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Mar 25, 2021
Essentially, the point of this anime is to generate more revenue from sales of the original source material.
Sometimes what studios do is that they create a really good first season to an anime that they know will be popular because of initial manga sales. As a result, more people become more invested in the story. But the problem is, making an anime just costs too much so they will intentionally make the second season so bad knowing that people will watch it anyways because of the first season’s success. This causes people to get really angry and to desire a reasonable conclusion to the
story that they became so heavily invested in, so what do they do? They buy the manga.
Now, the industry gets money from not only the anime, but also the manga.
Art direction is horrendous (especially the character design in the second half), animation direction was ok at first but the dude just gives up in the latter half. General direction is non-existent, which is a real shame because I thought the first season’s direction was extremely well-done. All in all, everything is poorly done.
Also the plot moves so fast, the number of abandoned plotlines is the same as GOT S8.
Only reason I’m giving this a 2 is because I have seen much worse. Regardless, my disappointment is immeasurable and my season would have been ruined if it weren't for AOT and ReZero carrying the sequel scene.
The End.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jun 24, 2020
I remember when TOG was announced people were hyping this up so much to such an extreme amount almost as if this was going to be the best anime of all time. Now I get that this show is a huge leap for anime as it is broadening its horizons beyond just Japanese manga/novels, but I do feel a little misled by all the people praising this show in its extremely early stages and even a little ashamed for believing them that this show could reach the status of a masterpiece considering how the final product turned out.
After watching the first episode, my first thought
was “Tower of God, more like Tower of Simp.” A few days later to my surprise, I ended up seeing similar thoughts to mine about this show on reddit threads and youtube. Suddenly all the people saying this show was going to be amazing suddenly disappeared. I assumed this was because people found the adaptation to be already disappointing as compared to its webtoon counterpart, so I decided to read the first chapter of the webtoon and I was right. They did a really poor job with its characterization especially for Bam (MC), the SIMP GOD himself. Just from reading 1 chapter of the webtoon I got a completely different impression of Bam and his motives are far more clear and justified as compared to the anime. Because I’m not a comic guy I didn’t continue with the webtoon after the first chapter and kept my faith that the anime will get better, and honestly I wasn’t disappointed. The show does become better in its later stages as it is far more easier to understand all the content within the story after you grasp a general understanding of the setting.
Speaking of TOG as a whole now one of its main problems is that the production was heavily rushed. In the span of just 13 episodes they covered over 100 chapters averaging around 8-10 chapters worth of content per episode. Because of this, it really felt like a lot of key content was left out to really establish any emotional attachment towards the characters. People die in this show and they even hold funerals for them but honestly I just can’t seem to care during all these scenes because of how much stuff was discarded. So basically, poor directing and production (most likely because of budget problems that 90% of all anime studios face).
A lot of people seem to dislike the art style and character designs specifically as well but I can’t agree with them in the slightest. THE ART IS GOOD. These are fresh new designs that really convey a spark of uniqueness. It is one of the main reasons that really distinguishes TOG from other anime in a good way. All the people saying they don’t like it are traditionalists who are incapable of adapting to change.
The score was composed by Kevin Penkin who also composed the music for Made in Abyss and Shield Hero. His music is very well-suited for fantasy settings and TOG is no exception. The music fits really well for the show’s setting. I wasn’t particularly fond of the OP at first but it really grew on me over time and now I highly respect it for how unique its instrumental trends and vocals are as compared to all the other general anime OPs.
I also want to note that there are a lot of plot twists and mystery prevalent in the show. These are very good plot twists. Honestly I can’t remember the last I have ever been so shocked before watching anything. So if you're into stuff like that, I highly recommend this series.
In conclusion, If you don’t mind webtoon comics read that, but if you’re an anime guy like me, the show is also good enough. The production team were able to do a good job with their limited budget and a lot of talented people worked on it as well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 20, 2020
When I first heard of My next life as a villainess: all routes lead to doom! I thought it was a pretty good idea at first and to be honest it had a very good first two episodes or so. The setting is in an otome game---which is like those story-telling visual novel games that appeal to young women---and I thought this could possibly be the next big thing for isekai anime because of its two major differences as compared to all the other generic isekais every season, that being:
1. It is a story-telling type game with multiple potential endings that all end in hell
for the villainess (MC), and
2. It appeals to both men and women instead of just the men being showered with anime tiddies
To my disappointment, this series was only good at the beginning. It was really funny seeing the MC desperately struggle to avoid her inevitable doom and they even had these cute moments of her various personalities debating their next move in her brain. It was also funny because the MC is a teenage girl in a child’s body which adds more drama and makes things really consistent with its humor.
