If you liked
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
...then you might like
Fairy Tail (2014)
Both Fairy Tail and Hunter X Hunter are based around a magical alternate universe. They have interesting characters, (even if the main character isn't the most interesting in the show), and good plot. However, it can take a while to get into the story as the first few episodes are very childish and are simply introducing characters. I personally didn't get attached to Fairy Tail or it's characters until Tower Of Heaven Arc, (around 20 episodes in), but by the time I'd reached episode 48, (the end of where Netflix shows), I was praying there was more out there, which of course there was, (200+ more). This is similar with Hunter X Hunter, I wasn't attached to the show for 2 whole seasons! But I was interested in the premise and plot, and loved the characters and their relationships, so I kept watching. This is because of the darker twist both Animes gain after 70-175 episodes, as they progress into the Chimera Ant Arc and Grand Magic Games respectively. I loved seeing the characters dealing with such angst situations, such as death and sacrifice. This is why I would recommend Fairy Tail and Hunter.