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Dec 8, 2018
Little note. I'm reviewing seasons one, two and three. And this will have spoilers because I have searched all over for an actual summary for all seasons and episode descriptions and character summaries and there is nothing. So since nothing helped me, I'm going to help anyone else who decides to watch this pathetic show with spoilers.
The summary for season one is a lie. They are not married, Not in that season. They met under a shelter waiting for the rain to stop. The guy pays the chick no mind but she is quickly head over heels for him and he takes off as soon
as the rain stops. Then he meets the chick's sister and she likes him but she seems to be a flirt.
Then the next day or sometime later they all meet at school. The chick who met him in the rain is shocked and doesn't get how she never saw him before. She tries to talk to him but he pays her no mind and someone interrupts her anyway.
Basically, the whole first season is about this shy girl who likes this generic guy who comes off as cool and emotionless when he is really just bland and boring.
They all go to different colleges and she does not see this guy for about four years, maybe more. And it looks like she has since gotten married but you never see a husband so I don't know when flashing forward through the years they showed her in a wedding dress.
Anyway, she meets him again and they finally talk and act like friends I guess. He has since become an actor and she is still in school from the looks of it. So then she goes to see him since she has some business in his part of town. They spend time together and she leaves. It looks like he starts to show some very tiny specks of liking her.
So season two. She writes a love letter to him but never gives it to him because in true stalling fashion someone or something always gets in the way and she puts the letter back in her pocket. So this boring guy finally realizes he likes her and when she is graduating college I guess he goes to see her.
Well some little backstory shows that the girl's aunt and the butler don't like him so when he has some guy send the girl flowers, the aunt tells the butler to throw them out and then the aunt tells him that the girl never liked him.
The backstory between these two is confusing from what I saw. The aunt flat out hates this guy and he knows it so why he believes anything she says is beyond me. But then he starts to doubt all the memories and time he spent with the girl and thinks she has been playing him the entire time. Seeing the flowers the butler threw out only further makes him think she hates him or something
Meanwhile, at home, the girl is waiting for him to come to her party and even calls him a million and one times but by then this idiot is brainwashed to where he ignores her calls and thinks she likes his brother and not him.
I skipped a few episodes because it was a repetitive mess of her harassing him by calling. Him ignoring the calls, and constant flashbacks of their time together and meeting in the rain. It's like the story was not progressing. Just focusing on the adult angst at this point. He was constantly sulking acting like his life was over.
Somehow for some reason, they need to get married and this happens at the end of season two. I couldn't watch that episode fully because the little text in English was right on top of the Chinese text. Poor dubbing if you ask me.
But by then, this guy completely hates this girl and she has no idea why but yet she makes the three rules up? Okay.
I only watched the first five episodes of season three. They live together and slept together once when they were drunk but he is mad at her and thinks she used him. Then he has a fever and she goes to him and he sleeps with her again but when he wakes up he thinks she took advantage of him and throws her out.
It's stupid and they are both idiots. They both like each other but he is bitter thinking she has been playing him and she is confused and has no idea why he is acting like a whiny female dog.
I'm just done with this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 24, 2018
I didn't care for the summary and plot of this anime but it was romance so I decided to give it a try. Didn't work out and I'm not surprised. The site I was watching this on each week always seemed to have an issue and I didn't care enough for this anime to look around for another site to watch this on, add in MAL not being open for me to update my progress, I just took it as a sign to stop torturing myself with this.
It's just an over the top angsty teen romance about a social outcast who gets bullied finally getting
a girlfriend and thus starts becoming friends with other people. But I guess the twist was that this chick was supposed to be leaving in six months. She didn't want to deal with friends because of her short time at the school, but wanted to have a boyfriend? Yeah, that's logical.
That short time and she spends most of the time being a moody female dog over nothing half the time. And then another female chick he befriends always sides with this moody chick because apparently, her sour mood is always all his fault. And despite them being in high school, she resorts to grade school antics and lacks any kind of real communication skills to talk to him about anything.
I stopped watching the episode after the camp trip where they came back. Another girl admitted to the girlfriend that she likes her boyfriend and the girlfriend is mad at the boyfriend because he's nice and thus he made her fall in love with him. So they get back to school and she still avoids him.
I can't do it anymore. I'm sick of this overly dramatic teen school mess. Why can't they come out with anime mature anime like Nana? Ugh!
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 24, 2018
I'm really getting tired of anime developed from a half-finished manga. All those chapters and volumes reduced to twelve episodes with zero chance of a second season. That's sad It makes for a very disappointing anime.