All of this, however, was lost after the timeskip which signals the beginning of the actual otome game. I find it really ironic how the MC just seemingly stops to care (or care a lot less) about her “inevitable doom” as it draws nearer and nearer. The entire middle part of the show is just her eating sweets and enjoying her time with her friends. The entire plot that was being built up before the timeskip is completely put on hold and then brought back at the final 2 or 3 episodes. It was so painful having to sit through that as I keep telling myself every episode that it will come back to its former glory of its first episode but just never does.
The art and animations are nothing special either and are in fact actually extremely mediocre and dull due to the low budget. There is no memorable score either and the OP isn’t that well directed with matching the appropriate music with the actual scenes, not that any of those were any good anyway.
The magic system was hardly ever touched upon (not that it mattered because of the nature of the show but if it bothers you that there is a magic system that is just there doing nothing for the most part then don’t bother with this show).
Although all the middle episodes were absolute garbage, the show does get better at the final few episodes where they actually bring back the focus of the main storyline. It also has some good plot twists and a lot of character development for the side characters, but still no comedy despite it giving off a comedic mood at the very start. It’s a very unfitting genre change that can be described as illogical.
The main criticism for this show is the lack of consistency with its humor where it starts off really good but just has a massive decline and just entirely disappearing really. I really hate it when a show has a good start and gets you all excited to look forward to something every week but then just turns out into a complete disappointment for the most part.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 31, 2019
“Far, far to the west, across the sea, there’s a land called Vinland. It has lush green plains and trees bearing countless fruit. It’s warm and fertile. It’s a faraway land without slave traders and without war.”
If you know your basic geography (and watched the show), then you would know that the physical place of Vinland is referring to America (as it is later revealed in the 2nd OP as well), and the ideal that Vinland represents is the American dream. It is without a doubt that the show was inspired to be a commentary on the American dream and the values it represents
set during the Viking era of the 10th and 11th centuries. The way “Vinland” plays a role in the show is extremely subtle and remarkable as it serves to be a spark of hope, prosperity, and most importantly peace, in this dark, corrupt, and war-tormented world of Western Europe. I read a few reviews for this show already and I get that this 1st season is just the prologue, however, I am still surprised that a lot of people missed this allegorical connection to the American Dream so I just wanted to point that out.
Vinland Saga is a fictional Viking lore based on the lives of REAL PEOPLE. That’s right, the writer actually chose real people from that time period and created his own story of how their lives may have played out solely from their knowledge and curiosity of medieval European history. I want to be clear that not every character is real, for example, Askellad is an original character whose their for maintaining proper flow within the narrative. Most of the main cast, such as Thorfinn, Canute, King Sweyn and more are all real people that existed. Considering that most historical anime happen to be based around Japanese history, I cannot stress enough the cultural and historical significance that Vinland Saga brings and what it means for the future of anime.
The premise of the show is about a boy, Thorfinn (based on the real sailor Thorfinn Karlsefni), whose honorable and “true-warrior” father, Thors, is murdered by a band of pirate mercenaries run by the conniving and snake-like Askellad. In order to exact revenge, Thorfinn travels along the band of mercenaries in hopes of slaying Askellad in an honorable Viking duel.
Ok. So I noticed that a lot of people are saying that Thorfinn is an absolute garbage main character who is just an emo teenager, however, I can assure you that that is completely false. Sure, Thorfinn may come off as an edgy teenager during the middle few episodes, but it oddly enough works considering the rough past he has had and all the traumas he’s been through on his journey with Askellad. Regardless of his edgy behavior, Thorfinn still goes through a whole lot of significant character development. For example, at the start of the show, Thorfinn enjoyed playing war so much he intentionally used to injure the other kids severely and cheered with pride and honor when he finds out he can go to war. Several episodes later, after his father’s death and a few broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder, Thorfinn begins to realize the cruelties of war and the inherent evil of all human beings. There is also the contrasting philosophies of Askellad and Thors that play towards Thorfinn’s development where Thors stands for honor and civility and being a “true warrior,” whereas Askellad represents represents the virtues of scheming and abandoning pride in order to survive. Seeing Thorfinn go from being a cheery young boy to a somber teenager because of the shit he goes through is the main highlight of his story.
