Disclaimer: This is literally a copy and paste of my "More" section of my list of anime I've seen. This is the best way of getting my point across about an anime without going into a proper and open discussion about something. I'm not good with big chunky and long lines of text.
A lot like if Fire Emblem was made into an anime.
A solid medieval fantasy story with great pacing. As well as bring up topics such as the dangers extremist religions and how the dangers of such can use them to get whatever they want. And the debate between the rightful heir to the
Jul 25, 2016
Disclaimer: This is literally a copy and paste of my "More" section of my list of anime I've seen. This is the best way of getting my point across about an anime without going into a proper and open discussion about something. I'm not good with big chunky and long lines of text.
Depicts a strong representation of the struggles of people in similar lines of work and of juggling your professional life with your private life. Both MC's are easily likable and have clear, understandable and sympathetic personalities. You're with them every step of the way of reaching their goal and seeing their work develop. ... May 10, 2016
Where's the trashman to eat up this garbage!? This anime is clearly only for people who like crap like Pulp Fiction. Stuff that has no purpose for existing, has no substance and only serves to waste your time.
Anyone with a BASIC understanding of good storytelling can tell why this is bad. But while the animation and music for it is perfectly fine, nothing else works. From the start of the show you're just left confused and annoyed. Confused about the story, what's actually going on and about why the hell the story's timeline is all jumbled up(there IS no reason). Annoyed at the ... |