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Feb 5, 2024
I know what your thinking. Looks like a shit post that is just made to be a meme and everyone in the reviews is making it high rated as a joke. ACTUALLY READ IT. Its such a treat. The writing is so good. Dialogue feels like people actually having a conversation. Art is very bad but slowly gets the point of acceptable at the halfway point. I would really want this to be remade with the authors new style that he's got. and I would doubly want this to get an anime. it would genuinely be so good. read it if you like solid romance
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Nov 9, 2023
To keep it as short as possible; Gag imouto romcom turned into a slight seinen drama romance. Very good, somewhat complex characters. art is nice. overall this is something you should at least try. Very gradual bait and switch manga.
Starts out very campy and full of tropes to the point to where you think its a 2/10 gag manga. It turns into a solid story about selfishness, trauma, and letting go (hence the title "leave the nest"). Where everyone is purely on their own side. And oh f***ing hell does it really push into the mc imo. Like, its frustrating how little people actually care
for him in the story. To save from spoilers, everyone surrounding the mc does absolutely nothing to help him mentally, when hes obviously distraught on multiple occasions (which makes the boiling point moment so upsetting. which is both good and bad depending on the reader). They all just push him around and back him into a corner to fulfill their own selfish wants and needs. Not to say the mc is perfect, but he tries his best to not be like that for so much of the story.
Pending on the type of romance you like this will be hit or miss, as it jumps into a good 3 sub genres revolving around romance. But if youre just looking for a romance manga with substance, this one is it, just trust the process.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 11, 2023
If you like one punch man, or any strong guy without knowing why manga. you will have a good 70/30 chance of liking this manga.
Ok. 46 chapters in. I can safely say this is very average overall. Started great, but the story is now boring with 3-6 pages of back stories for every main organisation's fighter shoved in the middle of a 2 page fight. Art is very good. Pacing is fast and enjoyable for the most part.
Starts with a great premise of a super strong MC in normal day japan that fights a variety of different people who wield different martial arts. Compared to
other stories in the same vein where they are in a mystical world where monster fighting is necessary. Fantastic premise. With very solid art and an enjoyable sidecast and a funnily weird/outcast type MC.
The writing is so iffy. Most times it feels like the author is going in the absolute most perfectionist direction it can, and then it falls terribly flat. Not to say that there are moments where it was very solid. The start when the main character was actually the main character was fantastic. And then it turned into a side character focused story about building strength rather than watching the strong one figure out how to live normal, which usually would be fine, but when you try to write the main mc in a deep way but don't follow through it makes it feel terrible to watch the side characters for so so so long. Imagine OPM but you followed Saitama for 8 chapters and then you saw him once every 2-3 chapters after that.
To compare it to OPM again because that seems like what it wanted to emulate. It tries to do all the things that make OPM great but over does it, besides the fighting. When it tries to subvert expectations it just bombs us with random interjections that try to be funny that just destroys the feel of the story. They overuse the “haha funny face panel” way too often.
Overall. What could've and should've been a 8-9/10 manga has been dropped to a 5/10 because the bad outweighs the good severely. It simply turned into shounen slop with a side of slapstick comedy. This could have easily turned into why OPM is so great because this manga does everything OPM does, but worse.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 22, 2023
It started out very average. Below average actually. But after about 25-30 chapters or so it picked up so hard. It's relatively slow. A Lot of lore building and side stories that really can be skipped, but are nice to know a little more about the lore. The slower pace really makes the climaxes of each arc feel so oddly weird. The characters massively carry. they do start out weird, kinda unlikable. but after a while they really grow on you. Other than that I'd say this is definitely a solid read. Oh also, points are knocked by one or two points because of how
much I disliked the first 20 chapters.
Story 8/10
TBH The story is something that really threw me off. At first I really disliked it because I felt they were under utilising the absolute crazy stuff they could do. This is the second reason I say the first 20 chapters are so bad. It teases you heavily. To the point of me almost dropping it completely. But just trust me, it picks up to a crazy degree. Damn near everything so far has been very interesting and has been delivered exceptionally. A story that feels so much bigger than it so far is, I mean this in the best way possible.
