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Sep 22, 2014
Story: 10

The story of Itazura Na Kiss doesn't get a ten because it's an extravagant or complex story; It gets a ten for it's lovely, straightforward, and simple story line. The main appeal of the story is that it doesn't focus on one main part of life like High School life. The author takes the characters through, High School, College, careers, marriage, and even children. Getting to see this gradual move through life and it's struggles is great and entertaining. The main characters relationship is very unique so it keeps the interest up. The comedy is well rounded and fantastic at relieving more stressful moments. ...
Oct 30, 2013
Skip Beat! (Anime) add
Skip Beat can only be defined as a treat from the shoujo genre. When I watched this I remember thinking "How have I never even heard about this show?". Skip Beat is just another show that deserves hype but doesn't get it.
Skip Beat is about Kyouko who follows her childhood friend Sho to Tokyo when he becomes a music star. She dedicates her life to him but he only uses her and then tosses her aside. Kyouko not allowing herself to be thus insulted vows to get revenge by becoming more successful than him in the entertainment industry and begins acting for his company's competitor. ...
Oct 22, 2013
Pika☆Ichi (Manga) add
Pika Ichi is about two students Torau and Hanako who see the corruption in a school they love and their high sense of honor and justice makes them band together to help reform the school.

Story: 8
This story has some cliches like the elite school with arrogant elitist students is hardly a road untraveled, but the way it is portrayed is done in a non conventional way in that even though it's a shoujo manga it has a slightly shonen edge that really sets it apart from other series. You get all the perks of shoujo (Romance, school life, comedy, etc.) with the added edge of ...
Oct 22, 2013
Story: 9
The story was very original in that it took the two common anime genres of mecha and high school life and slammed them together. The coupling of these two genres was very successful because it gave the light heartedness of school life with the seriousness and politics of mecha. Surprisingly the darkness and comedy made a very elegant contrast. I really liked how the action always had a purpose rather than some anime were there is a 5 episode long battle scene that isn't really all that important in the scheme of things.

Art: 8
I thought the art was very good because it had ...
Oct 21, 2013
Story 8
The Story is a very original setting and I honestly cannot think of a single cliche in the setting. The only thing that kept the story from being a nine or ten is simply the over used six episode long battles that are often a part of shoenen anime. I definitly liked how it made clear right away that the idea of humanity was a very huge concept for the people in this anime.

Art: 7
It was good and constistant but theres simply nothing new or special about it.

Sound: 8
The voice acting was sound and fitting of every character. There wasn't anything unique about the ...
Oct 21, 2013
Fruits Basket (Anime) add
Story: 10
This anime doesnt try really hard to establish a complex story or plot which is probably good it leaves is simple and easy to understand giving it more room for big characters and given the choice between a complex plot and good characters ill take the characters every time.That said I liked how the story line was different but not overwhelmingly new, just different enough to catch your interest. The story utilizes fantasy well. Fantasy shouldn't be used to create a wimsical world but to create a setting in which you can dwelve into the innerworkings of the human minds and hearts in a ...
Oct 20, 2013
Clannad (Anime) add
Story 9
Clannad"s story is good it mixs simple school life with a light and refreshing sprinkling of fantasy. The influence of fantasy is so subtle that until I watched it the second time I didn't even really realize that there was an element of fantasy because it's so well intertwined with what the characters are experiencing in a normal life. So please don't misunderstand this isn't a fantasy series. Being from a rural town that's full of problems I could totally relate to how Tomoya hated the town and how Nagisa loved it and I found it incredible how they managed to capture the feeling ...
Oct 20, 2013
I found the anime dissapointing when I compared it to the manga. The art wasn't as good as the manga. Also I thought it failed to convey the emotions conveyed in the manga. When I read the manga I felt all sort of "AAAH how cute" moments but when I watched the Anime the moments that were adorable in the manga just became badly timed and just plain out of place. This upset me because Im used to an anime bringing to life a manga.
Even when I don't compare the anime to the manga there are some parts that make this anime somewhat tedious. For ...

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