This was one of the two shows I was looking forward to and the only highlight of my Saturday nights. It was a good show but the ending was very lackluster. And once again, something I like almost makes me want to read the manga, but I strongly dislike black and white pages with hardly any words to tell an actual story.
So I have to deal with this vague train
wreck. Basically, it's about a girl meeting and falling for a vampire. Stuff happens and she has to move in with him which is the top floor of a bar. The main villain is a group called the CCC but there is one episode for two minutes that shows his mom and his dad but the vampire, Yuki, doesn't know he just met his mom.
I don't know, they just threw it in to make sure it was mentioned I guess. I liked the romance part of it. But the action was good too but it just didn't end the way I wanted it to.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 3, 2017
Five words: forced. forced, forced, forced and forced! That's the only word that comes to mind when thinking of this anime. Just forced. I don't think I'm going to be watching another romance anime with a memory loss plot anytime soon.
This may include spoilers.
I guess I'll just start with the characters.
Koko, which is a dumb name if you aren't a dog, was just the worst type of person in this whole thing. She displays a lot of traits and qualities of that of an abusive, possessive boyfriend. Banri has to respond as soon as she texts him, he can't get a job, can't talk to
or be alone with other girls. Heck, she doesn't even want him to remember his past. Doesn't once try to help him or encourage him to face it. No, it's just about her and what she wants.
She originally comes to the college to follow another guy who doesn't like her, but when she fails to control him, she gets her hooks in Banri and since he is the genetic weak-willed guy who always sports a confused look on his face, he just goes with it. She makes him turn his back on an old childhood friend who has done nothing but helped him since he came to college, even though she doesn't help him with anything!
Banri is this guy who is starting over because he lost his memory right after graduating high school. He meets Koko and after a while, they start dating but he has no choice at all. Basically, the only thing he can do is go to class, talk to people who aren't girls and always be with Koko.
He has no personality really. Since he lost his memory, he acts like his only identity is this possessive chick who tells him who he can and can't hang out with.
I didn't see any kind of chemistry at all with them. It probably had to do with how and why she came to college to start with. And sure okay, there are six episodes that show them as friends before they date and that usually serves as the chemistry building, but it fell flat. With Koko's character, I can't really see it any more than a girl not getting her way with one guy, but got it with another.
Almost every episode after the seventh one is just them always reconfirming their relationship like they are reminding each other they are dating.
The setting makes no kind of difference to me. Should have been a high school setting because that's how they were acting. And the club was more important anyway. It was most of a college club setting than a college setting. Always talking about the club and the festival. So why specifically mention the college is some private law school or whatever when they were mostly in the club talking about events?
I really felt sorry for Linda. In the childhood flashbacks, I felt some chemistry between her and Banri. She does any and everything for him and he just goes with whatever Koko says or does. Just selfish! Both of them! I was hoping she would be with the guy from the festival club. They would have been a cute couple.
Maybe it had something to do with the looks. Banri looks like a plain, boring character who should be in another anime or at least a side character in this one because of everyone, the art was just much better. Koko is this flashy, stylish girl with long brightish hair. And even Linda had these eyes that just stood out. And you put either of these girls with a guy like the main character and expect chemistry? Not for me!
Another thing that drove me nuts was the Nana character parody. I mean really? Hey, creators, your lack of originality is showing! I guess when they thought of a tough character with a soft side, they thought of Nana Osaki and that's sweet, but seriously? Same name? Same looks? Possibly the same piercings too.
Just no, this anime didn't work for me. And the ending was just a cluster fuck from hell. But I won't spoil that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 26, 2017
I'll watch the last four episodes when they come out in dub, but eight episodes in, it's not going to change my view of this.
First off there are way too many couples for there to be any kind of plot or actual progression for each couple. I don't know why so many couples are needed when they are all nearly the same character,
At least two of the guys talk about having to take a dump, most of the girls are shy or insecure, two of the guys are overly nervous, one guy has a sister who possibly wants to marry him. I never understood that
trope in anime.
Second of all, you can't even keep up with all the names, at least I can't. Not that it matters because of each couple, for the most part, is so boring. Nothing has jumped out at me enough to fully remember a name.
Really what they should have done was have an anime centered around Katori and that girl who likes him. He is the only interesting guy in the show. And that would have made for a cute 12 episode anime. Not this bowl of mumbo, jumbo they threw together.
It would have worked with three couples, but they just added too many damn people who all act the same. But it is getting ratings so apparently, a cluster fuck is what people want.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 6, 2017
I tried watching this a few years back and only got up to episode two before calling it quits. The only reason I went back and tried again was that I wanted to watch something similar to Nana. And I actually believed I could find an anime with a balance of story with actual intimacy without it being boring.
