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Dec 18, 2023
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. cool ? I guess ?
I don't know, i didn't really feel anything at all watching this. I got some nostalgia after the first 10 minutes with the soundtrack blasting and the TK opening but this didn't really do anything for me in particular.
Once again it's one of those situations where they bundle 4-5 regular TV episodes together and sell them as a 'movie' even though the animation/storyboarding/direction are nowhere near movie standards.
I guess adding some context to S3 is appreciated but this came a little too late and at this point, it just feels like it's Production I.G's way to make some money off
the back of a franchise that frankly, has run its course a long time ago.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 14, 2021
Disclaimer: This review contains spoilers.
I’ll start off this review by saying that I consider myself a bit of a defender when it comes out to Violet Evergarden, despite the criticism it often gets, I always thought in spite of its flaws and inconsistencies, the show managed to deliver the themes it set out to convey. Hell, i loved the first short movie that released a year ago so much that I rated it a 9/10. So it’s safe to say that I really enjoyed what this anime had to offer up until now. While Violet Evergarden had romantic undertones, it was never really about romance
or love, the way I see it, it was about Violet’s growth as a person, it was about overcoming the hardships of the past and learning how to stand on her own. Her growth was enabled by the stories of the many people she interacted with throughout the first season, along with their interesting stories. Well here comes my first problem with this movie, it completely strips that away. Every bit of development that Violet had throughout the TV show is completely stripped away from her in this movie, and instead is turned into this shallow, boring and uninteresting character that is overly dependent on the major and her feelings towards him. She failed to move on, she failed to become her own person, by the end of the movie, she reverts back to being fully depended on her love interest. Now for my second big issue with this movie, the atrociously slow pacing. This movie has no business being this long (2hrs15mins-ish). Characters spend the entire movie feeling sorry for themselves and struggle for minutes to utter a couple lines. The entire first hour of the movie is literally just Violet reminiscing about her past and being depressed. It took this movie an entire hour to confirm what we already knew from the little hints dropped in the show, the fact that Gilbert is still alive. I couldn’t help myself but zone out of this movie on a constant basis, and pause it frequently, simply because I would get bored. Now that’s not to say that this movie doesn’t have merits too, the first season had an excellent use of soundtrack and breathtaking animation, and those things definitely carry over her. Cinematography and delivery were certainly on point. With that being said, when the movie strips away what I found to be the most intriguing aspect of the show and turns into a boring and predictable romance movie, that’s the moment where I draw the line and call it out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 26, 2020
There is a lot that can be said about Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na. It is a passion project that is coming from one of the most influential and distinguished directors of the anime industry, Masaaki Yuasa. The main theme that the show is tackling is the production of anime, much in the spirit of Shirobako. So far it sounds great, right ? Well, that’s what I thought as well before the show started its run. Masaaki Yuasa has definitely proven himself to be capable to direct incredible anime that have mass appeal such as Devilman Crybaby and Ping Pong The Animation, then,
why is Eizouken so boring ? After the first couple of episodes, the feeling of novelty that I had has completely disappeared, why did that happen ? Well, I think there are quite a few factors that contributed to the decline of my personal enjoyment of the show but I think I’ll start with the main one, that being, the show relies too much on the technical side of producing anime. It’s more of an issue of presentation, sure, the process of making anime does sound magical, but then when you think about it, it really is about sitting on your desk for an unreasonable amount of time trying to hit deadlines, the show does a pretty good job at conveying that (while poking a little bit of fun at it). When you realize that, then it stops to sound so magical, does it ? You are being introduced to terms you (probably) have never heard in your life (unless you’re into animation) which do nothing more than add a layer of confusion that hinders the enjoyment of the viewer. Personally, I believe this is a similar case to Tatami Galaxy, an anime that is pretty extraordinary in its own right, however I feel like it is created with a specific audience in mind rather than mass appeal. If you like Masaaki Yuasa’s works, then you’ll probably like this one as well. If you’ve never heard of him, and if you are not particularly interested in animation then you’ll most likely find this boring much like myself. It also does not help that so far almost half of the show is dedicated to showcasing the creation of a mecha anime, a genre that I am not particularly invested in. I could go on and explain why Shirobako does a much better job at introducing the common viewer to the complex process of producing an anime while staying fresh and not feeling too overwhelming like Eizouken does, but that would take too much time out of your day now would it ? In conclusion, I would recommend Shirobako over Eizouken for casual viewers that want to grasp a basic understanding of the process of creating anime, however if you’re a fan of Yuasa, you’ll most likely love this anime since it retains most of the qualities of his other works.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 15, 2019
