May 3, 2018
Okay, so Amnesia. Stumbled upon it from a cool lookin wallpaper. Lets get into my review, and trust me when i say this, i think my view on it is a little bit different from others.
Story 8/10: I am actually giving it a 8/10 just because it has a unique concept and i must say that they carried it out pretty nice. Read the "Synopsis"/discription of the anime. The story is told to the viewer like you are apart of the "memorie loss". Becasue of this story might appear quite slow and you really dont understand that much troughout alot of episodes and alot of
people dislike that. I think the studio had a unique concept and they carried it out great. The way it was presentet to the viewer gives you alot of new/different thoughts, feelings and emotions that no other anime has given me. Therefor my score.
Art 8/10: I'm not giving this a 10 just because i have seen alot of other animes with more appealing artsyles to me. But i think that the small touches that they had i gave it more depth. For example, some characters (everyone but the main character i believe) has different "styled" eyes and everyone has really cool clothes, and i really think that it gave the anime more personality and depth. I really loved that, very different, i have not seen anything like this... yet.
Sound 7/10: I'm giving out one more 7 here, let me tell you why. When you dont care about the sound in an anime, that is when it is just right. Let me explain. The music should amplify the current feelings and situations in an anime, and i think when you dont really pay attention to it and only get "the feels", that is when they get it right. Once again, i have seen anime that has done a better job at this but i think that Amnesia did a great job to!
Character 9/10: Amnesia really gives the viewer time to get to know each character that the protagonist meets, just because that is how the story is written. I felt that they all had their own styles and feelings and relations with the protagonist and i think that they did a great job on this! I also loved their clothing styles, as previously mentioned.
Enjoyment 7/10: Amnesia gave me a bit of everything i want in an anime. Love, drama, psycho, magic/fantasy, it gets you thinking wich gets you even more engaged the story. If i wouldn't have enjoyed it i would have dropped it, and i have dropped a few other "popular" animes out there.
Overall: I had a little bit of everything i want in an anime and i liked it alot. And that is why i am writing this review, this is the first and only anime that gave me new and differend feelings and that had everything that i ask for in an anime. It was not perfect but it was great! And that is why im writing this review, its one of few i think deserve a little bit highers score than it has! Great work! Thanks for reading and have a great one!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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