Bow before your Queen
Working on something readable so for now have this (definitely not a lie):
-HoV Supremacy
-I like Blue/Silver Haired characters
-Screw tsunderes
-Breathing is overrated
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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka V: Houjou no Megami-hen
Mar 5, 3:09 PM
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Dantoudai no Hanayome: Sekai wo Horobosu Futsutsuka na Watashi desu ga
Oct 6, 2024 6:24 AM
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All Comments (25) Comments
Yeah, this is the 3rd time such a long maint happened after 2nd anniversary. Altho this time is a database error rather than server overload, or so they said. Prolly it's related to this 'super raid' they're gonna add in July. Compen rewards are something to celebrate but frequent accidents like this aren't good in the long run and it might hurt the game's reputation. They better upgrade server or database or whatever.
If you're worrying about dark stuff, I think they're only showing something like alternate timelines or bad ends if Sensei isn't there so there's not much to worry about.
Yeah, I think so too. Considering I got duped recently by Princess Connect into thinking it's going to end but then started a new arc, a game that's successful enough to announce an anime adaptation and just dropped a super-hyped long-awaited character who'll become a money tree, ending service in near future doesn't make any sense from business perspective either.
Hahaha, it's the livestream that's rumored to announce Mika's banner so of course I've watched it. Altho I'd say the PV is more shocking. Rather than hype, I'd say 'mindblown' or 'overwhelmed' are better words to describe it. Not to mention it said "final arc" but I don't think it's the 'final' final, if you know what I mean.
'Stay strong' indeed~ 💪💪💪 MIKAAAAAAA~~~~~
That Hoshino sleeping theory is pretty popular among the fanbase and chance of it becoming canon is quite high btw.
And this is just a rant so you can ignore it but:
Saori got a banner at last update of V3C4 but even after Mika making an epic scene there and regardless of her overwhelming popularity, she still doesn't get a banner atm. Right now she is heavily speculated to get a limited banner at 2nd anniversary considering how special she is but no confirmation yet of course. I'm starting to get a little crazy waiting for her banner lol
Phew, Vol.3 ended completely today with new update. What a ride. Wish you get to see it sooner.
If I am to give you a preview of what to come, then there's good news and bad news. Good news is, the story gets escalated more from that point on and it gets even better. Hifumi and Azusa will play a big role, Mika will appear again and meet with Sensei too, altho it's just a minor scene. But that one minor scene is powerful enough to portray her as very relatable and empathetic. After updating all 25 episodes, the story will reach a soft conclusion for Vol.3 and shift to Vol.4 for one update. Then after some more updates, Vol.3 will continue again, and this time, focusing on Mika and Arius Squad. You'll get to know how strong Mika actually is, too. All hype stuff.
Bad news is, EN will probably take at least 6 months more to reach all these parts, considering there're also other event-related updates among them.
Yeah, JP is on Vol.4 but V4 is an entirely different story focusing on a new school called 'SRT Special Academy', and only Part 1 is released and there was no updates for a while. Currently, Vol. 3 Part 4 is still continuing and the next update will be on Tuesday next week. That's where Mika is playing a critical role. I dunno how far you know her development from saying Vol.3 Part 3 cuz Part 3 is pretty long and has 25 episodes. If you can tell me at which development you last saw Mika, I might be able to talk more about her spoiler-free. And I'm not gonna spoil you about Azusa either so don't worry and just enjoy the story :D
JP is capped at lvl 80 for now. I think EN will increase the cap too at 1st anniversary which is coming soon.
So you also fell victim to how cute the girls are, I see. Another typical Blue Archive enjoyer :D
I do have some problems with the game but they're mostly minor. For example, I'm at late game now (Sensei lvl 78) so it became obvious the lack of resource and cost vs efficiency is very imbalanced even when I'm paying for monthly package. It costs 15 billion credits or something just to max one EX skill so I'm a broke Sensei now :(
But the problems are not even worth mentioning when compared to the story and how lovely the characters are. I almost died of diabetes after seeing S.Hifumi's smile in her L2D. And by story, I mean main story and Eden Treaty arc is one of the best-written stories I've seen in entire anime/game media that could make me cry. Never expected a gacha game can have this good of a story. So yeah, BA is my most favorite gacha game atm by a large margin and I don't see myself dropping it at all (yet).
Btw I'm on JP server cuz I want content faster but are you on EN (global) server?
So you're also playing Blue Archive now? Cuz Mika is not someone you'd easily know without playing the game.
I actually wavered whether to put all Abydos students in my list or not, including Shiroko. But then that'd be a lot of characters and I was getting paranoid by how long my list is that time, so I decided to cut off with only Nonomi and Hoshino.
Happy belated birthday btw.