Aug 2, 2017
An anime so bad that it compelled me to join this site just to negatively review it.
(No really, I made my profile TODAY)
I don't know where to begin with this show. It's a constant assault on the senses with very little substance or strong points. The only strength this show has that I can mention without grasping at straws is that it is somewhat 'creative'. Like children's imagination creative, or horrible fever dream creative. I'm about 40ish episodes in now, forced to watch this through with a friend who is somehow enjoying it so far, please shoot me.
I'll start with story. Now, the show DOES
technically have a story, albeit an incredibly silly and mind-numbing one, full of obnoxious characters that all behave extremely erratically except for the designated 'normal' person (Beauty). Every once in awhile the show remembers it had a plot and recaps what's going on via narration or a random goon showing up.
Speaking of the characters, they're all awful, just awful. I don't know why so many child-friendly shows out there think it's absolutely mandatory to make all the characters look as ugly as a naked-mole-rat that's been repeatedly stabbed with a fork, but this one does just that.
Bobobo (The main character) is some kind of reality defying abomination formed out of a bunch of geometric shapes arranged loosely into a body builder. His seemingly most defining personality trait is being an awful person to everyone around him. At least he's arguably the funniest and best voiced character in the show.
Don-Patch is another major character that competes with him for screen time and lines. He might be the single worst anime character of all time. He's ugly, he's almost always screaming obnoxiously, his jokes are lame, and he and Bobobo are crossdressing constantly. It's got to be on average at least once an episode, this show LOVES to beat already mediocre or bad jokes into the ground with constant re-use.
Of course what garbage kid's show isn't complete with toilet humor? Enter Gasser, a young boy whose fighting style revolves entirely around farting on things. As if that wasn't cringe-inducing enough, he also defaults into acting like a literal baby when he isn't wearing his choker. Why..? Just.. why..?
Onto the humor, I was watching this in dub so I can't speak for the Japanese jokes, but my god are the jokes terrible in this show. It constantly shotguns pun after pun after pun at you, which many of the events in this anime seemingly only happening because they wanted an excuse to fire off more puns at you. I enjoy puns but the majority of these are so bad and cringe-inducing that I'm considering never uttering a pun again and lobbying to have puns classified as a weapon of mass destruction.
The action and humor in this anime takes the 'more random = more better' approach. Nothing makes sense or seems to have any continuity to it, the characters just scream "WIG OUT" and then a horrible yet colorful cacophony of things happen set to the tune of more bad puns being screamed. It's hard to tell "fight"s apart from the characters behaving normally, and usually it's hard to grasp what even is happening until the "ITSSORANDOMLOL" antics stop and one of the characters goes "AH, I AM DEFEATED, YOU ARE MORE RANDOM THAN I".
I could continue to tear this show apart for ages but I feel like I've made my point.
I wouldn't recommend this to children, teens, adults, masochists, or even sadists.
Maybe toddlers will enjoy it, I'd recommend it for toddlers.
and maybe recommend it to suicidal people that are looking for extra fuel to actually go out and kill their self.
-End Rant
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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