Now, Askellad is one of those characters that you would come to hate at the beginning but slowly grow respect for over time. When you think of “conniving”, it is often associated with negative connotations, however, with brilliant writing skills, world building, and the overall flow of the story, the show genuinely convinces the viewer to respect such attributes. Askellad is one of the most philosophically deep characters in all of anime and the lessons he indirectly teaches Thorfinn over the show are some really beautiful moments and speeches that really resonate within me. There is a lot more I would like to write about Askellad, however, it’s almost impossible to do so without spoiling. He is without a doubt a doubt one of the greatest Anti-Heroes of all time.
As for Thorkell, there isn’t anything philosophically deep like with Askellad, nor is he a growing character like Thorfinn. Instead, Thorkell is used primarily as a depiction of what the ideal Viking should be like and just the stereotypical Viking as a fun and comedic character within the show that really brings the historical atmosphere of Vikings to life.
Canute is the prince of the Danes and the commander in charge of leading the revolt on London. Being the whiny wuss of a character he is, gets himself repeatedly tossed around like a basketball from King Sweign to Thorkell to Askellad and his life just completely being toyed with, and the only reason he’s still alive in this cruel world his because of his nobility status. He is even characterized to have the physical appearance of a woman to depict just how much of a wuss he is. One of the episodes is about Canute finding out his subjective opinion on what the meaning of love is based on the cruel and tormenting background he comes from. Although I was half hoping that Thorfinn would come out of nowhere and tell Canute that love is not “death” but in fact “hope” and proceed to tell him about the ideal of Vinland, Canute’s development is still an outstanding treat to enjoy that will really get your blood boiling and especially considering his change in motive and how he wishes to accomplish them. This one episode really nails downs Canute’s development from being a shy, weak boy to a fearless and authoritative prince. This episode is one of my absolute favorites, despite the fact that the whole “meaning of love” thing came off as a little cringe at the beginning but it absolutely pays off later in the 2nd half.
Wit Studio has also outdone themselves in the making of the show. The sound editing is absolutely phenomenal everytime I hear the sound of swords clashing and the boats soaring the seas and even the sound tracks prevalent throughout the show are so well done and capture the atmosphere of a medieval setting so nicely. The animations are on point from the scarlet red blood drops to the beautifully choreographed and directed fight scenes. Not to mention, the CGI is actually fairly good. I know, CGI in anime has really come a long way since the abomination that was the 2017 Berserk.
The biggest highlight from Wit would have to be the extraordinary writing as it captures the setting extremely well by being loyal to the historical accuracy in that time period it takes place. When you think about war in the modern era, the most common answer is that people want to stay away from it at all costs. That is with the rise of advanced technology in weapons, infantry is almost redundant and the horrors of war are far worse than they were in the 10th century. In the Viking lore however, it is the opposite as Vikings take far more pride and joy in fighting as infantry are the biggest resource in war back then. One scene depicts all the young citizens in Iceland, including young Thorfinn, cheering in joy as they find out they have the opportunity to go to war alongside the Danes. This is my favorite scene in the anime as that is what caused me to get hooked on the show. It is honestly a beautiful scene that captures the Viking nature so fabulously. The writers also manage to include Gossip within the show along with many other small features, that would take too long to list, which really further adds to the world building.
One thing I think the Wit could’ve done better was to make the show about a series of sequential episodes that focus on the main story rather than diverting to side events. However, these few side events are still very outstanding individual stories that contribute towards the characterization of Viking mercenaries and building the main characters.
Overall, I rank this show to be a 9.8/10. Vinland Saga truly is a modern classic with it’s unique and brilliant setting in the anime industry. The world-building, characters, sound and animations, and the general art style of the show and the figurative language and messages really enhance the enjoyment and highly recommend checking this out and even rewatch in a years time because it’s just so fantastic.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 13, 2019
If Dr. Stone was a human being, it would be that one really annoying and narcissistic kid in class that thinks he knows everything about whatever sh*t and cr*p, but in reality, is just a whiny little p*ssy that nobody respects. I wish I could say that this analogy is 100% accurate, however, that is not the case as the fanbase, which encompasses of Turbo virgin redditors and other uneducated meaningless lifeforms, deeply respect and defend the show almost making it impossible to criticize. I get that this is a shounen and all, so there are bound to be some “illogical” things here and there,
but if you’re going to add “science” as the main idea, then there can be absolutely NO ERRORS with the basic scientific laws that are used. But there is anyways. I feel like anyone with a basic understanding of the physical sciences (physics and chemistry) will be able to identify at least one or two scenes in which the writers just completely devoid themselves of all logic and break the laws of physics. The only positives in the show are the art and setting, but obviously that is not enough to make a good anime, yet it somehow worked anyway considering the crazy amount of promotion from Crunchyroll and the mentally “special” fanbase members.