Sadly to say I didn't find what I was looking for.
I watched this dubbed but I'm sure watching it subbed wouldn't have mattered too much anyway. But for the dubbed version, the voice acting was so terrible that it took out any emotion they were trying to
Yukari was such a bitch I didn't see any growth in her. She was a teen with no identity and acted as a robot for her mom. But even when she rebelled she acted stupidly. The stupidest line in this entire anime from her was "There's no point in fishing high school if you're not going to go to college."
George didn't seem like a teen. He seemed much older. Not to say he was mature though. He was a jerk who tried to come off as cool but was just as boring to watching. I didn't see or feel any kind of chemistry between him and Yukari.
Miwako, like some characters, reminded me of characters from Nana, not surprise there, She reminded me of Misato. But Misato did not have an annoying, fake voice in the dubbed version and she came off as much more mature for a kid. Her relationship with Arashi was a little interesting but they didn't show as many scenes with them for me to care enough.
Arashi reminds me of Nobu, but of course, Nobu, like most of the Nana characters, are much more mature. This guy who ironically had safety pins for piercings was a typical, cliche jerk who happened to be the "voice of reason".
That Hiro guy was the most annoying busybody.
I feel like the anime had potential if it had gone a different route and had more episodes. But in the end, it just didn't work for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 22, 2017
[Spoiler Warning]
Second seasons are always better than the first and this is no exception. This season has three to four arcs. The longest one being the first which focuses on the character Eigetsu who was the co-governor with Shurei in the first season. His past is revealed and seems to have something to do with some medical situation in another town.
The second arc is about forgeries and counterfit coins. They are the main focus for about three episodes.
The third arc is about a demoted Shurei trying to help other people, as well as herself, find jobs while figuring out why there is sand in salt.
fourth arc is about Shuei's sister coming to the palace to be another potential wife for Ryuki or Seiran. While at the same time Shuei is trying to come to terms with his role as the king's guard and his duty of being a member of another clan. As well as Ryuki wondering if he is a good emperor after all this time.
This season has a few recap episodes which serve of a wrap up for the episodes before it so you can tell when a new arc/situation is about to start.
It also introduces new characters who seem much more relevant than the first season's characters.
I didn't care for the first or last arc because I don't care for the characters of Eigetsu or Shuei's sister.
One thing I didn't like art wise was how the eyes were always seen through the character's hair. This applies to the first season as well. It doesn't look right and really is not realistic.
The politics and government, as well as the economy, in general, was fun to watch. It felt realistic. Especially in the first arc when they discovered surgery on humans.
Character wise I don't care for most of the new character like Seiga and Tan-Tan. And it just dawned on me from the first season that while she is steadfast toward men and romance, Shurei has no problem with men kissing her. It's kind of annoying. She just stands still and lets them get close, but when Ryuki tried doing it in the last episode of the first season, she made him stop and he never tried again since.
Despite all that, I like that this season has more plots and situations. I wish the first one wasn't so long though.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 22, 2017
Decided up update my review of this anime. This might contain spoilers.
I like the story and the plot of the anime. The summary is mainly about what I consider the first arc of this season. Shurei has to help the new king become interested in politics so he can run the country. Since the position just fell into his lap due to family issues, he was not ready, prepared and really did not want the position.
The second arc is about Shurei's dream to be an official in the government, but that career option at first is not open to women. When it does, she faces
a hard road of sexism from immature boys to realize her dream.
The third and longest arc is her journey to a city where she and another character are supposed to be co-governors.
That's the story. Now with the characters, I like all the main characters. This anime is one of few where the main heroine does not annoy me at all. Though she is difficult. This anime does not have a lot of romance scenes and Shurei is one of those girls who is single-mindedly focused on her career goal. She basically thinks romance and marriage would be the end of her career.
Ryuki is the new king who didn't want to be king but thanks to Shurei he changes and falls for her. He is the reason she was able to get started on the path to be an official. But as the anime goes on, he also has to continue his path to be a good king for his country.
Kouyu, unknown to Shurei who is clueless about most of her family history, is Shurei's adopted cousin. He is assigned to tutor the king, but Ryuki is always wandering around so no one can find him. I like Kouyu. What I don't like is his hatred of women and why it is never explained.
Shuei is head of the military and is assigned to guard the king if I remember correctly. He is a laid-back womanizer.
Seiran is Ryuki's older half brother but because he was banished, he has never been crowned king. Shurei's family adopted him, but Shurei does not know he is Ryuki's brother. He's really sweet and thoughtful but always seem to have these internal conflicts of not being able to protect Shurei which can kind of get annoying.
