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Sep 22, 2014
Story: 10
The story of Itazura Na Kiss doesn't get a ten because it's an extravagant or complex story; It gets a ten for it's lovely, straightforward, and simple story line. The main appeal of the story is that it doesn't focus on one main part of life like High School life. The author takes the characters through, High School, College, careers, marriage, and even children. Getting to see this gradual move through life and it's struggles is great and entertaining. The main characters relationship is very unique so it keeps the interest up. The comedy is well rounded and fantastic at relieving more stressful moments.
Overall, the best part of this is the sheer reality of the show.
Art: 6
Unfortunately, Itazura Na Kiss is very dated and so is the art. While it was good art for it's time nowadays its okay at best. It still adheres to the old drawing where everyone looked similar with flat and boring lines.
Sound: 10
Too make up for the art the voice acting in this show is great and the actors definitely suit the characters. The emphasis is always at the right place and really adds to the show.
Character: 10
The Characters are fantastic. Kotoko is clumsy and not talented in anything, but she extremely kind and hardworking while her costar Naoki is good at everything and passionate about nothing. They balance each other perfectly and teach each other lessons. There are also incredibly lovable side characters like Kei chan the overzealous boy who constantly chases after Kotoko with the sweetest of intentions. There is Chris an american girl who falls in love with Japan. There is Naoki's extremely eccentric family including his overserious younger brother and his slightly yet enjoyably crazy mother.
Enjoyment: 10
This anime is easy to get into and easy to love it's full of great characters with beautiful personalities that you can't help but watch over to the end.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 30, 2013
Skip Beat can only be defined as a treat from the shoujo genre. When I watched this I remember thinking "How have I never even heard about this show?". Skip Beat is just another show that deserves hype but doesn't get it.
Skip Beat is about Kyouko who follows her childhood friend Sho to Tokyo when he becomes a music star. She dedicates her life to him but he only uses her and then tosses her aside. Kyouko not allowing herself to be thus insulted vows to get revenge by becoming more successful than him in the entertainment industry and begins acting for his company's competitor.
Story: 8
Yes this is yet another shoujo about being a star in Japan's entertainment industry but unlike others it focuses less on the idea of being a star and much more on what it means to be an actor or actress. The anime displays acting as an artform and applies to it the wonderful Japanese perspective of everything being beautiful. As an active participant in theatre myself I could really understand and admire Kyouko's love of acting. I could also appreciate how realistic the anime was in that it explained the characters actions in the present by showing what had happened in the past to make them that way.
Art: 8
The art is good just kinda awkward in some places but appeasing enough to the eye.
Sound: 10
The music is very good and compliments the anime. The voice acting is fantastic and really helps provoke emotion.
Characters: 10
The characters make this anime each of them grows and works through problems of the past and present. They are all strong characters and it's really easy to appreciate their struggles.
When I first started watching I didn't really like Kyouko. I remember thinking that she overreacted when Sho used her and that she should have just gone on with her life and that revenge was stupid. I also thought she was stupid for not realizing she was being used in the first place. But in the end I loved Kyouko because the anime explained to me why she had done all those things and while the reasons may have been stupid you could really sympathise with her. Kyouko is actually a great character she's determined, intelligent, strong, and just plain awesome for a shoujo lead.
I liked Ren right off the bat because he was so down to earth and you just don't find that kind of calm maturity in many shoujo. While he has problems he mostly settles them in the quietness of his mind rather than displaying them to the whole world. I also liked that while he was serious he was also kind and even though he doesn't really need to grow as a character he still does.
Sho is nothing but a spoiled teenager that you are set up and meant to hate but in an interesting twist of events I found myself actually caring about him. Rather than in most anime the antagonist is not clearly defined at first you think it's Sho but end up realizing its just life. Sho has common weaknesses that almost everyone struggles with and while those weaknesses originally make him the bad guy they are eventually twisted into making the audience sympathise with his struggles. In the end you realize that he isn't a bad person or character. This kind of well thought out deep and dynamic character is what makes this show good.
Anyway this show has awesome characters.
Enjoyment: 10
I really loved this anime. At first when the groundwork was being laid I didn't really know what to think and almost quit after the second episode but I'm really glad I didn't because its awesome. Part of what threw me off is the very Japanese sense of humor that was more extreme than I had ever seen but after I got used to it I would almost bust a gut laughing at every random hand coming from mouth clip (and there are quite a few of these). I have rewatched this two times and it never gets boring.