Characters 9/10
Once again, the first 20 chapters really killed my buzz. There was one interesting character while everyone else just felt like a boring character with obvious motives and characteristics I've seen in stories similar to this one. But also once again, it picks up so so so much quarter way through.
Every single character has this feeling of ‘there's something to this guy’, which makes it feel so good. Every character is likeable and nuanced. This seems to only be picking up as in the latest chapters (around chapter 100) there are characters being introduced who are more interesting than the previous. Not to mention everyone feels utilised in some way or another. It's not just introducing characters and throwing them away like so many other projects do.
Art 7/10
What's really carrying the art is the character design by far. A good two of the ten points are just from the characters. Everyone is so memorable. One thing I've noticed is that this author or artist really knows how to play with the eyes in a way that isn't just opening them wider when something obviously meant for excitement happens.
The other point goes to drawing action sequences. Makes things feel solid but nothing out of the ordinary for shounen stuff. Overall the art is nice enough and detailed enough to get by. Most fights and scenes where we mainly are with characters are in bland office buildings or inside abandoned buildings. Makes the settings feel forgettable, bland, and boring.
Overall 8/10
Could have been a nine if there was more of a focus on the settings and backgrounds. Make it feel like it has space and not just in a void of grey or white. Could have been a nine if it wasn't drop worthy the first 30 chapters. It's a very middling eight, not a full eight, not any worse to be put in 7. The characters and story are just really solid and make up for the slacking start and lack of trying with a quarter of what makes manga, manga. The settings of any manga should be memorable or atleast softly drawn to be memorable.
It's like if the naruto v sasuke fights did not happen in the Valley of the End (the two statue ones) and instead happened in a no name underground fortress or inside a random building with bare walls. What I'm saying is: Having a good setting is a quarter of what separates the best from the forgettable ones.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 21, 2023
This was such a dumb read. Only reason its above a 3 is because it handle some topics with some grace that isn't common. Otherwise this is a dumpster fire of making this one kids life hell for a reason he doesn't even fully believe in. But oh boy, the chapter when she admits to not liking mc just pissed me off. yes she doesn't have any sort of contract to be in love with him. but she actually leads him on the entire time. itd genuinely be better if the female antagonist of the story was the female mc because at least then she
would be a fun character with an interesting dynamic.
some points of this manga ive actually skipped, like in 3 or 5 chapter increments because of how pissed i was of this shit show of a story. just constant tragedy arc after tragedy arc. with some stupid ending where it skips 5 years and male mc is with the outcast girl who helped them out earlier(which does make a little sense, its what youd expect these days), while the fem mc is still doing the good old fashion shit of leading on the same guy for 5 straight years. the female mc is the worst fucking part of this entire dog shit series and i hate it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 21, 2023
It's okay. It wants to do so much but doesn't know how to handle that kind of story. A Lot of stuff just happens. Like it's an anti hero type story to start where the mc tries to take the light away from the protagonist. but he doesn't try, he simply does. Which makes the protagonist not even a side character, he turns into nothing. hes around for maybe 5 of the 40 chapters, where in those chapters he's only around for a page worth of panels.
This also tries to mimic a harem story. but the author doesn't know how to write romance. there's no
real reason for anyone to come to like anyone in this. they all just kinda get along because 'oh, old bad guy turned nice????' which just doesn't feel good or earned. Everyone just accepts that he's a good guy now. We have never seen the MC being truly a wicked noble like how he's described from people who knew him from the past so it just feels weird when people just say 'oh well I heard you just fat and mean' which just doesn't do anything for me.
The author just doesn't know how to write good characters or writing in general. All the characters talk the exact same, and the artist doesn't put directional speech bubbles on anyone so there were many times that I genuinely could not tell who was speaking their dialogue, which could be a fault on the translation but from what I've seen these translators are good at what they do.
