I'm absolutely loving this anime! I'm already 6 episodes in. I can't believe I never watched this years ago as I *love* anything to do with time travel, Groundhog Day, Butterfly Effect etc..!
I realise it only has 12 episodes (unlike other time travel anime I've watched that have at least 24) but I honestly expected his second jaunt into his childhood to have taken him to the exact same time as before. It's unusual for him to start from a much later check point so soon! My reason being I thought he was going to correct him losing the race and prevent the little rift
that occured between him and Kayo (among other subtle changes). Also I figured he'd need as many days as possible to save all of the abducted children's lives/catch the killer.
I did notice one scene fairly early on in the show (ep 4 or 5?) where he completely ignores one of the kids on the stairwell because he had just upset Kayo.. and that kid was one of the ones that gets killed later on.. So for that reason too I expected him to go back far enough in time to stop that happening too? (The one that gets mistaken as a girl)
Ep 7: Kenya's very smart.. He sort of basically knows something's up with Satoru. I do love it when main characters in a Groundhog Day scenario can tell someone what they can do or have someone that doesn't need to know like Kenya and will help them regardless. I went through all of Re:Zero without that.. hoping that he'd tell *someone* but alas it never happened and by the end of the anime, so much had happened that it didn't matter anymore anyway!
So their plan is to abduct Kayo but the thing is, the only person who knows what Satoru is up to or why he's doing it is Kenya.. He didn't question Satoru when he claimed he knew Kayo would be murdered.. Didn't even blink an eye.. But at this point what does Kayo (and the other kid who was playing cards with them (the one that's a boy that looks like a girl that ends up being another victim)) think is going on? I'm guessing Kayo think's Satoru is saving her from abuse? I don't imagine he told all 3 of them that it's because Kayo gets murderered tonight, right?
Ep 8: What the heck was that about with the random dude entering the bus and kicking a cardboard box?!
Wait he left a bag too? I totally missed that.. what the heck? Oh I get it, this is where the killer is stashing his stuff and he was angry 'cos he wasn't able to abduct Kayo or any children yet.. and they just so happened to choose THE most dangerous place to hide and be safe in.. Wow!
He said he was the only one who knew what the stuff that fell out of the bag was for.. So he *hasn't* told the kids that this is about abduction/murder? They must think it's *all* about getting Kayo away from her Mom?
I'm not sure why Satoru's Mom is praising him "this is what happened when we didn't abandon her".. Unless he told his Mom that something bad happens to Kayo why would she think them abducting Kayo was a good idea? I mean she *does* know Kayo gets abused but hmm.. I guess she *knew* they were keeping her safe thus why she made Kayo a secret lunch and prepared curry for all of the kids.. But I don't understand how this is meant to help get Kayo away from her Mother.. by having her seemingly abducted? Surely to do that they'd need proof of abuse by her Mother.. not that Kayo went missing for a few days.. There's something here I'm not understanding.
Unless by her Mom apparently disappearing and not phoning the police/the school, they'll use *that* as cause to have Kayo taken away? In the previous loop her Mother called Satoru's Mom like a day after Kayo went missing.. but this time, nothing? I mean sure in the previous loop they had beaten her unconscious and left her for dead.. but in *this* loop they're innocent of that.. Something isn't adding up to me.. Either it'll be explained or I'm just bakka!
Aww bless kayo is crying at being treated so well.. having somewhere warm to sleep, a nightlight.. having a bath and someone to wash her/tickle her.. Not having to flinch when someone's hand comes near her head.. and now breakfast that isn't just a slice of bread to be eaten on a frozen bench.. my heart, I can't take it! Here come the tears!
I guess that *is* what they're gonna use to take Kayo away from her? The fact she didn't even try to locate her missing daughter or even notify the authorities? Still I don't get why in the first loop they contacted Satoru's Mom but not this time? I guess the difference is that the last time they saw their daughter she was beaten and it was their fault? And they were worried how *they* would look, selfishly.. rather their daughter's wellfare. I'm referring to Kayo's mother and her boyfriend here when I've said "they".
Her mother's reaction when she finally turned up was to strike her.. so yeah I guess that *can* be used to have a child taken away? But I'm not sure if that would hold up.. In order for this reaction to happen they had to kidnap her child anyway..
Ep 9: How is it Akemi's mother's fault that Akemi's abusive toward her daughter? She made her divorce her abusive husband, she did a *good* thing! I guess she could've been there to help her raise her granddaughter but how was she to know that Akemi would take out her ex-husband's abuse on her daughter?!
I can see where this is likely going to go.. but with only a few episodes left I can't imagine it all being fitted in! All Satoru is doing is saving 3 children (well 1 at this point). He'll teleport to the future and (hopefully) we'll get to see 29 year old Kayo.. but he'll also find out that 3 entirely different children got killed instead.. and then he'll go back *again* to stop the killer instead of saving the children.. But there just isn't time in the show, surely?
It feels like now that Kayo is saved he's gonna focus on the other 2 and we'll completely forget Kayo? it feels a lot less magical and poignant, all that time and effort the put into Kayo if he's just gonna rinse and repeat.. She *did* mean the world to him, right?
Ep 10: Oh so the other kid, Kazu, who likes her is gonna take away Aya's "alone time".. Now all that's left is the boy/girl.. but apparently he's already been sorted? I guess it happened without me realising it.. I guess that'll leave more time in the remaining episodes for other things to happen!
I didn't even notice that he saved Hiromi.. When did he do it? Wasn't he always in their little group of gamers? Hmm.
Oh I see, his actions has caused that girl (the one who accused Kayo of stealing) to become a loner.. at least he's realised that she's a likely next target.. I hope he starts protecting her before she dies...
