Adressing an obvious thing first : I gave this movie a 5, yet I don't recommend it. I have only very few anime that I rated under 5, as usually if they don't reach that threshold, it's a drop for me. I never force myself to watch anything that is at least not mid. So unless an anime was mid just until the very few last episodes that makes it go under 5, 5 is really my lower limit, so usually not something I would recommend.
Blue Thermal had a lot of potential due to it's background theme. It's like Super Cub, Slow Loop, etc. in
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Oct 23, 2022
Carole & Tuesday
Recommended Spoiler
I put this show on "Recommended" but it's not necessarly for everyone.
First, it's more of a love letter to music, with a lot of (not so hidden) references to past music and current music industry. So if you are here for the plot, or for animation quality, it's not for you. The story range from fun to cute, to cringy, to "omg really this now ?" Now I'm a sucker for music, and if you are here with some music knowledge, then this show may be for you. During the show (we are used to it) you have those mid episodes screens, and here it's all about music. ... Those 45rpm vinyls. And while I was watching the show, I was wondering what part of the audience watching this show even knew 1/2 of the titles / artists on them. Being one of those "boomers" and even I still didn't know a couple of them. And nicely enough, all those song titles where actually the title of the episode. (How many watching this show even know "It's too late" from Carole King (ep. 21) ? or "We've only just begun" from the Carpenters (ep.12) ? "Don't stop believin" from Journey (ep.23), and the list goes on...) Thanks to Netflix I guess (sarcasm) we have all those songs nicely sung in english. So while I have to admit that all are nicely done, and nicely recorded and all fit the "music style" they were designed for, I'm indeed a bit mixed about that decision to go this direction instead of the Japanese seiyu singing them. (Probably what I liked the most about Bang Dream) Finally the anime is ending in a way only the older audience can fully identify with and know what it was in the mid/late 80's when we had those live worldwide televised concerts like Live Aid, or the one to Free Nelson Mandela, etc. Those live shows either had a real impact or not on the goal they tried to achieve, but one thing is certain, that's something we have yet to witness one single time again. Because it was BIG at the time, and it's engraved in our memories, older music lovers. Unfortunately too, while I know it's a loveletter to that glorious part, it's also honnestly a bit cringy nowadays, at least it's how I personally feel, probably because I lost a lot of innocence and hopes during all those years. Any big concert like that to shake those politics about the urge (it's even already too late anyway) to do something for climate ? Or this anime is somewhat the "real" future some of you (hopefully I'll be gone by that time) will endure in 30-40 years or so ? Anyway, Carole & Tuesday is a love letter to music, more than anything else. If you are not truely passionate nor moved by music, simply pass your way, I'm sure you can find better anime for the plot, for some serious messages, for friendship, etc. Still a decent 9 in my books, for all the insights about music history.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all May 18, 2021
Yesterday wo Utatte
There are as many takes as there are humans on how they will react to the same stimulus.
This anime seems to be either a miss or hit, with a majority to whom it's a miss, and I can understand that. For myself, it was love at first sight. For that weird girl ? Sure, but hey that's an easy one right ? That alone doesn't deserve a 9 in my books. May we dig a bit deeper then ? As for the story, well it's a story about love, sentiments, shared or not or yet unkown. I probably was more touched by the story than many, because I personally ... fell in love for someone who never saw me that way, and ofc it was one of those "fake" friendship for around 5 long years, wher I was a friend for a girl I was in love with. One who told me about her love stories, her hartbreaks etc... ofc it was painful for me, so I very much can identify myself and understand the feelings of some of the protagonists. You can call me pathethic, but in my real life it was as pathethic as what you may discover in the story here. So yeah, many could see that as "unreal" but it may well be more real and happening more often than you think of. Sometimes love fall on you without any warning, and sometimes it can also grow on you, needing more time to recognise what you may like in someone else that may not have been a possible match. And as time passes, you may slowly realize that that person grew on you quietly, and maybe that's the one, but you were too dumb to realize it, as your heart, mind, eyes, were occupied by that other one way love. So to me, overall the story is fine. Great ? Deserving that 9 ? Hell nope 7 it is for me. So wait, I give that anime a 9 ? but neither the story nor the character deserve that note ? Well an anime is a FULL experience. If I just want a story, I read a book. If I want art I watch any kind of art (pictures, drawing, sculpture, etc) I listen to music, etc. What many seems to forget in an anime, is that it's a whole experience, just like a movie. You can enjoy a good story in a movie, while it's poorly done artistically, but on the opposite, an average story can be a nice movie due to the art involved into making that movie, like the acting, how it's filmed, etc. But ofc if you are here only for the story, then the movie will be bad. And that's then where this anime gets better than many of the seinen – romance – slice of life anime I saw. I don't know how many realised that the manga started in the late 90's, And as thus many objetcs in that anime then are obsolete nowadays. It could have been very easy to get over it, and "rejuvenate" it, but nope... the animation studio stuck with that era and to the original manga, and it works, as the story itself is intemporal. So as an older person who actually grew up with all those mechanic phones and their twisted wires, walkman and tapes, VHR, I ofc recognise all of them in the animation, and I like the fact it gives this "older" feeling, while it has truely no impact on the story. And that's truely where this anime shines. Not in the character animation, as I would say it's almost sub par, but damn... the backgrounds of this anime are just astonishing. There are so many details all over the place, each minutes of the 12 episodes are filled with details. So detailed that sometimes I felt like it was a picture, reworked to get the drawing feeling. The shadows are greatly done, all the old phones, faxes, etc. That is a simple 10 in my books. I rewinded so many times just to take time to appreciate what this anime was giving me as far as details goes. And it's very rare that I do that. I watch most of my anime with a headset. And damn here again the level of details of all the sounds is great. I honnestly can't recall having seen an anime season with that level of work on sounds. A movie ? maybe, but not a season. 