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Oct 22, 2024
Everything about this anime is pretty good, except the main character. Will is one of the most generic bog-standard, to the letter, main characters. You've seen this exact character in all the trash generic slop out there like that smartphone anime. Main character is super duper special better than everyone despite being presented with a glaring flaw. He has no personality other than blind optimism, knowing literally everything, and being annoyingly kind to everyone no matter what. Any time Will has a problem it feels incredibly forced like they didn't want to actually challenge him in any way. It's just boring and if they removed
Will they'd probably have a very enjoyable anime.
As it is it's fun. It has good art, the world and story is fun. The fights are fun. It's all just dragged down by Will and your enjoyment will be entirely based on how much you can stand him, or not. Which sucks, this could've been great with a real main character.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 20, 2024
I've always told myself over and over to never trust scores on My Anime List, and one of these days I may save myself by actually listening.
This anime is shockingly mediocre in basically every aspect.
One tip i'm going to give right off the bat, just skip the first episode. It genuinely does not matter. It just shows you the harem early, and most of it is relaying the backstory of the main character. A backstory that adds absolutely nothing to the plot in any way. Nothing about his past matters in any way other than the lame overpowered RPG skills he was bestowed.
This is a
bog-standard power fantasy isekai. Main character is obscenely overpowered, can do everything, constantly inserts modern technology into the fantasy world, has absolutely no faults, there is no tension in any way because the main character is perfect and so powerful he can do literally anything at any time. Even the penultimate fight at the end of the season, spoilers, is over in about 5 seconds with no actual interesting combat ever daring to pretend to happen.
The harem is also a standard subservient cult of women who would do anything just to be used as a kleenex by their master.
Honestly the only redeeming quality of the entire anime are the short gags of the goddess summoning people and subsequently seeing how they fail their quest.
Had I known it was written by the same guy who unleashed the nuke version of a dumpster fire "Redo of Healer" I never would've bothered to even stain my hard drive with this mediocre anime. At least the main character doesn't spend every episode violently assaulting his harem I guess.
If nothing else, this anime is just by the numbers and boring. Nothing happens. There is no suspense, you know exactly how everything will conclude the second it starts. There are never any setbacks, no challenges, no defeats. It's utterly, mind-numbingly uninteresting.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 8, 2021
This is one of the worst attempts at emulating a videogame i've ever seen. Let alone an MMORPG.
None of what i'm about to say is a spoiler, it's in the synopsis of all things. Within two days of playing this, like, level 8 newbie walks into a party-boss, becomes immune to all of its attacks and then eats it to gain a unique set of armor, shield and weapon that no one else has and is super OP because it just gets stronger when it breaks and immediately repairs itself.
She becomes immune to poison within about 5 minutes of taking a few attacks.
Her defense is
apparently high enough at level 8~ to simply take no damage from a boss.
She gains incredibly overpowered skills within hours of starting.
The premise assumes she is somehow the only person who ever thought to min-max a build. And given her equipment provides such a staggering amount of stat points even at low levels you'd think her stat distribution wouldn't even matter that much.
Basically, every mechanic introduced in episode 1 implies literally every player in this game should be an immortal god with incredible skills, regardless of loot drops.
I'm sure this is a cute comedy anime but as an MMO gamer this anime does such a horrifyingly bad job of trying to create a believable game world I can't possibly watch another episode, especially given the synopsis implies things get even WORSE.
So yeah, want a cute comedy anime? Go for it.
Want an even remotely believable videogame premise? Pass.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 31, 2021
I love Clannad more than life itself, but this movie is a horrendous abomination that throws the entire plot out the window.
The first 10 minutes you might think it'll be alright...and then the train flies off the tracks.
Severe lack of music also really hurts it. Not that it matters since you'll just hear the sound of your teeth grinding the entire time you watch.
Destroyed the story and most of the characters. A good portion don't even appear, or appear poorly.
MAL requires far too many words for a review. This movie only needs two words.
It's garbage.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Mar 31, 2021
I pretty much never write reviews because anime reviews never turn out well, as this site proves over and over. But man. This arc. What? As a fan of the series, i'm at a loss.
I'mma come right out and say I LOVE the Alicization arc. Absolutely the best thing this show ever did. It threw out all the baggage and found a way to give the story stakes again without being repetitive. It introduced a ton of actually interesting characters and a completely new world. It established rules and for once actually followed them to a T. The first Alicization season and part 1 of
War of Underworld were great, until the main cast started to bleed in and things just devolved into utter nonsense. All established rules of the world were shattered and destroyed.