The story just happens. Bad annoying noble guy is now nice and strong and helps everyone. Tsundere who genuinely hated mc and dickrode the protagonist just suddenly doesnt talk to the protagonist for 30 something chapters. A shy ex princess of a destroyed capital who doesn't know how to express herself.
See how I didn't even give the old protagonist his own little sentence? He's an afterthought who has done genuinely nothing the entire story. The only reason I can see for this is to subvert expectations. But I would've much preferred a story where the original main character is out to get the new mc and sabotage and be douchebags while the new mc has to overcome his past actions.
But this doesn't happen. New mc just is good so everyone welcomes him and likes him and oh yeah the princess of the largest city i guess wants to fuck him and oh yeah every girl wants to fuck him, I think? Since the author doesn't know how to write characters there are no subtle hints in the dialogue and the art isn't special so there's no body language at play.
The first maybe ten chapters were interesting because there was so much potential for a good revenge type story. But it went nowhere and was somehow worse than an average isekai power fantasy. I think it's because, yeah the MC is overpowered and can rival the strongest characters in the series so far with absolutely zero preparation.
Overall this manga has little potential. The art is average; opting for the basic white background in every panel that isn't an impact panel. Not to mention that two of the characters look exactly the same, from the eyes to the hair. They do have different hair styles but there were like 8 chapters where they had their hair down and you just couldn't tell them apart, that with the bad writing made it impossible to quickly identify them.
The story is lacking. Nothing happens for a good 20 chapters and then the most boring stuff happens that has zero weight. The characters are boring. And the setting is never explained. Like, why the fuck is there magic? Something about spirits? Why are they at a school that accepts anyone when there are multiple non nobles? You can see many inspirations from things like the classics naruto, soul eater, and any isekai. It captures some of the essence. But nothing that makes those classics. It's all just soul-less boring stuff.
Plus the amount of speech bubbles each chapter is insane. Its hxh level of reading, for a story that does 1/60th of what hxh has in a single chapter.
I'm probably just going to drop this. I feel like my time has been wasted.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 21, 2023
Overall. It's pretty boring. It's the type of slop you'd expect with an average isekai with its only redeeming feature story wise being that it's more than 20 chapters long. Art is good to look at most times. I dont think its gonna be better than what it is now so it will probably settle on a solid 6/10
I found this manga randomly. What made me click on it was the fact that it has over 50 chapters as an isekai. This is quite rare because there is just so much slop that just rips each other off that most isekai manga never get past
the first ten chapters usually.
Considering that every single isekai trope that gets created immediately spawns 40 other series that copy everything about it. Though Isekai started out as a mainly light novel thing, the genre has quickly infected every other form of weeb culture in a scarily quick way.
Now. I've seen manga like this gift mugen manga quite a lot. It's the overarching sub genre in isekai where the main character is morally ambiguous, and one that generally leans toward being ‘evil’. This one in particular did an ok job at this sub genre by not really trending the line of moral ambiguity, but more so jumping from back and forth from the actions. Generally leaning to the path of righteousness rather than pettiness.
Most arcs in this manga follow the same guidelines of one of the side characters saying ‘we found x’ and the mc saying ‘good time for revenge’. Which was pretty fun for the first two arcs. But it became so boring afterward that I started to skip through a lot of chapters missing nothing.
The second part of the guidelines that got boring after a second arc is mainly a problem with most isekais, the problem being that you can't have the main character be damn near omnipotent without any sort of weakness. Like, almost all of the allied characters in this one are on god tier levels in terms of power. Sure this is meant to lead up to a big fight with an entire country or something. But there were 88 chapters in and there has been literally no one that has even come close to having a chance.
This is a manga that is pure vengeance porn. But vengeance is only fun if we witness the struggle. The most struggle we see is a single chapter of betrayal, then we see that the mc has op ability and then boom, cut to three years later and were already down with 1/7th of the vengeance. So it has made vengeance boring somehow.