10 again here. Then the ending of the first 6 episodes is simply so poetic that I watched every one of them, while in most anime I simply skip 1:30 every single episodes just to get (if there is) the teaser for the next episode. I was very disapointed of the last 6 episodes ending, but oh well... let it go. Oh wait, this anime has NO opening, hey that's also a 10 in my book, as usually openings are just full alert spoilers showing you all the characters you may discover only later in the story. Again that's 1:30 less filler in that anime as well, and 1:30 I don't have to skip. I liked the original voice acting. No annoying voices, nothing overdone, so here again, it's a good 9. Finally, the anime has a true ending. Like it or not, but at least it's not ending in a way you feel that there is something missing. I enjoyed every minute of this anime, and if you are looking for a bit more in an anime than "just" a story to kill time, and you are truely involved into actually appreciating the artwork, then it's probably one you should give a chance, despite it's trashed score. Now if you are looking for a revolutionary story, or a time killer, you may simply pass your way. The story has nothing "special", like many many love – romance stories. It's not worse nor better than many of the other anime I saw in the same vein.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all May 27, 2017 Recommended
Let’s start off with something completely clear. Wall of text ahead.
The anime and the manga follow a completely different trail at some point… is it bad ? Yes and no… let me explain. When you see some anime, you simply get completely frustrated about the ending, because it ends in such an akward way you would have to read the manga to fully enjoy the next step… (something along the lines of Btoom…) But it does follow the manga… leaving you with that weird taste after completing the anime... So at this point, you either have to do yourself a favor and start to think a bit differently ... or pass your way… I will, due to that, instore a rule… one single rule : Rule #1 - Simply pass your way and save yourself precious lifetime IF... Do it differently : take the anime as a separate material, and completely disconnect it from the manga… It’s really an adaptation. The manga is NOT the script of the anime... Still not sold to admit an anime and a manga could have a different story ending while the start or base material is the same ? Then simply go read the manga… and read rule #1 [Simply pass your way and save yourself precious lifetime IF… Still not sold to admit an anime and a manga could have a different story ending while the start or base material is the same] got the idea of how to make it work right ? Now, about the standard bashing : let’s look at the tags this anime has… Drama, Ecchi, Music, Romance, School… I’ll simply forget about the shounen, as it’s not that important for the story itself. So first off… yes Ecchi… what would be ecchi without it’s dose of fan service and pantyshots ? So again, either you are into ecchi style or not, and if shots of panties and other usual ecchi scenes bother you to this extend, use rule #1. Now let’s make it clear, it’s not integrated to the anime… it’s clearely the same into the manga… Romance and Drama… well sorry to say, but romance and drama stories have been filling our world for thousands of years… and funnily enough they ALL follow the same standards and paterns… so yes, put those 2 together and at some point you will have already seen all stories and developpements, it just all depend of how many have you seen or not… very hard to re-invent the wheel isn’t it ? So yes, this story use the everyday standards about drama and romance… it has been a receipe that worked for as long as humanity has written tales and stories. Oh and do yourself a favor… understand the difference between the meanings of drama and dramatic… drama does not necessarly need to be dramatic… Drama is a genre, while dramatic is a situation... So finally, the saying is, « if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it... »… and it’s true for each genre out there… so either you are ready to admit this fact and you want to see a romance/drama anime, or you are already fed up to have witnessed so many of those and then apply rule #1 Music and School… there, funnily enough I find that this anime is a bit different than the ones usually using those 2 tags together. Let’s be clear it will not make the story any better or worse… just a different flavor… They will not only use the school environement to fullfill their dreams. Just a bit of fresh air… Now that we are done with the tags, and just for that you should know if you give it a chance or not, we can dip into what many discuss the less… the story. Story : 8 Wait what ??? why so high ? Well there are so many things that goes either unnoticed, completely disregarded or completely overlooked into this anime that I personally think it’s a shame to see how many can’t even see it… First off, this is a sequel to Suzuka… and due to that, many still do not bother to watch it and simply completely misunderstand the very first ecchi scene and why it’s there… Fuuka’s parents… their sport background… and a bit of DNA is into Fuuka… so this scene in which she simply jump over the hurdle… and the animation is quite clear, it’s really a perfect movement of a a 110 metres hurdles… and she does it simply.. because it’s somewhat fun to her… it’s not just there because it has to be there to prepare the ecchi scene, it’s the ecchi scene that is there because of that element… what fun would there be if the scene simply had Fuuka jumping over that, and having everyone looking at her pursuing her way without any stumble ??? Then the twitter thing, well for once, refreshing to have the full name and not a freaking generic name