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Jun 6, 2022
If you don't like slice of life, don't watch this move. If you do, than I'm sure you will love it.
I do have a warning though for people looking for a wholesome film, it does get a bit graphic at the end of the film and very sad, so as much as the beginning is wholesome please be careful is that sorta thing triggers you or something.
Story: 8/10
Characters are all pretty likeable, story is slow paced, tho it feels a bit rushed at the end and can get confusing at times. It's cute but gets bittersweet and sad. but overall the story is nice
and very slice of life.
Art: 9/10
The visials making me feel like I'm watching Suzu's life through her own art.
Sound: 7/10
I'll be honest i dont really remember any of the background music etc, but when there was some stuff playing it fit in with the mood.
Characters: 9/10
I would say each character was enjoyable, I didnt find anyone annoying but tbh it felt like I was watching a movie about normal people living their lives, but unlike some older films that do this kinda thing I felt like the movie was able to pull off, they all stood out in their own ways and none of them fell flat of felt cardboard.
Enjoyment: 8/10
I didn't really thing it was going to get super sad at the end, I just really wanted to watch something wholesome before bed...but other than that I feel like it was enough to keep me engaged.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 9, 2021
Want to watch a weird Anime that the main character is constantly running around scream and the background music blares loud out of no where? How about annoying twins and tons of tits everywhere? Yes? well here is the anime for you.
Story 3/10
Everything goes on too fast so the story seems all over the place, I honestly only completed it because i knew it was short.
Art 4/10
The character art doesn't feel the same as the scenery art at all. I do like the old school 90's look of how the characters were drawn tho but I feel like I've seen better in other anime's around
this time.
Sound 2/10
They never seemed to take a breath at all, I feel like the background music also was too loud in some scenes that you could barley even hear what the characters are saying. (Thank god for subtitles) I feel like if they could just take a break a bit more and turn down the background volume on the scenes this could be okay.
Op song: didn't have one.
ED song: just one of the background tunes that played in the anime, nothing special.
Character 1/10
The Main character is always screaming, the twins are annoying, the other characters aren't memorable, so besides the 90's style look which i like there isn't much going for them.
Enjoyment 1/10
I couldn't really enjoy this at all, It felt all over the place and even gave me a headache.
Overall 1/10
I won't be watching this again, I wish they had slowed things down, made the sounds better and MAYBE i could give it a 4 or 5 out of 10, but im sorry, I hated every second of it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 27, 2021
This isn't even an Anime.
Just a warning for those who want to watch this...DONT. I had the pleasure of wasting 40 minutes of my life on this film and it wasn't worth it.
Story 0/10
Couldn't rate zero so in the system so it got a 1. Your looking for a real consistent story huh? Well your at the wrong place... the whole 43 minutes is a confusing mush of gag shorts, weird live actions, and random creepy looking puppets.
Art 1/10
This is basically a perverted poorly animated Anime with chunks of live action and puppets thrown in.
Sound 2/10
most music reminds me of the 80-90's style so its brought me back, but most of it was generic sounds of those decade.
Character 0/10
too many characters, and none of them I care for tbh.
Enjoyment 0/10
I would rather watch paint dry than ever watch this thing again.
Overall 1/10 would rate a 0 if I could on the main rating.
I feel like whatever this is they should have just stuck to Manga comedy shorts that these came from. If you want to watch this than go a head but I don't recommend it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 19, 2021
Want a heart warming coming of age story about friendship between a boy and another being? Be prepare to cry your eyes out when you sit down and watching this one!
Story 8/10
I gave it an 8 because when the story wasn't trying to rush through things and you got the the meaningful moments it was nice! Now this was my first time ever watching anything Doraemon but when it was recommended from a friend they told me they took a lot of episodes from the show and shoved them into the movie and by the way its paced you can definitely tell. BUT I
do feel like it was worth it because when it did slow down your were able to appreciate those moments and feel the emotions in it and that's why i cant for the life of me put it as a rating lower than 8.
Art 6/10
I would be putting this lower but some of the visual stuff was so dang nice, but I can't get over the animation of the people....and I'm not talking about the art style either, I'm talking about the cg stuff like their almost slimly look mouths and tongues...kind of was weirded out every time they had to keep them open for long periods of time so tbh if it weren't for the rest of the visuals i would rate this about a 4.
Sound 7/10
I mean it was alright, tbh I barley even listened to most of the music with the exception of the one at the end which i wont really get into for major spoilers. but yeah, felt the music captured what was going on in the scenes, nothing was out of place or anything like that, but nothing really remained in my head after see the movie.
