Nice breaktrough in anime world with"slice of business" like amaburi. It's just too antimainstream. with the magics and funny moments in each episode, plus fusion with deadline to reach out the target make this anime not boring at it all
I'm just too fckin enjoy this series, i'm just too curious and ask too myself every episode "what happen in the next eps?". Why i'm too curious about the next episode? coz the storyline has a just make me want to end dat deadline by my self...
and relationships of kanie seiya to some girls on amaburi are exciting to follow on there.. (i'm support kanie
Jun 11, 2015
Hataraku Maou-sama!
Why i'm supposed to love HMS? This anime was great with so many potentials. I'm so love comedy and HMS is the best choice if you want some "romcome" anime. The storyline make me curious about relationships between each characters, and HMS need the 2nd season as soon as possible. About graphics and art, this anime became the pioneer of the newcomers (on entire 2014-15) who has similarity in arts with HMS (2013). Enjoy :)