Another reason that the vengeance is boring is because all the targets of revenge are the same character with back stories shoved into three pages. They all just indiscriminately hate humans and are hungry for power. Once they have been thoroughly defeated they all just drop their back stories once again, but this time into a 4 panel max, and start begging for forgiveness and screaming for help.
To put it simply; there are no stakes at all. Not to mention that they missed the absolute perfect way to develop some stakes. If they had taken the batman approach of ‘if we can get to you, we’ll get to you family’ typa thing to the story of the sister. But no, the sister was just a maid for the human royal family. Quite possibly the safest place for her to be.
I think the art is solidly above average. The character designs of the summons are really good. The type of stuff you'd see in an average gacha. But the bad things I took notice of outweighed the good for me.
They turned their base of operations on the surface into a white tower. Yep, just a big white tower. I can only assume that they did this because now they don't have to draw a background while inside the tower.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 21, 2023
This could have been an easy banger; in the realm of 8 to a 9. The premise is solid. The characters are likeable. The art is great. but the author doesn't understand how to utilise characters effectively. We see the king twice in 50 chapters. we don't get a glimpse at how strong he is. we get one interaction with the anti vampire forces. and we find out that the main guy in said force is actually childhood friends with the mc. but nothing else afterward, he's not mentioned at all even after the interaction.
We know nothing about the story of the two twins other
than that they are weird but kinda nice. We know nothing about the main female character's backstory other than that she's 200 years old. In general. We know nothing about the characters whatsoever. And in 50 chapters we should at least have some character motivations beyond the main character's revenge story.
Like; the only somewhat story we know of is that the main character's fiancee was killed by the main bad guy. Which just rubbed me the wrong way. In fifty whole chapters I feel like I only know these characters' personalities.
After thinking about it further. I think this author is only good at making likeable characters and knows how to make good action sequences. Story is as simple as it gets, which isn't bad in itself. It's fine to start simple as long as you evolve somewhat. This manga just doesn't evolve.
We don't know why the main character was saved by the fmc. We don't know fully why the mc was targeted; it was something about how the bad guy basically grooms his targets' hatred and regret to grow stronger. But this was actually just shoved into a single panel and never talked about again.
He goes crazy for 3 chapters where he doesnt kill anyone, but randomly he starts killing randoms until he just doesn't.
Not to mention the fact that this should have ended after the first arc. We're now going into a second arc where all character “motivations” are completed and it's just boring. It's much akin to ending a game in an mmo. They're just doing side quests when able to one tap everything.
This manga WILL without a doubt succumb to power creep. Now they're talking about something where there's like 4 different people who are just as bad as the old bad guy but we're just never mentioned before. And apparently there are other vampire organisations that don't follow the vampire king that were mentioned once but never again.
The manga just has dipped its toes into shoes it just cannot and will not fill. It's just so disappointing. As I wrote before; this could have easily been an 8 or a 9 because it started out so good, the problem is that it stayed that way throughout the entire thing. It's so good it's bad in a sense. It's like drinking flat sparkling water. You expect the fizz but you just get bitterly flavoured water.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 21, 2023
Overall it's an okay read with some funny gags. It's even more fun to read when you go in with the head canon that this kid is a super good manipulator who's traumatized by his mother and is genuinely just trying to take over a household by force with the expressed will of the father.
It's weird. this should just be as simple as describing a shit tier harem. But I actually went in expecting garbage and came out having a good time.
The artist knows how to draw characters really well. Specifically female characters. The female characters tend to stand out much more than males.
I'm not talking about the main girls either, there were a few random/background ones that looked solid as well. Plus when a male character is set to stand out he never has a particular design.
The story is about expectations. To strive or not to strive. Is it worth it to put your all into something? Generally, it falls right in the middle. It's about having to put hard work into stuff, while also learning to relax. I don't think the author really knows what he wants to do with this aspect as the characters are constantly putting in they're all while also starting to get more lax.
