENRAPTURED in the completely boring characters and plot you have no reason to care for, yup.
It also may not come as a surprise to absolutely anyone, but the writing itself is also flaming garbage. The most blatant, jarring example of tell not show that I will point to off the top of my head until something dethrones this trash.
I am legitimately stunned as to how or why this got an anime. I'd be shocked if anyone unironically enjoyed this as well.
There are very few things that deserve a 10, and there are very few things that deserve a 1. This pile of TRASH deserves it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Nov 16, 2023
Oh lord, oh lord, oh lord! What a trashfire. Have you ever watched an anime so bad that you start laughing, applauding its comedic value for how ridiculously bad the writing is, how many plotholes there are, how much nonsensical SHIT there is, and then you realize it?
That the writer was actually dead serious, and it's not a comedy anime?
Yup. That's Hametsu no Oukoku. It's the embodiment of slop. No redeeming values beyond somewhat cool premise which is immediately ruined. Believe me, the part where he summons miniguns is where you can stop watching. That's the best part of the anime. And it's right at
the start.
I expected Guilty Gear: the anime, instead I got Edgy Kirito: Ow the Edge!
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind edge, in fact, I like edgy stuff. Problem is, when you only have edges, you have no substance. You have a circle. You can produce a circle by either only adding the edge and no substance, or cutting corners way too much.
Predictable, boring, only watchable for the "haha how bad is this going to get?" factor. Waste your time at your own peril, go watch Jujutsu Kaisen, SHY, Tearmoon Teikoku, Spy Family, or yes, I know God damn it, Frieren. Yes, go watch the shitty elf's anime. You're better off doing that than watching this dumpsterfire.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Feb 19, 2023
Honestly solid animation, world building and characters, but it suffers from same thing a lot of anime based on VNs and games do - endless, ceaseless infodumps of the game story right onto the viewers lap in massive, massive chunks.
Frankly, I don't care about the story from the game. It can not exist for all I care, but the anime exists to sell you the game (despite it being free) rather than animate it, so endless exposition is a must. I'd much rather just have the anime take an original path with a fresh story that doesn't require infodumps and give me more of the
world building and characters, I don't care about the gacha attached to it so please stop trying to sell it to me.
Would be a low 9 or high 8 but unfortunately the CEASELESS infodumps drag it so much down I give it a 7 and it still feels too high.
The world that the anime paints is nice, in sense that it's not nice; the world is a total dystopian shithole wrecked by cataclysms so badly that humanity (with animal ears?) gave up on living in one place and created massive nomadic cities, on top of that, the cataclysms deposit a mineral that can cause an incurable deadly infectious disease with 100% mortality rate, AND it's a source of energy. Do the math on what makes this world spin and how the mineral is procured by the more morally creative factions.
Protagonists are part of a Big Pharma™ trying to cure the disease, but it doesn't seem like they'll succeed anytime soon because they're being led by an amnesiac. Everyone reveres this amnesiac as the best thing since sliced bread, but that's because it's the player character from the gacha. No personality to speak of and the reason they all love xim is because AAFHSDGHSDFHDSGHF [DATA EXPUNGED] + amnesia whoops! Easily the weakest part of the anime. Stop circlejerking around this character, please.
Aside from the cardboard cutout main character, the characters are rather well written, I chalk this up to them actually having a thought-out backstory from the gacha, unlike most anime characters. The gacha is really a double-edged blade here, isn't it?
You don't see much of the antagonist, but the little you can see is fairly shitty - not much of motivation uncovered here other than sheer butthurt at nothing in particular. Weak.
The best part of the anime is actually when it expands on the scenes from the game (without directly following them) and the player character is not present. The battle in Chernobog against the antagonist was pretty good, but then the second antagonist appears in the Lungmen arc and ruins everything by being incredibly boring and contrived.
Overall, not a bad watch, but I could also think of many other anime that are just straight up better. If you have nothing better to do, give this one a try.
I'm hoping the studio will do its own anime original story set in the Arknights world, as it's the greatest strength of the anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 10, 2021
This is pretty great, I was about to skip it thinking it's generic shounenshit, but it turned out to be a mix of modern Japanese Witcher and World of Darkness in anime form, what the hell.
Obviously anyone who'd enjoy any of above will probably enjoy this. The art is also VERY nice, definitely a cut above the rest though I wouldn't say it's mindblowing, just very high standard.
Characters are immediately likeable. Story has good pacing that keeps you wanting more without stupid cliffhangers.
Overall great anime, give it 3 episode rule chance because this guy passes it on the first one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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