Hey y'all, welcome to my profile!
A bit about me: for starters, I'm a very nerdy person. I have a passion for data analytics and tracking statistics. I'm talking post-its and index cards and calculations, and color-coded everything. This extends into all my hobbies, especially anime; more often then not it's all about lists, predictions, and data collection. I can understand how people would think that's a bit weird. I love MAL for how specific you can be with the details of the shows you watch. And I especially love MALGraph for the amount of data that it has available to use.
Join my Data Club if that kind of thing interests you. It's not super large or active right now but I post some of my projects there from time to time. I also have a data blog on here that I like to use to go in depth on some of my data analysis.
Watching: Series I'm currently getting through, usually a variety of new and airing series along with older shows and continuations of series I've already started. Over the summer, I like to prioritize watching series with high popularity or rank, but mainly I watch series as they appear in my PTW. I try not to have more than 20 shows in my watch list at one time, however.
Completed: I make an effort to complete a series in its entirety (which includes all the sequels, movies, OVA's, ONA's, and specials), and in airing/release order. I also watch things on a yearly cycle, so I like to have all the series I've started at the beginning of the year completed within that same year (you might notice a whole bunch of sequels and ovas and stuff added around the conclusion of the winter season)
On Hold: I don't really put series on hold (even if I'm not watching them regularly, I won't actually change their status or else I'll just forget about them). Instead, I use my On-Hold list to hold all the continuations for series I've already started (2nd seasons, movies, specials, etc.). This helps me keep them organized and separate from the new shows I put on my PTW, and makes it easier to find the entries faster.
Dropped: I'm not a completionist or anything, but I just don't like to drop series that much, and I'll usually force myself to watch things even if I don't like them. About half of the time I just drop shows temporarily because I needed a break from them or needed to focus on other shows. Most of the anime I drop are Harem/Ecchi series (my least favorite genres, but I don't hate them). Usually I've only picked up a dropped series if I am interested in watching a specific part of that franchise (ie, fate series or index) and have to watch the whole series, but I've since incorporated watching dropped series along with my regular shows (giving a priority to those that don't have a lot of episodes left). In this sense I sort of used Dropped as an On Hold list. Series that I haven't dropped right away (series that I watched more than 3 episodes of) are usually not bad enough for me to not finish them eventually.
Plan to Watch: Where I put all the series I hope to watch within a given year - which I update at the end of said year with a new set of shows. I'll add a given number of series to my list based off what I think I'll be able to finish, and then anything I don't get to will be recycled back into my second list of hundreds of shows. I'm not picky about what I add or what I'll watch, but I only limit adding the 1st seasons of series (the rest going to my OH when I finish it)
Scoring: I score series as a whole, so that means I give the same score to all TV seasons in a series - the only exception being long series such as GITS or Fate. Movies usually get a +1 to what their TV counterparts would be (because of the higher animation budget/better animation quality as well as the more developed story), and OVA's and Specials get -1 (because of the exact opposite). Sequels/continuations to shows are the only anime I give scores to before I have completed/finished watching them.
I doubt anyone is actually interested, but here's the main tags I use on my list and what they each mean:
Priority Tags - Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary, and Quinary
These are my main tags, and the ones that have the most information attached to them. Since I'm not usually able to watch a lot of anime regularly, the priority tags help me decide what to focus on watching if I'm short on time.
Primary: designates sequel seasons that I try to finish first (~1 week per cour)
Secondary: designates airing anime (both sequels and regular seasonal) that I watch and catch up on if I've finished all of the sequels I have
Tertiary: designates new [completed] anime that I watch if I'm all caught up on seasonal (~2 weeks per cour)
Quaternary: also designates new anime, but these are specifically romcoms, slice-of-life, drama, or generally more slow-paced series that I watch if I want something less action-focused (~1 month per cour)
Quinary: extra anime I'm watching that don't fit into the other categories that I only really watch if I have enough time to, but otherwise don't get to that often. They have additional tags (>3 months per cour)
Test Your Anime Knowledge
This is a fun little side-project of mine that I thought would be an interesting idea to turn into a little game to have others play. I hope you like minimalism!
Agradeço pela explicação e honestidade sobre suas obras favoritas, adicionei e pretendo ver, no futuro quando tiver tempo e consumir, voltarei aqui para conversamos sobre.
Thanks for the recommendation of Clannad! I've only watched around half of the first season so far, so I don't know if I should report my thoughts yet, but whatever.
I love the comedy which hit all the right marks for me. The animation was also a big plus from me. The way it uses cinematic CGI was really nice. 👍
On the other hand... I couldn't take the drama or emotional moments seriously at all. I get that it was made in like 2007, but the giant eyeballs and derpy faces just made the comedy better, and the serious supernatural drama stuff comedic itself.
Overall, I'm definitely enjoying it a lot as a comedy, so thanks again for the recommendation!
Avoid Santa's Naughty List and send your gift!
Don't forget that your gift is due by Sunday midnight! Please arrange time to complete your gift before the weekend is over, or you will not receive the Secret Santa badge and our elves will be sad :(
If you are no longer able to make your gifts for some unexpected and unavoidable reason, please fill in this form so that we can start working on the backup gifts necessary. https://forms.gle/SWenp3PdEyyfcCs28
Thank you for your cooperation!
~MAL's Secret Santa Elves
All Comments (66) Comments
Edit: I don't know if the best score on your profile for Level 2 is updated or not, but I beat it! Thanks again, it was a good time spent! :)))
I love the comedy which hit all the right marks for me. The animation was also a big plus from me. The way it uses cinematic CGI was really nice. 👍
On the other hand... I couldn't take the drama or emotional moments seriously at all. I get that it was made in like 2007, but the giant eyeballs and derpy faces just made the comedy better, and the serious supernatural drama stuff comedic itself.
Overall, I'm definitely enjoying it a lot as a comedy, so thanks again for the recommendation!
Don't forget that your gift is due by Sunday midnight! Please arrange time to complete your gift before the weekend is over, or you will not receive the Secret Santa badge and our elves will be sad :(
If you are no longer able to make your gifts for some unexpected and unavoidable reason, please fill in this form so that we can start working on the backup gifts necessary. https://forms.gle/SWenp3PdEyyfcCs28
Thank you for your cooperation!
~MAL's Secret Santa Elves
but dude, the moment i read your comment, the first thought which came to mind was , DONT LET THIS PERSON DIE, HE BE TOO PRECIOUS