I was expecting part of this show to explore Satoru being the alone child.. what with him going out at night by himself to protect others, I figured the show would spend an episode where *he* gets abducted and killed.. He obviously wakes up in 2006 before he *actually* dies though.
Okay what?! They *are* gonna explore that and it's *this* episode too? Man, called it! But for it to be his teacher? I got *really* suspect when I saw the candy in his glove compartment but his excuse was very believable and his Mother bought it too.. From that point I was only a tiny bit suspicious of him.. but wow!
Wait **He's** the kidnap-murderer? I just thought he was super dodgy by taking Satoru away in "not his" car.. but what?! Mind-blown!! I wasn't expecting it to be him! He was "in" on so many things that Satoru was doing I'm surprised he didn't just kill Kayo in the bus.. he pretty much knew she was there, maybe.. man!
Not sure why he bento van is important.. Yuukii becomes a future scapegoat, not his father or his business.. unless they're working together? Hmm
Ep 11: Holy fuck I was *not* prepared for that!!
I was thinking we were gonna get a glimpse of his mother's life after Satoru died in the car, even after his teacher (in his hamster monologue) said he didn't die and called him Spice also.. I figured my above idea was right and he'd snap to the future or past and try again... but oh my word.. All that time his (unaging mother) was looking after him because he was in a coma?! I was not prepared for that.. holy!.. The tears! I can't stop them!
**Did she enter his room because she always says morning to him or was it because she heard a noise and she teared up because his eyes were open for the first time in 15 years, and *that's* why she was crying?** 'Cos I missed that the first time and had to replay the scene?
No, NO that is *not* what I wanted to see.. Kayo already has a baby? She was *meant* to be with Satoru.. No! I don't Like this! Not what I wanted!
She got with Hiromi?! Man if Satoru wasn't in a coma for 15 years she'd surely have got with him instead.. Easily.. Like everyone knew they'd get married. I really hope this is a transitional timeline and the final one is where Satoru and Kayo get together.. after all of the emotion and effort putting them together as lovers in the first part of the show.. I *really* hope this isn't how the pieces land in the end.. That would make this anime so wholely unsatisfying for me!!
I don't quite get why the killer killed his Mom in the first few episodes.. Why then? Why did she suddenly know who the killer was in that parking lot? Surely she'd have known all these years and would've been killed years earlier? I ask this because in this current time line it's 2003 and she wasn't killed.. Hmm.. Oh wait, maybe 0 abductions happened as a result of Satoru always getting in his face? I figured he still did them but in another town.. but I guess with 0 abductions in Satoru's town, the mother wouldn't recoginise the killer as he wasn't the killer.. in this town at least?
Aww man this isn't gonna resolve in the way I'd hoped or would find satisfying is it? If there were another 12 episodes then surely it would.. **maybe this is based on a LN and *that* will have the ending I wanted/expected?** Watching it I scored it a 9 and it was gonna easily get a 10 with the ending I figured.. 'cos well.. it's an anime and most of the time the guy gets the girl.. I'm worried I'm gonna end up scoring it an 8 though.. :(
Ep 12: What a weird ending.. and how did they save Kumi? They weren't on the phone with Satoru when he mentioned the drugs in her drip? Okay maybe they were? I guess?
And he never made friends with his 17 year old pizza workmate either.. So much unfulfilledness with this ending :(
I was really hoping he deliberately threw himself off of the building in the wheelchair to force a revival and then he could fix the timeline so that everyone was still saved *and* the killer was caught.. also he wouldn't be in a 15 year coma and would marry Kayo... But with only 15 mins left of the last episode instead of say, 12 more episodes, I knew that wouldn't happen.. so unsatisfying :(
Oh at least in this timeline he's actually the boss of an manga company and it's going *really* well.. what with an anime adaptation and all.. But still :(
I can see why this is such a highly-rated anime.. the sound track is incredible and the premise is amazing.. but why story.. It was clearly a 10/10 for the first 7 or 8 episodes but then as it became clear that Kayo wasn't gonna end up with the protagonist, even though it seemed to go way out of its way to suggest that.. the score slowly crept down.. That's not my only reason for lowing my score but it *is* one of the main ones..
**Did we see Yuukii in the reunion drinking session in the bar? It wasn't clear?**
Okay wow so in that very last scene we see the blue butterfly and I thought for sure it was gonna heavily suggest an OVA or 2nd season with him going back 'cos something still wasn't quite right.. but it lead him to what I presume will be his actual love interest.. It was always Kayo for me and I never at any point thought it was gonna be Airi... I got that they got on well and she was like the present version of the dead Kayo.. she acted and sounded the same but she was only 17 years old and Satoru even said she was waaay too young.. But okay sure.. at least he gets to be with Kayo.. sort of.. She's pretty much her I guess.
Apr 14, 2018
Boku dake ga Inai Machi
I'm absolutely loving this anime! I'm already 6 episodes in. I can't believe I never watched this years ago as I *love* anything to do with time travel, Groundhog Day, Butterfly Effect etc..!
I realise it only has 12 episodes (unlike other time travel anime I've watched that have at least 24) but I honestly expected his second jaunt into his childhood to have taken him to the exact same time as before. It's unusual for him to start from a much later check point so soon! My reason being I thought he was going to correct him losing the race and prevent the little rift ... Apr 4, 2018
Nanatsu no Taizai
One of the worst anime I've ever seen yet for some bizarre reason (at the time of writing) this show (and its 2nd season) have scored 8.29+. I can't fathom that at all! Other anime (such as Darling In The Franxx - to name but one I'm currently watching) are better on so *many* levels yet they can't even scratch an 8.0!
I'll forget the novel-sized rant I put on Reddit but the main reasons I dislike this anime so much (apart from the art style - I just don't get along with it) are as follows: Amnesia! It's a cheap writer's trick but if used well, ... |