Ok. Now before you hardcore fans begin to go all Mob Psycho 100 on me, just take a moment to relax and catch your breath because this train is going to be a one-way ticket straigth through the inferno all the way down to the ninth circle of hell.
Starting ez, as I said earlier, the only thing good in this show is the setting and how the art manages to capture the idea of a “Stone World” which on a side note, is a very creative title for a post apocalyptic world. The only problem I have with this doesn’t exactly have to do with the setting, but rather the writing, which is that they didn’t make it clear at the beginning that it was only humans and some birds that were affected by the unusual phenomena that turned them into stone.
Now, let’s get into the filth. So make sure you get the hot water running in the shower right now before continuing.
As I mentioned earlier, I acknowledge that this is shounen and there are bound to be some “illogical” things and one of those things is the fact that Senku was able to count roughly the exact number of seconds that pass while still stone for 3700 years. Now normally I would give this a pass with the assumption that this “plot convenience” would have an important role to play in the course of this show. Unfortunately, it didn’t. The only reason it existed was to add a “hype” moment for the ultra turbo virgin redditors and lonely youtube surfers to make a big deal out of. It was that awful.
Another filthy aspect of this show is the characters---every single one of them.
Senku is a guy with some Rick and Morty level IQ. Can confirm 10 billion percent true. His entire character is completely generic with such minimal personality that honestly just appears to be cringe most times. He’s a bearable character in the beginning, but in the village arc everything just seems dull.
Taiju is the guy that packs the brawn of the duo. Just like Senku, Taiju is also completely generic in his respective character archetype and neither of them receive any development at all. It’s just the same two characters doing their thing to speedrun scientific advancements.
Not to mention, but if Senku really does have such scientific intuition then wouldn’t he want to discover the cause of the “Stone World” in the first place. I mean seriously, any real scientist would first want to discover the problem before fixing it.
Tsukasa is the type of guy that is dumber than Senku (but still somewhat smart) and stronger than Taiju. Because of this I went under the false impression that he would be a good villain. The reason he doesn’t want scientific advancement is because of a “story” about a guy that wanted seashells for his dying sister but then some adult comes by and is like “OH! You can’t do that this is my property or something.” Therefore Tsukasa doesn’t like science because it makes adults corrupt. Honestly, WHERE IN THIS STORY IS THERE ANY MENTION OF SCIENCE CORRUPTING. IF ANYTHING IT SHOULD BE CAPITALISM OR PRIVATE PROPERTY AND IT WOULD STILL BE SH*T REGARDLESS.
I’m not going to go into much detail about Kohaku, but all you need to know is that she left the tournament arc, THE VERY IMPORTANT TOURNAMENT TO DECIDE THE VILLAGE CHIEF, because of the slight probability that some child might be drowning since they were alone. That same child was alone exploring the forest multiple times but NO, now all of a sudden I care about being paranoid about a child’s safety. PLOT CONVENIENCE!!!!!!
I also want to note that the character design was one notable thing at the beginning, however, they still managed to screw the one unique thing up entering the village arc.
Overall, Dr. Stone had a good premise and setting and a few artistic scenes that can make you feel at ease, but horrible execution throughout. The entire show is riddled with an unquantifiable amount of plot convenience, appalling characters, unfunny jokes, and ofcourse---downright fake SCIENCE in a few instances for the sake of coherency in the storyline, which is utter crap to begin with anyway.
Just to clarify, it’s not the fake science that’s the worst part of the show but how the characters are written. The most important part in any show I believe is the characters and how they develop and contribute towards the overall story and that is what the writers screwed up the most.
If you really want to watch a good shounen science show, watch FMA Brotherhood. Seriously I would much rather watch this 10 times in a row if I’d known Dr. Stone would be such utter sh*t that make my brain cells melt.