that everybody will simply say or think over the anime name anyway… I think there again many overlook the message that the mangaka drop there… maybe it’s time to think a bit ??? I’m an old moron… and I simply utterly disrespect any FaceBook and Twitter things… Just for that matter I can simply fall in love with Fuuka… but still I really like that the Mangaka simply use it as a tool to question the good and bad of those modern communication tools and what they can instigate… The extended use of cellphones... I’m born and grown in a timeframe where we used to give ourselves a meeting point and hour, and simply stick to it and not having to use a phone to find ourselves while still in such a proximity from each other that if you witness real world today’s actions, you simply facepalm to see how many peeps find themselves phoning or texting each other to find out they could really make eye contact… would they have risen their eyes out of that dumb phone screen… I have been grown in a world where you would look at things through your eyes, not through a diminishing rectangle that simply display in a shitty small screen what your eyes could see at a way wider range… and finally that’s probably what goes completely disregarded the most in this story… because many are bound to live like Yuu’s vision of today’s world… Fuuka sees the world way differently many does those days. So sorry, yes story fulfill something way deeper than many want to really admit. About the music writing part… Many seems to completely misunderstand how sometimes music works… some great songs were composed in a very short amount of time… Maybe not in a night, but some in a few days and some in a span of a few weeks at the most, sometimes in a studio while in a pause during an recording of an album, and a song that was unexistant at the start of the work simply makes it through the final album, some composed on a coach or on the patio during a hot summer night or next to a fire place on a cold winter evening… Some of the great songs did not really take that long to be composed… I’ll not do your homeworks here, but let’s just simply drop some titles… Smoke on the water, You really got me, My generation… Oh wait what ??? I know right… they are old songs… What usually takes time is the arrangements and the studio work… and again, there the anime is too short to show that difference, while we witness it on the manga… so yes a basic song like Fuuka does in a night… plausible… because music very often follow exactly that path that many dislike the most about this story… standards and very well known patterns… and the songs that usually have the biggest impact on standards music listeners are not the complex ones... Besides that, yes of course many situations are generic situations, some more unreal than others and it’s not a masterpiece plot, at least for what we are given into the anime… There are so many things that we are just witnessing the embryonic state in the anime and that will make sense or be usefull only later into the manga’s story… so yes there are some frustrating things… Art : 8 Well I really like the chara design, I find them really putting into life what we have into the manga, but honnestly, for an anime that still revolve around music, those are by far not the best animations out there for that matter. Other than that, it’s the standard we are used to see those days. Nothing great, but good enough. Sound :7 Well there it hurts a bit… for an anime that revolves around music and that is inspired from a manga.. clearely while not beeing bad, the songs will never really make any of my playlists… they are simply way too generic. For that one, Fuuka in my eyes completely miss the opportunity to be better… There you will not find those great cute things K-On does, nor what White Album creates… you will not have the emotions you find into Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso nor Hibike Euphonium… Characters : 9 Well there it’s hit or miss… Either you fall in love with energetic, optimistic tornado that Fuuka is, or you don’t… and it’s clerely where this anime makes it or not for you… I just like what she represent, her way of thinking, how she lives somewhat appart from today’s world… Now, the probably most problematic one… Yuu… If you simply dislike the passive male heroes, you will simply hate him… to the point you will not really enjoy that anime probably… so if you find yourself needing a strong male hero… apply rule #1. He’s not that bad, it’s just the anime part… he really doesn’t shine until way later in the maga… if he does ever shine by the way… I’m used to that, I can live with it, I usually like anime for the female heroes anyway, and I usually truely dislike the usual male hero stereotype that can carry it all without crying… But he somewhat reminds me of a Jim Morrisson so unsure of himself on the beginnings and that finally is remembered as a great charismatic face of music... The other protagonists, again, yes, really some standards and cliche ones… but again, they just get better in the manga… and really not that much into the anime… Still Fuuka gets so high into my heart, that I can’t go lower for that note. Enjoyement : 10 Yes I really enjoyed watching it. I found it refreshing and it left me with a good taste at the end… enough so I got to read the manga.. and that’s clearely the point of this anime… make so you get into the manga if you want to really find out what was the difference between the 2’s… and it reached that goal… at least for me Overall : 8 Yes, because what I really like finally, IS the difference between the manga and the anime… The manga could survive and achieve it’s goal with the story it has… as it is… all dramatic that it is… And the messages it carries can stand it… and be enjoyable… However, the anime could simply not survive and fulfill it’s goal should it had sticked to the manga plotlines… the anime would really be a salty one, a bitter one, leaving you completely empty if it had the storyline the manga has and kept it in a one season stand as it will probably be the case… So the anime achieve something different… Beeing a pleasant one on it’s own… A watchable anime, not great, but not as bad as many want to make it be… So will you get hit by a tornado called Fuuka ? Or not ? If yes, will you take it a step further and face the harsh story of the manga ? Thanks for reading, and sorry for misspelling, english is not my mother tongue
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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