Aug 21, 2018
So this is my first review so sorry if its kinda bad. Also sorry for my crappy english
But this anime was a very big disappointment for me. I expected so much more but it ended up being an edgy "humorous" mess I can only imagine 13 year olds can enjoy.
So lets start of with our main character rachel gardner who just loves to remind the audience that she really wants to die BUT it can only be done by isaac becouse "he swore it to god" or some crap like that. This gets annoying very fast and I just couldnt help but think "yeah
I get it now, you want to die" every time she said how much she wanted to die, also the reason why it must be done by isaac is complete bull crap and is only there for convenience so the anime can exist for more than 3 episodes. Maybe there is a deeper reason for all this but I just cant bring my self to watch any more of this disaster of an anime. Also, what is up with the tone of this anime. It tries to be a horror anime but at the same time it tries to throw in "funny" jokes in moments that would other wise be quite intense. The animation is decent I guess it doesnt really have anything special or note worthy, except for the thousands of cgi doors that look really out of place and weird.
The good things I can say about this anime is that its op and ending are pretty nice and the first episode also was pretty great.
I know I probably should finish the anime and see if it gets better but I just cant bring my self to watch this mess of an anime any longer, and trust me I wanted to love this anime, I mean just look at isaacs design and the premise looked pretty neat. But it just fails so hard and I just cant help but feel disappointed about this anime. I qould give this anime an 4/10 becouse it does have some nice things in it but the bad just really outshines the good in this anime
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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