EDIT: Ok, so I wrote this review like 2 years ago during the peak of my adolescent-like weeb stage, hence the plentitude of jargon only people who watch a lot of anime would understand. Looking back on this, I'm not particularly proud of my presentation in this review as I was going for a dark-comedic vibe, but, I guess the comedic part I was going for may not have landed so nicely (Comments have been equally positive and negative). To be clear, my opinions on the show have not changed much at all. I still think its trash for how it gets away with minimal animations and other stuff I mention in the main body of this review. As for the use of the term "fake science," I will agree that it is not the best use of words to highlight my point. What I meant to say by "fake science" is an issue with the writing with how conveniently everything plays out for the main characters that it just feels so unrealistic and lacks immersiveness. Although on a side note, I wouldn't be surprised if the author did in fact sneak in some plot holes. If you feel the need to go on a rant and comment on a review from almost 2 years ago, maybe you should rethink your own life instead.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Sep 3, 2019
After the disaster that was One Punch Man season 2, J.C. Staff has proven itself to not learn from their mistakes and destroy yet another great show.
Story - 2
Danmacci season 2 has 2 story arcs so far. One involves the war game with the Apollo family and the other is about saving Haruhime (and i guess all of Orario) from the Ishtar family. Now personally, I don't mind the fact that there are 2 separate arcs in a 12 episode season, however I do mind the fact that they are both executed extremely poorly. The story is that the Apollo family wants
to take Bell away from Hestia and declare a war game to do so (after creating havoc in the city). From what the setting tells us about the characters is that they are all fairly intelligent under a capitalistic economic structure and governed by appropriate laws. So when the Apollo family decides to attack the Hestia family and disrupt the peace of the city, how are they not convicted of any crimes? This is a major plot hole that completely disregards any meaning to the setting and its characters. On top of that, Apollo's reason for wanting Bell in the first place was by no means worth sacrificing all his property and money. This is the prime example of plot convenience.
As of episode 8 in the Ishtar arc, the story is just downright an eyesore. Haruhime is a princess from the far east that got taken into custody by the Ishtar family and forced to work as a prostitute, however, she holds a secret ability that makes her extremely useful in aiding in battle. Bell and the familia want to save Haruhime from being abused constantly by the Ishtars so they decide to buy her when they have enough money. Now you'd think the story is just a rescue mission, when reality it's just a horrorful reverse rape fetish. In one scene, Bell gets his genitals grabbed by an ugly woman which shows how a decent show went from being a fantasy genre anime into a tragic hentai. I will go into more detailed criticism about the Istar familia in the characters portion.
Sound and Art - 6
Nothing much to tell here. The animations and aesthetics are fairly decent.
Characters - 1
One of the reasons I liked Danmacci season 1 was because of how the characters develop throughout the show. For example, Lilith overcame her fear of her previous family after sucking up to them for most her life. In Danmacci season 2, there has been absolutely no character development whatsover so far in the show and every single character is unengaging.
One of the reasons season 1 is good is because of Hestia's child-like personality. In season 2 however, there is a complete lack of Hestia and it's almost as if she's a side character especially in the Ishtar arc.
For the members of the Apollo family, each and every one of them only say lines like "come with me Bell, or suffer." It is honestly just painful to hear every time and they have no development at all for the main antagonists of the arc.
As for each and every member of the Ishtar clan, they are all a complete eyesore to look at as Iv'e mentioned before. One of the main problems i noticed early on with these characters is that they're all prostitutes yet they want the lay with Bell for free. This is a complete contradiction to what these characters should really be. As for the fat and ugly Ishtar specifically, she went from being a funny character that jokes about how she "gets all the guys" to being a psychotic rape dungeon torture maniac in the blink of an eye.
Now Bell in this season is a pea brain who doesn't understand half of what is happening around him which completely contradicts his character from the first season.
Enjoyment - 3
There is no denying that the aesthetics and battle in the war game were good to look at so i'll give it a 3 for that one episode.
Overall- 2
Now it may seem like I just sound butt-hurt and immature about all the Ishtar family scenes, however, that is not so as this is supposed to be a fantasy genre anime about a group of people who explore a dungeon and kill monsters. The turn of events make absolutely no sense towards the setting.
Now that that's out of the way, Danmacci doesn't succeed because they fail to make the characters engaging by provide 0 character development and dreadful story arcs.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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