I usually never write reviews, but I feel like this entry has been especially wrongfully reviewed. This title, as most other sequels on MAL otherwise, suffers greatly from what I'd like to call, the "sequel syndrome". Basically all the diehard fans are the only ones left that are watching it, so naturally their scores will be biased, which works against the users that are interested in giving it a try, because it hides the issues that have begun plaguing the series. Anyway, I'll start by saying that as of right now we've been through 2 cours of Diamond no Ace, and the production is nothing
like the previous seasons. The series already started going downhill after the upperclassmen retired, however season 2 was still somewhat enjoyable, since Madhouse was still receiving help from Production IG. But this time around things are different, Madhouse is handling the project alone and every aspect of it seems to signal the fact that it is a massive burden for them. 30 episodes in, and despite the show being an absolute slideshow, we've gotten 2 recap episodes and no new opening or ending sequence. Pretty disappointing, right ? Unfortunately, the production isn't the only problem the show has. This is a baseball anime, but so far, this season offered the least baseball out of them all. After failing miserably at Koshien few episodes in (which renders the progress they've made in the previous season completely useless), there isn't much baseball going on anymore. We're mainly getting training and character drama which after 150 episodes it just feels... boring ? So we get a poorly produced show about baseball, which features no baseball. One would wonder, what went wrong ? How could a decent show turn into such a mind numbingly boring experience ? I think the main culprit is the author, for dragging out this series for as long as he could. I can always appreciate an author having a clear vision on how their manga would end, but this is clearly not the case for Diamond no Ace, and that is directly reflected by the awful quality of this season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 22, 2013
I'll be straight on this reviews . PLEASE READ THE MANGA . The manga is wayyyyyy better and complex than this OVA and I enjoyed it a lot . In my opinion , this is just a rushed OVA made in order to improve the sells on the manga . So I will point the principal ideas out:
Story - 8
As much as it shows in this OVA , I think 8 is a pretty generous score . A college student moves into a new apartment after living all his life on country-side . After moving in , he's stunned to see a young girl masturbating
in the other apartment through a hole in the wall . After this incident , they get stucked with each other and their relationship develops slowly .
Art - 7
Nothing outstanding , but still enjoyable .
Sound - 5
Bad voice actors choice and not a single track that catches your attention .
Character - 8
Emiru is really a great character , if you read the manga , you'd observe how charming and intelligent she really is . Kido is your average student , his kindness ruins him though .
Enjoyment - 9
This is good fap material , for real . I think this is the only way this OVA can be used for .
Overall - 7
The OVA was ok , but I just can't hold myself but say that there is a desperate need of at least a second OVA . This one covered only a small amount of chapters from the manga , and the best part was left outside .
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 5, 2013
Probably the blast of the Winter Season 2013 . Who would've thought that this anime , who looks ordinary from any point of view , would hide such greatness .
Story - 9
A girl gifted with an incredible power , the power of reading thoughts , yet this power turns against her , making her childhood a living hell . After a lot of downs in her life , she transfers to a new school , where a guy called Yoshihisa Manabe , the typical type of high school boy , carefree and perverted , gets interested in her . Seems that bit by bit Kotoura's
life takes another turn as they streghten their bond.
Art - 9
Interesting art in my opinion , but the thing is that it's really catchy and smooth . Character design is well done , no complains about anything , I actually praise it .
Sound - 8
Nothing special at all , but the op and ed might catch some of the anime viewers .
Character - 9
You get a highschool perverted student and a shy girl . The perfect combination. These two elements go along incredibly well and makes it super enjoyable .
Enjoyment - 10
On this anime , I can say that I easily lived the most depressive 10 moments of my anime life . It got a great emotional impact on me . There are presented true things that actually happen in the real life , all the situations link themselves up and creates an enjoyable atmosphere .
Overall - 9
As I said , this might look poor , but I think nobody can deny the potential this anime has , to become recognized between the anime fans . I higly recommend it , believe me , once you watch the first episode it's going to get addicted , and you will spend beautiful time watching it :) So , give it a try folks !
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 3, 2013
If you want to look into something original and captivating , then I'd highly recommend Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo
I say this because at this point , the series never stopped keeping me entertained . The concept is quite unique and it has a really pleasant cast of characters . Not to mention Izayoi's badassness .
The animation is one of the best I've seen this season and that counts a lot . Besides the little ecchi jokes on Kuro Usagi , there are also other funny moments and epic fights . Also this anime is very similar to a RPG . So
, if you're into this kind of things , then it deserves trying out xD
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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