The manga starts out like one of the typical school life manga involving a guy. The big tough playboy like guy who seems to want every girl. Then when one girl says a secret to him on accident, the storyline changes so fast its like getting smacked in the face by a freakin boxer.
To me, i found this manga to be one roller coaster of horror despite that not being one of its genres. The drama of this thing is so amazing, when i first found out what this story was going to be about, all i could say was... "" with my blood
Jan 16, 2008
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
First review and its gotta be my most favorite anime series of all time.
First off this series is a much watch no matter what kind of series you like, the characters are all unique, the storyline is riddled with more plot twists then holes in swiss cheese, and the soundtrack is awesome. You can not judge this as "Oh its mecha, it must be like gundam then!" No! it is absolutely NOT like gundam! So if you think that, i would say "watch another mech anime damnit!" but i dunt have the time here. This is the top anime of 2007 after all. And nothing ... |