I wanted to love Paprika. Right from its opening scene, I was so enamored with its creative premise, and so taken with its jaw dropping animation, that I was certain that I’d be giving it a 9 or a 10. However, as the film went on, more and more flaws began to surface and in the end, beautiful as this film could be, no amount of bizarre imagery could truly obscure all the narrative problems that this film contained.
Animation: 10 Sound: 9
The first point I have to make is that in terms of its sound and visuals, this film is a stunner. The main
story line focuses on the use of a ‘DC mini’, a device that allows a person to enter the dreams of another. Paprika exploits its ‘dreamworld’ premise to the max in order to create some of the most eye popping, surreal and unique spectacles ever to grace the medium of anime. The soundtrack perfectly complements the visuals and builds the atmosphere of its world. From its whimsical opening track that plays while Paprika runs through the dream world, to the ominous tune that accompanies the parade, each track is perfect at sucking you into Paprika’s world.
Story: 2
Unfortunately, the music and visuals were the only thing that this film has going for it, because this film is all about style over substance and was dragged down by a poorly executed story.
The main story was supposed be a mystery thriller where the protagonists are forced to try and find and apprehend the dangerous thief who stole a DC Mini, but it was all over the place. It was full of clichés, plot twists that could be seen a mile away, character revelations that came out of nowhere and a romantic subplot that was so out of the blue, so ham handedly handled, and so implausible that it wins the award for being the most ludicrous pairing in any medium and yes, that include fanfiction. I am used to seeing awful pairings in films, but this one was so out of nowhere that it completely pulled me out of the story and left me stunned throughout the film’s climax.
It felt like it was trying to do too much in a short period of time, and sadly its detective Toshimi psychotherapy subplot (which is a problem in itself; a film with a complex plot and a 1 hour 30 run time does not have the time to expend on subplots) was more focused and engaging than its main storyline.
Characters: 2
All this brings me to the film’s other big problem: the bad, bad characters. With the exception of the detective, all of them were completely flat and one dimensional; the manchild inventor was little more than a tasteless fat joke, Torataro was the eccentric Doc Brown type scientist in its most derivative form, the antagonist was boring, while the Paprika/ Atsuko character was supposed to be a conflict between a cold superego and a carefree ID, but unfortunately it was not well executed. The conflict was only really alluded to in a few dismissive sentences from Atsuko, so when it came to the inevitable confrontation between the two it felt forced and out of nowhere.
The dialogue was also a problem, as it was trying too hard to be wacky whimsical and as a result just ended up sounding forced . Its a pity, because if this film focused on the cop subplot, and maybe explored the divide in Paprika/ Atsuko’s personality more effectively , then I would be able to give this film the score that it deserves.
Overall: 5
Beneath its stunning visuals, Paprika was sadly little more than a shallow, poorly executed mess. Yet in spite of its many shortcomings, this film has to be given credit. Even though Paprika failed in so many ways, the makers of this film obviously put a lot of effort into it and were willing to take risks and try something new. Personally, I would much rather watch a film that aimed high but missed the mark than see something safe and soulless with no higher aspirations than wringing money from the pockets of its target demographic.
Although the only way I’d ever watch this film again was with the sound muted and the OST playing continuously in the background, I don’t feel like I wasted my time watching it. I would definitely recommend checking out its amazing opening and its parade scenes on youtube and, If you’re the type of person who can look past its diabolical execution and enjoy it for its gorgeous spectacle, then I whole heartedly recommend giving this a film a watch and seeing what you think for yourself.
Mar 24, 2013
I wanted to love Paprika. Right from its opening scene, I was so enamored with its creative premise, and so taken with its jaw dropping animation, that I was certain that I’d be giving it a 9 or a 10. However, as the film went on, more and more flaws began to surface and in the end, beautiful as this film could be, no amount of bizarre imagery could truly obscure all the narrative problems that this film contained.
Animation: 10 Sound: 9 The first point I have to make is that in terms of its sound and visuals, this film is a stunner. The main ... |