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Started out on MAL in 2009 as a girl massively into BL, evolved over time into a non-binary dyke who watches shit isekais for the dopamine. Character arc right here.

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Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Yesterday, 11:47 AM
Watching 12/13 · Scored 7
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Jan 26, 12:27 PM
Watching 7/25 · Scored 7
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Days: 31.2
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Hone ga Kusaru made
Hone ga Kusaru made
Jul 2, 2019 6:16 PM
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Barajou no Kiss
Barajou no Kiss
Jan 2, 2017 6:20 AM
Completed 42/42 · Scored 8
Shounen Dolls
Shounen Dolls
Dec 26, 2016 6:12 PM
Completed 18/18 · Scored 7

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Kuroshiino Jun 4, 2015 3:59 AM

Chemix800 Jun 27, 2014 4:44 AM
Tocmai am lansat site-ul
Este un site in limba engleza, care pe langa articole si discutii ce privesc ANIME, mai acopera si industria cinematografica si muzicala din China, Japonia si Coreea. Va invitam sa il vizitati si sa ramaneti alaturi de noi. Suntem la inceput de drum dar ne miscam foarte bine, iar feedback-ul din partea voastra ne va ambitiona sa mergem mai departe. Postam frecvent articole bine documentate si interesante. Avem si un playlist cu melodii foarte diverse, pe care va invitam sa le ascultati. Avem deasemenea si forum: Doar o mica remarca, cei care au gmail s-ar putea sa primeasca mailul de confirmare in SPAM asa ca sa verificati. Va asteptam! Vizitati si pagina noastra de facebook:
OceAnh Jul 21, 2013 9:03 PM

Livenne May 31, 2013 12:21 PM
Glad to see you're free now~!
I'm going to have a biology test in Monday, but it's easy, I'm really good at anatomy~!
I also have 2 projects for next weekend and then total chillax. xD

Yeah, but there's also the disappointment in yourself for not being more social to her. D:

Yeah, I'm in a philological high school, 3 english and 3 french classes per week. o w o

She's really harsh and talks to us like we're trash so we don't have the guts to tell her about this. ; w ;

Yeah, if I don't forget about them like I did with the informatics project for tomorrow. xD
Endless_ May 31, 2013 8:30 AM
Thinly cut potato chips with sour cream and onion
Endless_ May 28, 2013 9:48 AM
Potato chips :3
Endless_ May 25, 2013 5:46 AM
Ely-chan xD
Livenne May 19, 2013 12:15 PM
I know, exams are also killing me. This week I'm going to have an english and history exam and then I'm doooone. > w <

I've had a girl from France who was teaching me french but not anymore. I don't know what happened but we suddenly stopped talking. ; w ;

Gosh I hate that kind of people who flirt just for the heck of it. >C

My romanian teacher has a hobby about the communist stories and we have extra lessons about the topic. She tells us such gruesome stories about the lives of the people that suffered in the prisons. D:

I'm fine, trying to cope with the exams aswell, we also have to do some projects, but I've done most of them, only one left for economics~ ; w ;
Livenne May 5, 2013 7:49 AM
I'm not sure...hmm, I guess french is a weird language anyways~ xD

Woah, in my case, the first teacher we had, which destroyed everything for me, would dismiss the class each time and then she would give us tests from the lessons we didn't take, so everyone will get an F. D:

And EWW WHAT THE SHZINICKS. So disgusting. D<

Hazukashii~ (*/ω\*)

Hmm, Salata Beuf (( Idk the english word )), lamb, pork, other meat dishes, borsch, pasca (( again, idk the english word )) and of course, red eggs~ u v u

I have mood swings too but it's like there's a voice in my head which tells me: "You gotta do that" and if I don't I'm disappointed of myself after. xD

Nee~ Won't you join Card Kingdom, I'm a really active card maker there~ o v o
Though I see you're not interested in cards at all~ xD
Livenne May 5, 2013 7:18 AM
Lucky, I wish I had german instead of stupid french. That's why I got to Waldorf but nooo, gotta stick with this shitty language. ; A ;

Well'p, I got a lot of french teachers and they were all dumbasses :T

Senpai? A-atashi? Yadaa~ ; w ;

-huggles back- Well'p my bff has to come in half an hour or so to eat some deliciousness mom and gran made, she loves how they cook~ xD
I always have plans, that's how my style of living goes, why? o v o
AndreeaRea May 5, 2013 2:09 AM
Happy Easter!!! `(^_^)`

Livenne May 5, 2013 1:51 AM
It's ok~ But why did you reply in the Easter day lol~? xD

Of course. I'm a MAGIcian~!! <3

I've school in the mid day, that means classes start around 12 pm for me, so I do my homework in the morning. Though I rarely do my french homework because I dislike this language so badly, it's the teacher's fault for always picking on me waa~ ; A ;

I'm really sorry but my bff won't let me give my chars away. ; ^ ; She says she needs them for quests. Though if you want I can still help you with what you need. Just PM or give me a comment when you need help~<3
Though do you want to play Osu! I'd be so happy to play with you in a multi~ Though I only play on CTB and Taiko, no Mania or Standard. ; w ;

Oh, btw, Happy Easter~~<3
Livenne May 2, 2013 7:06 AM
Yes, I did. Well, I still have moments of lazyness but I'm cured. xD

Haha~ I hope you'll have fun~!

I don't recommend you play Wonderland Online, you'll have a hard time there, since there are lots of trolls and it's very hard to get accustomed to it. But I can get you some basic skills. If I get my bff's, which I share my chars with, permission I can give you my chars so you can play easier~ c:
Livenne May 1, 2013 1:24 PM

Don't be lazy, sweetie~ It's a disease you hardly get rid of, I've experienced this on my own skin~ ; w ;

Weeeelll'p~ Of course I'd love to~<33

The games I played are: LaTale, Wonderland Online, Mabinogi and Osu!

LaTale: It's an awesome game with cute chibis and great design, but very hard to get accustomed to.

Wonderland Online: It's a great game with awesome graphics, skills and quests, but the people are the worst and it's hard to get a hang of the game when you're a newb.

Mabinogi: I haven't played this game for long but I loved the interface.

Osu!: Most wonderful game I've played. It's a rythm game with a lot of awesome songs, mostly Japanese, the epic thing about this game it's that you improve, not your chara. I highly suggest Osu! It's also a game for otakus~ ;3
Livenne May 1, 2013 12:45 PM
Haha, my mom is strict about cleaning but when it comes to placing things in order I always yell at her to stop messing with my things. xD
When comes to cleaning I always want to do it but I'm too busy. ; w ;

Now I want ice cream but we don't have any. orz;;

Do you play any video games~? o v o
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