Characters 7/10
I hate how Nobita cries so damn much!!!! I get it, he's a 9 year old child but I don't think any child his age cries THAT much. Literally anything that happens and he's bawling like crazy. Suneo is an annoying little brat, Takeshi and his sister Jaiko are bullies, yet he hangs out with them and stuff? Like why??? They go from being bullies and being mean to Nobita to being nice and his friends than back to being bullies. they didn't seem to get any character development and it kind of bugged me. So because of these reasons I'm rating characters at a 7
Enjoyment 9/10
Did I enjoy it? well yes yes I did, i mean i love scifi and time travel stuff also one of my favorite types of anime's are Slice of life. and even tho it feel like the jammed a lot of stuff into a 1hr and 34 minute movie I feel like I still really like it!! Also I can't help but thing Daraemon is super cute and makes me want to hug him!!!
Overall 8/10
If you can look passed the rushed parts of the movie and some of the cgi on the characters than I'm sure you'll love this, its cute, the story is sweet, it has alot going for it and I definitely think people should give it a try/watch because the emotional journey it takes you on is worth it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 8, 2021
This Anime is breath takingly beautiful with a deep story line filled with so much meaning but its over shadowed by a jumbled plot and story that could go over anyone head.
Story: 7/10
The story over was confusing to me a bit, I mean I got what some of the story meant and was about it felt rushed and for that alot of the story kinda gets lost for sure.
Plot: 6/10
I have to say this is where i got the most lost. I did understand some of the issues going on but we had a side plot with Ruka's parents that wasnt very clear, And than
the higher up people that the marina was working with and their greed plot that didnt really come to a clear conclusion either. You dont really end up understanding who Sora and Umi really are and why Ruka had anything to do with this whole thing. I feel like I have tons more questions than answers and the mean behind the film cant be something as simple as she needs to say sorry for hurting the girl in her class...seems a little much for her to go through all that for just that simple of a message?
I have to at least give it something tho, I was so focused on know that answer and hear more and more about what was going on that it kept me there till the end...I just feel like the questions i had still werent answered by the end so with all its beauty and meanings it did kinda sour the movie a bit for me.
Animation: 9/10
I gave it a 9 because though the animation were so well done in some area and felt so really and was really nice for the most part, i felt like some of the animation at the beginning of the film looked a tiny bit off in some places, as the movie progressed tho I didnt see anything.
Characters: 8/10
Main three characters were nice. Ruka felt very realistic as the she were a really person dealing with teenage problems. Umi was super cute tbh, i just wanted to hug him. Sora although harsh and kinda a blunt jerk, I feel like that tried to make a polar opposite to Umi and thus he was the mean jerk characters.
however with all the personality they gave too the main characters i felt like other characters like Anglade, Jim and Ruka's parents had no personalities at all? Anglade maybe had a few little moments where i could feel them trying to bring it out but like why does that rest of them feel blank.
Music: 10/10
Whimsical and magical, felt every note had feelings, but what can you expect from a great composer like Joe Hisaishi who has done music for ever the famous Studio Ghibli films.
Enjoyment: 8/10
I feel like despite the confusion and flaws I did enjoy the film, I wanted to see more tho and I felt like I didn't get what I wanted out of it, but maybe you will feel Different when watching it.
overall: 8/10
My conclusion is, maybe it was just me, but I feel like they were going for a deep mean here, and maybe there was a deep meaning. If there was it went over my head like a wave at the beach. The Main characters tho relatable and charming were over shadowed by a plot that lead to no real CLEAR conclusion. So unless your someone who looks into things deeply you might not understand it. It felt rushed like they could have explained more but because its a Manga adaption movie they had to squeeze everything into two hours. I think I may revisit this and make another review in the future after i re-read the manga, to see if any views have change on this matter, maybe the manga might make me less confused as well.
Rewatch Value: 10/10 I really actually want to try to re-watch this again, to see if maybe I could figure out more of the deep meanings and such.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 26, 2019
Want an Anime that inspires you, with great characters and story, that might leave you empty for all the right reason? Why did it leave me empty? because I wanted more of it and didn't want it to end. If you like all that than you should defiantly watch this anime.
Story: 10/10
It's an amazing story about a bunch of students trying to find their way in life, running and being together helps them find what the future holds and what path they can take. I feel like its a nice coming of age type of story, with strong characters and a range of personalities
of sorts.
Plot: 8/10
Though I do understand the plot I feel like sometimes it got off track, but I feel like it was trying to be realistic that way. We can't always staying on the right path, sometimes we need to go off track and come back to things.
Animation: 8/10
I find all the Animation in sports anime's to be similar, the only parts i tend to get off track is the animation that looks like they got someone to do the sport and that traced over it.
Characters: 10/10
Each character has their open personalities, likes, dislikes, family, lives and even are going after something in school that doesn't really involve running. I never was bored if an episode focused on one character, i just wanted him to succeed!
