Im gonna be honest with you. Im going to try to write this as short as possible so you can see it and get the final verdict from the get go. There's no need for a long troughrough review for this show, in fact it would be an insult to its simplicity to do that.
This show is, more or less, to explain it in the least words possible:
A generic seasonal, Light Novel adaptation anime done right. It does what it sets out to do to acceptable degrees, and it doesnt straight up insult your intelligence with its use of the generic tropes and "cliches".
If you
Mar 5, 2019
Kemono Friends 2
Kemono Friends 2 is a very peculiar show.
It's like that one kid that has a badass big brother that gets all the fame (KF season 1) but KF2 itself gets punched and kicked under his big bro's shadow. The show is great. It honestly is...if you pour some butthurt cream on your bum before you watch, but that only if youre a tatsuki yandere that still can't get over Kadokawa's bs. As the other reviewer said, the show isnt even made by Kadokawa, Kadokawa is simply giving it the funds and abillity to exist. A publisher, so to say.Tomason is doing a great job so far.The show ... Apr 25, 2018
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova
What is Aoki Hagane No Arpeggio?
It's anime about ships, existential crisis, and how awesome naval combat is. The story is is really unique,well, it might be a bit simillar to that of Strike Witches,but nontheless, the overall theme is different. A really good point about the story is how the villains get just as much, or if not, more deep development than the MC.Hell, you could say that the villains of this anime are the main characters. The art is honestly not that bad.It's more than acceptable, and it really works in it's favour when it comes to action scenes. The character development is really good.Takao's special moment(that i ... |