Overall: 9
This is definitely up in my top shoujos and even in my top ten overall anime. I liked it as much as fruits basket and in some ways more because the main character was more realistic. It has a good story and wonderful characters and should simply be watched and enjoyed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 22, 2013
Pika Ichi is about two students Torau and Hanako who see the corruption in a school they love and their high sense of honor and justice makes them band together to help reform the school.
Story: 8
This story has some cliches like the elite school with arrogant elitist students is hardly a road untraveled, but the way it is portrayed is done in a non conventional way in that even though it's a shoujo manga it has a slightly shonen edge that really sets it apart from other series. You get all the perks of shoujo (Romance, school life, comedy, etc.) with the added edge of
the action and principle of shoennen.
Art: 10
The art is very striking it has a very strong edge to it that often just slaps me in the face when I turn the page it goes kinda like this... reading, reading, tooooo much beauty OW!
Character: 10
The characters in this book have only one cliche they have the sudden transformation from unnoticeable to strikingly beautiful cliche but being as its done in a truly BA way it can hardly be held against them. The main characters have a sense of honor and justice that you usually only find in shonen because characters in shoujo make a lot of their decisions based off of emotions rather than principle so having this rational equally strong pairing was very refreshing.
Enjoyment 10
This manga is very enjoyable. I had plenty of HA HA, AAAAAHHH, and THATS RIGHT moments while reading this manga. its just a fun adventure to read.
Overall 10
Every aspect of this manga was well done. Its unique edge sets it apart from the crowd and makes it a refreshing and fun read. I'm definitely going to keep reading the chapters as they come out and enjoy each one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 22, 2013
Story: 9
The story was very original in that it took the two common anime genres of mecha and high school life and slammed them together. The coupling of these two genres was very successful because it gave the light heartedness of school life with the seriousness and politics of mecha. Surprisingly the darkness and comedy made a very elegant contrast. I really liked how the action always had a purpose rather than some anime were there is a 5 episode long battle scene that isn't really all that important in the scheme of things.
Art: 8
I thought the art was very good because it had
it's own style but wasn't pretentious. And for an anime released in 2002 it definitely had superior art than others in that time frame.
I'm writing this for the english dubbed version and while I really liked the voice actor that played sousuke I wasn't really impressed with kaname's voice actress every now and again her voice simply didn't sound sincere. The supporting actors all had varying degrees of success from okay to very good. The accompanying music was okay.
Characters: 9
I really loved all the characters in this anime. They all had their funny and heartbreaking moments and none of them were the conventional shounen characters. Rather than being the testosterone filled, save the world hero Sousuke is a serious in control person who comically fails at functioning in a society where you can't use weapons against other people. Kaname isn't the typical damsel in distress. Though she lacks formal training she always tries and even succeeds in helping herself. All the characters had faults that made them even more endearing. Frankly I have trouble describing the characters in the correct light but rest assured they are the type you become quickly attached to.
Enjoyment: 10
Nothing in this anime is perfect but something about it stands out and just makes it plain enjoyable and fun. It's the type of series you watch in a day because its just hard to stop watching.
Overall: 9
Theres just something endearing about this anime that makes it great. The stories and the characters are fun yet thought provoking you will laugh one moment and then be deep in thought the next. I've rated anime higher than this one but never really enjoyed them as much as this one it's definitely one of my favourites
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 21, 2013
Story 8
The Story is a very original setting and I honestly cannot think of a single cliche in the setting. The only thing that kept the story from being a nine or ten is simply the over used six episode long battles that are often a part of shoenen anime. I definitly liked how it made clear right away that the idea of humanity was a very huge concept for the people in this anime.
Art: 7
It was good and constistant but theres simply nothing new or special about it.
Sound: 8
The voice acting was sound and fitting of every character. There wasn't anything unique about the
music however the sound effects used were really effective at heloing aid the emotions of the moments.
Characters: 7
The characters were all solid, well built characters but they just weren't overly impressive. I didn't like how cliche Eren was. He had the normal very determined/protect my friends character that has been repeated in many anime (Bleach, Naruto, ect.) I was impressed by Mikasa I really liked her character because she wasn't the typical bimboish heroine who can't do anything on her own, in fact she was just the oposite because she often showed Eren up. Overall I thought the characters were pretty good.
Enjoyment: 7
This anime was easy to watch and enjoyable it just wasn't one of those shows that I couldn't wait a few days before watching another episode.