Favorite Character: Kakeru and Heiji for sure, both characters are frustrating sometimes and have faults, but their good heart outshines those bad qualities.
Least Favorite Character: Kousuke is face punch worthy, even if Kakeru did what he did, and he was distant. You never see anyone reaching out for Kakeru in his past. Kousuke should be ashamed on how he acts tbh.
Music: 8/10
I felt like the music did set the mood in scenes, and i really likes the songs for the openings, both were equally good and made me pumped for the episodes. Even the endings were nice, it was very somber to how the openings were but it made me calm if something bad was happen which is good.
Favorite Music Piece: The first ending song "Reset" It's very pretty and it gives me the feels of sad stuff in this anime.
Enjoyment: 10/10
I really really liked this Anime, I mean the ending was so bitter sweet and there are tons of things left open in the air. I was actually sad to see the characters go! I wanted to see where they were going, what they were doing now, How far in running will Kakeru go? Does Kakeru love running or a person? Who does Hana really like? and tons more. Is this Anime a hidden shonen ai? or is there just a strong bond between characters? So much I want to see, but I'm unsure if I will see them.
It seems like the ending was up in the air, It ended on a good note and kinda with characters already gone and on their own paths, but it also left stuff open for more things to happen.
overall: 9/10
My conclusion is, this type of sports anime if a good one, even though its about running it was never boring, characters are fun, music in nice, you will cry by the end tho for sure. I did feel as i said at the beginning, that i was empty, but that is because I wanted more and it was sad that the anime ended. It's a good anime and you should give it a try.
Rewatch Value: 10/10 would rewatch the anime in the future, for the reasons i stated above.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 15, 2019
This Story is as bright as the star that the main character Ray is. It's a Folklore Tale that's cute and endearing to say the least. Teaching us to be kind and selfless
Story: 7/10
I find it was very interesting, kept me engaged and wanting to see what was going to happen next, tho i do have to say at some parts felt a bit rushed and I feel like the mermaid is presented as a bigger character than she actually is. It was very very cute and put across a very good message to it, which is to be kind to others.
Art: 6/10
I think it
was pretty decent, ocean scenes were lovely, colors were nice and real feel to it.
Sound: 6/10
Music was very cute, set the tone for each scene and made sure you knew that this was a historical Anime.
Character: 7/10
By god the main character Ray was such a lovely and selfless person, even tho it was a period piece he still stood out just with that alone. The mermaid was very cute, but her design was a typical mermaid. not saying her design was bad or anything tho. Villagers and other side characters each had their own quirks to at least make it so they stood out from the background.
Favorite Character: Has to be the Main character Ray hands down.
Least Favorite Character: It's a toss up between the Samurai idiots and The King/Lord, both seem unpleasant.
Enjoyment: 8/10
I really liked it, but i feel like that has everything to do with the main character. Ray is just so likable that you want to see what selfless act he will do next, and where his life is headed. "Cute and Endearing" is literally all i can describe this movie as.
Re-watch Value: I'm not too sure if I would re-watch it or not, so I'll just say Maybe.
Overall: 7/10
I feel like if you looking for something cute to watch than you should give it a watch, might not be to everyone's tastes tho, specially if you don't like historical Anime's but give it a try anyways.
Side note: Sorry to people who like Subbed only, when I googled this i could only find it Dubbed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 15, 2019
Looking for a boring movie with cardboard characters and a slow moving plot/story? Look no future.
Story: 2/10
I mean it's a story? I feel like if the characters themselves had more of a personality I might be able to get passed the very slow moving plot. It's not like I'm not into period pieces either, I've seen others and actually loved them. This one tho, I don't know much to say about it. I struggled to watch the thing.
Art: 5/10
I feel it was decent from the time it came out at.
Sound: 5/10
Alot of beautiful period music in the background, but something I'm sure I've heard in other movies or shows before.
Characters: 2/10
Very Cardboard and Generic, no features to make them stand out at all. Later on the main character does get a slight bit of personality that does bump it up to a 2, but other wise there isn't anything there, at least for me.
Enjoyment: 1/10
If I could put a 0 in the actual ratings, i would. As I said before, I had to struggle through this piece. There isn't much happening in it to hold your interest. Boring boring boring. that's all I can say. I couldn't even get passed 15 minutes of it.
Overall: 2/10
I would summarize but I think the stuff above explains enough. If you like this sort of Anime movie and can look past the cardboard characters and lack of a well built story, than go a head to watch it otherwise I would skip this one.
Side note: When I googled to find this movie I could only find it dubbed. so if you are someone that only watches stuff subbed I do not recommend at all as the voice acting is pretty low as a lot of Anime's were around this time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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