The only real problem I have with the anime is the fact that the third arc drags on for so long. Episodes twenty-two to thirty-seven they have to go to this city, be appointed as co-governors and then have to go back to their original city for a new years celebration. But still, the episodes in between are of her having to find two people, fight off the advances of some sadistic guy who basically drinks position on a daily basis.
And even though there are no scenes of her and Ryuki, you would think she had come to care for him even more because of the time she spent with the other guy, but it only teaches her not to friend zone people and be up front with them about her feelings. But Ryuki is willing to wait for her to return his feelings.
It's in some ways a refreshing kind of anime. It mainly focuses on politics and government. So if you are looking for an all romance, this is not for you. This is one of those anime where the main characters have a select few scenes that just brings them a tiny bit closer together, but not to the point where it drastically changes the plot or story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 12, 2017
Before I begin, I think it will help to break down the episodes and what they are about so if you don't like spoilers don't read:
Episodes one to four are just focused mostly on silly antics of the club since Haruhi was so new.
Five to twelve focused on some character background with the twins, Haruhi and some useless side characters the club helped out.
Thirteen is just a stupid Disney parody filler.
Episodes fourteen to eighteen goes back to character backgrounds focusing on mostly Hikaru's feelings and Kyoya meeting Tamaki.
Nineteen I'm sure is a filler of a rival school
Twenty to twenty-two goes back to character backgrounds focusing on the twins again and Mori.
Twenty-three focuses on Tamaki's feelings for Haruhi.
Twenty-four is Tamaki and Kyoya's background and how they met.
The last two episodes after that could be a one-hour special since that is where the real plot finally happens though even that is anti-climatic.
Moving on to the characters:
The stereotypical female lead is a smart honor student who isn't afraid of most things, is very observant to the point she can tell twins apart from each other but is so dense and clueless that she friend zones a lot of guys and doesn't even realize her own damn feelings.
And then you have this happy go lucky guy who is genuinely sweet, although an idiot and totally ignorant about the world he lives in. He's so dumb and dense that he thinks he loves the heroine as a father figure despite being a year older than her.......
Honey is a little boy who likes sweets and stuffed animals, takes afternoon naps and basically just acts like a baby despite being eighteen. He must have been sleeping when the puberty train passed by. He has a loyal, faithful dog named Mori who rides him around everywhere and only talks when need be.
Next, you have two twins who think they are so much better than everyone around them, they view the world as two types of people: idiots and them. Yeah because they are so smart they didn't know what the hell instant coffee was. Or an apartment unit for that matter. Freaking morons.
Then there is a smart guy behind the financial operations of the club. I don't have a problem with Kyoya, he was one of my favorite characters.
All that being said, there were quite a bit of episodes with a lot of humor. Some were funny, other times they tried too hard with the exaggerated reactions to some situations. There really is no plot. It's just one of those anime where each episode is its own story. The last episodes could have happened sooner, like around episodes twenty up to the end. I suppose it's no different from other harem anime. So if you like this kind of anime where something interesting happens the last few episodes then you might like this one. At least you will get some laughs along the way.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 22, 2017
I had no intention of ever watching this because I knew what was going to happen in the end and Naraku is my only favorite character in this twenty-six anime return.
This will contain spoilers because I don't know any other way to explain myself without them.
Okay so in the original anime I liked both Sesshomaru and Naraku and would not watch an episode if one or both were not in it. Well in the Final Act I find Sesshomaru to be less intelligent, more boring than he was before and nearly out of character from the original anime. I like that he cared so much
for Rin, those scenes were nice. And it was so awesome to see his beautiful mother. But his actions half the time did not seem logical.
After episode eight, Kohaku's shard is the only one left but to make the anime longer, the episodes following are training and sword related. The brothers learn more about their swords and get new techniques to help them on their mission to kill Naraku.
Actually no. Since this is called Inuyasha, I should say he had to learn about his sword. Sesshomaru learning about his was just a pawn to help Inuyasha because after doing all the hard work, he ended up giving his sword's attack to Inuyasha.
The only thing that really made me sad in this anime is the death of Naraku's incarnations. No joke. I didn't even realize Kagura and Kanna grew on me until their last episodes aired. It was just so sad and really made me feel that this was going to be the end for Naraku. He was tossing everyone out and I wish he didn't though in Kagura's case I understood why.
Speaking of Kanna, she talked more in this anime and oddly enough that is something I did not like. It seemed out of character for her to recite a poem. That is the most she talked throughout.
I already know what happen in the end and I don't want to see it. I want to remember Naraku as a powerful, handsome demon and nothing more.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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