The story dragged on to get as much waifu time as possible, shoehorning in old characters that made absolutely no sense. Like really one appearance existed solely to waste 5 minutes and nod at the SAO movie. Why? What.
It was all just nonsense. I can put up with plot armour and "breaking the rules" to an extent but not when you're breaking every. single. rule. you set in place, and just shoving it down the damn plot every minute. There's about 17 miracles an episode with no feasible explanation.
And then the ending. As if the arc hadn't crashed and burned enough as is they took the burning wreckage and sent it hurtling into a kitten and baby factory. I was so shocked I wasn't even mad anymore. I'm just in a constant state of confusion.
That said, it was still watchable. And I wonder where the heck the story is heading, if only out of shear morbid curiosity and confusion.
Alice best girl
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 1, 2021
They must've handed out some fine crack rocks to the sad souls this site features as "reviewers" cuz man their reviews suck.
Just like manga or LN anime, people who play the game gotta whine the anime didn't follow the 60 hour game line for line.
This is a solid anime. Really good adaptation. Not much else to say really. It perfectly blended the social links and even little gameplay elements like baton passing.
Just don't forget to watch the specials. Unlike most anime...they actually matter.
and remember to form your own damn opinions, never listen to reviews on this site. Srsly people. Most people on this site live
to pointlessly hate. If you wanna listen to reviews, read the high scoring ones. See what people who liked the anime have to say. If what they liked fits what you like, check it out. No point checking a nag review. They have nothing useful to say.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 20, 2017
Really good anime, as usual for a Key VN adaptation.
Though of course like any other visual novel, unfortunately the reviews have run amok with morons endlessly bickering over how the VN was adapted. Can't please 'em all I guess.
Anyone interested in this anime, go for it. Definitely give it a watch. Unless you're one of the bizarre new race of try-hard anime critics who couldn't judge something well or properly if their lives depended on it, you will enjoy this anime.
I have a strong feeling season 2 is much better, just given that they decided to adapt a specific route from the Rewrite VN, and
season 2's is more interesting. But still season 1 did a solid job. I don't really have any complaints really.
Obviously this isn't a proper review, it was just disgusting seeing the review section of this anime being such a horrid garbage fire. Really i'm sure most intelligent anime fans don't actually read the reviews on this site, since within 2 sentences you can already tell it's just complete trash. But for any that stumble on this review with the thought of not watching the anime because of what others have said, give it a shot. Just do it. It's only a 13 episode anime anyway.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 9, 2012
I figured i'd give this a short review. Mainly because, I was very skeptical of checking this anime out because it has god awful reviews.
Goes to show, I really can't trust weeaboos to have real opinions.
Anyone who outright hates this anime, is a diehard WTC/Umineko fan. They expected a psychological thriller with some brutal gore. That really isn't what this anime was about, and thus...let the hate flow.
Story: It's average. I had it pinned pretty quickly. It does start out slow at first, but it picks up in the later half. I can't say I was ever BORED though, it kept me interested or else
I would have just dropped it. If you take it for what it is, you'll probably like it.
EDIT: By the way, this is definitely half Slice-of-life. Not your thing? Don't bother. You'll be bored. Not the animes fault, just a preference conflict.
Music: I really enjoyed some of the soundtracks in this anime. A lot of anime loses emotion because of a lacking OST, but this anime doesn't suffer that problem. I could accept ANY insult towards this anime, except a shot at the OST. It was well done, that's a fact.
Art: This is another one that struck me when I read reviews. People knocking the art. That surprised the hell out of me. I don't know what trashy streaming site people watched this anime on, but the 720p BD episodes I have look pretty fantastic. The art is smooth, the effects aren't lacking, and there's a decent amount of detail. For the time of release, the art is very solid.
Characters: I don't have much to say on this one. Every character has a role, and they stick to it. Not a whole lot of "change" goes on, except for one character I suppose. For a short 11 (technically 12) episode anime, I don't expect much more. Characters don't need to go through immense change to be well done.
Overall: A decent watch. I don't feel I wasted my time watching through the anime.
If you take nothing else from this review, just go with this:
F*** the haters, if you think you'd be interested in this anime, watch it and judge for yourself. Don't let a bunch of bias idiots dumping on this anime deter you, you may just enjoy it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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