Overall: 7
It's a good solid anime but I feel like the hype has given people to high of expectations
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 21, 2013
Story: 10
This anime doesnt try really hard to establish a complex story or plot which is probably good it leaves is simple and easy to understand giving it more room for big characters and given the choice between a complex plot and good characters ill take the characters every time.That said I liked how the story line was different but not overwhelmingly new, just different enough to catch your interest. The story utilizes fantasy well. Fantasy shouldn't be used to create a wimsical world but to create a setting in which you can dwelve into the innerworkings of the human minds and hearts in a
way you couldn't find in one place in real life. Fruits Basket has that in spades and it's simple subtlty leaves you wishing for more. Overall the story is a lovely 10.
Art: 7
Their really isn't anything special about the art its the typical shoujo look but that being said it's not unatractive it's just nothing new.
Im writing this after watching the english dubbed version. The music used in this at first threw me off and I thought what airy weird music but after getting into the anime I found it a very well chosen accompanyment. Also the voice acting threw me off too I remember thinking after it started "maybe I should watch the subbed version" however Im glad I didn't because once you get a feel for the characters you can really appreciate the voice acting as pretty well done.
10 The characters make this series. If a single character had been a weaker charachter I probably wouldn't be able to appreciate this anime near as much. All the characters were well developed and they all grew noticably throughout the show. I loved how they were all obviously flawed even selfless torhu was flawed in that she was too selfless. It was both her biggest atribute and flaw. The relationships between characters were wonderful in how they each affected eachother in such a profound manner. The soma famlies affect on each other I found was really realistic in how most families even well functioning families can hurt one another. Obviously character is a solid 10.
Enjoyment 10
Throughout the show I never had my eyes deviate from the screne it was both bittersweet and lovely. I enjoyed everysecond of this anime.
Overall: All the elements of this anime amalgamated to create a heartthrobing affect and I can easily but it in my top 10 anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 20, 2013
Story 9
Clannad"s story is good it mixs simple school life with a light and refreshing sprinkling of fantasy. The influence of fantasy is so subtle that until I watched it the second time I didn't even really realize that there was an element of fantasy because it's so well intertwined with what the characters are experiencing in a normal life. So please don't misunderstand this isn't a fantasy series. Being from a rural town that's full of problems I could totally relate to how Tomoya hated the town and how Nagisa loved it and I found it incredible how they managed to capture the feeling
of a town in an anime. The only thing that kept the storyline from being a ten was simply the fact that I don't like harem anime and though it's very apparent who he will end up with I still found it semi annoying.
Art 10
This part really doesn't need to be explained just watch the first 3 minutes of the first episode and you will agree that it's amazing art.
Sound 10
The music in this is really lovely and subtle but is still memorable and it aids the story's development and feeling well. Also I am writing this review based on the english dubbed version and it has wonderful voice acting for every single character. To be honest it is one of the best dubs I have ever seen.
Character 10
The main character grows and develops in a wonderful way, and it's easy to relate to him. The problems the characters experience are portrayed realistically and they all have faults that make them seem more real. They all play their parts in helping each other grow... well except for Sunahara whose main purpose is just to kinda be the comedic punching bag-okay even he helps.
Enjoyment 10
This show is the only anime i've ever watched that made me laugh so hard that I had to pause the show to roll around on the ground a bit and then 5 minutes later make me pause it again until i finish crying (and I never cry like as in before this not in 5 years). The show is a complete emotional rollercoaster from beginning to finish but will you enjoy every second of it? definetly.
Overall 10
One of the best animes i've ever seen Its one of those shows that you have to watch at least once
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 20, 2013
I found the anime dissapointing when I compared it to the manga. The art wasn't as good as the manga. Also I thought it failed to convey the emotions conveyed in the manga. When I read the manga I felt all sort of "AAAH how cute" moments but when I watched the Anime the moments that were adorable in the manga just became badly timed and just plain out of place. This upset me because Im used to an anime bringing to life a manga.
Even when I don't compare the anime to the manga there are some parts that make this anime somewhat tedious. For
one the cliche poor girl, rich boy thing is way overused. I felt like the voice actor for Usui didn't really convey his true personality because I felt no emotional response when he spoke even at the most crucial of times.
However this anime ins't a bad one, it has quite a few good things going for it like its unique form of humor that you just don't quite find in other anime. Also there is the lovely guy chases after girl which, lets face it, never happens in anime. The lack of lover triangles is very refreshing because I always find it so unrealistic when there is an entire anime about a love triangle. The story is rather unique because the girl lives in unoriginal circumstances. Overall this is a good anime just not a great or amazing one
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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