Another thing that made me stay with this manga is the underlying mental issues problem. The main mc’s mother who was a very famous actress died and now he's living with a benefactor's daughters.
The mc only watches his late mothers previous tv shows and movies. Many of which guide his life and choices. To the point of being a bit scary from an outside perspective. Like, he watched one where his mother is telling her son in the movie that he should grow up and make a family. And so he then spends the rest of the manga trying to make a family with these three sisters.
Not to mention he shows so many signs of manipulation to make his greater dream of having a family household with these three women. He's like a master manipulator and it's only even kind of referenced once. And even then it isn't a story thing it's just something I guess the author noticed too.
And the female mc’s are all emotionally abused victims of their father who is now selfishly trying to fulfil his desires of his daughters being happy through the male mc. While still threatening and demanding perfection from his daughters who get noticeably distressed when they interact with their father at any time.
This manga also falls right in the middle of being a gag manga and a normal shounen romance. Most chapters have zero weight on the story of making the three girls become the best versions of themselves or something. And all the character beats happen to each girl one chapter after another. So there really isn't any individual progression.
And it's all orchestrated by this little manipulative bastard.
Another thing I found funny with this one is that the mcs height is never the same. Because in most panels and chapters it's shot from chest up or he's by himself, in these shots he looks like a little tiny child. But when there's a full body shot where he has to stand next to someone, he suddenly has a childs tiny small head on a grown man's body and it's hilarious to look at. Sometimes he's shorter or taller than two of the three female leads.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 21, 2023
Out of all the ongoing top manga right now. including jujutsu kaisen, chainsaw man, and all the other shounen slop. This has proven to be a weirdly interesting journey. You would think that mash was always at least having a kinda tough time beating all the bad guys up to this point, but no. he was just holding back. From the start of the series he was strong enough to beat half of the second strongest bad guy, which has never been able to go above 50% power against anyone. He's just that busted.
Just having mash as a character has made this series feel like
a gag manga at times. So when he get taken out for half an arc you really get to see just how fucking insane that this series could of gotten. Like, this series could have genuinely been the most serious power shounen out. like naruto, bleach, dbz levels of hype. We get to see a good 30 chapters of dead serious fighting and how much the author was able to delve into these characters' powers. it's some actual top level stuff that I wasn't expecting. Like, the gags that were actually just gags in the start of the manga have been turned into dead serious character motivators that make real sense and make you want them to win.
The comedy is really funny in both the writing and visual aspects of the manga. I almost never feel anything when reading these comedy centric mangas, but this one made me smile and chuckle a good amount of the time.
One aspect I particularly enjoyed in this manga was that the powers are generally based on certain Greek gods. Which makes sense considering that the premise of them having magic is that they were blessed by gods. And the fact that every character's powers are really well thought out to the point of it being impregnable. But they always make mash get through it through wacky means.
My only gripe with this series is that it took way too long to feel serious. From chapters 1 to 50 it's what you'd expect from a comedy shounen. A good half way through those chapters I genuinely got bored. Because I was able to take an educated guess that there were no real stakes and it's gonna be mash beating a strong guy but still no one likes mash because he's different. Rinse and repeat for 150 chapters.
But no. There are heavy stakes, it's just deep into the story. Like chapter 100 and above. And after chapter 50, they instead trick you into thinking there's stakes. Like, a really good trick. Chapters 50 to 100 made me stay through the entire ride without stopping. I read all of the most recent chapters in two days.
But yeah. Overall this has become my favourite recent shounen. Everything from art to story to comedy has been banging. And just when it got stale it went into overdrive. Making every chapter count. Though, now it is in what I think will be the final 20 or so chapters, you can tell that the author ran into the same problem as naruto. Making the ultimate bad guy too strong. At the point of writing of this, the villain has become a new god, and mash and his previous enemies are teaming up. So I'm interested to see how this author handles the whole ‘madara’ problem.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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