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Jul 4, 2023
It's really boring, anything that you think is going to happen is going to happen, the melodrama over swimming is farcical, the main character is the annoying type of autistic, the other characters are nothing burgers with the only one coming close to interesting is the guy with the glasses. The only thing this show has going for it over other sports anime is that it doesn't over explain the sport while it's happening, it's nice quick has some commentary then it's over very much appreciated. It also isn't offensively bad, it's just a bland gray slop of a show some moments more than others
will hold your interest but nothing is going to have you on the edge of your seat. if you ant a story about rivalry and sportsmanship there are plethora of better options out there for you, if you want a diluted story with those themes that just have muscular teens...well there are still better options but this would fit that bill nicely
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 11, 2020
Just watched this after avoiding it for years, never really had interest in watching it but friend insisted I did so here I am having watched THE biggest anime of 2016 and realizing what a muddled mess it is.
Let's tackle the elephant in the room first, what you'll be told first after saying you don't like this show is that you just don't like the gay and honestly how it is handled in this show, No I don't. This is my problem with all these sexy boy sports shows like free, haikyuu, etc, if you want to be gay, go all the way. not
this weird sexual overtone to X sport. Not saying we need to see gay sex, just make the people gay. the fact Yuri several time though out the show had to keep saying "No Homo" was super annoying and stupid. Why make the selling point of the show for most people so vague. the whole beating around the bush thing was super annoying.
The biggest problem.The show dropped the ball too when it came to making you care about the sport. the characters just kept saying names of moves, but everyone was either a spin or twirl. what's a salchow? what made that different than any other jump? i have no idea and it made watching random people do random jumps and spins very boring cause you had NO idea what was going on or if it was even good what was happening until the score came up, the scores seemed absolutely random when you have no idea what you're watching, the show had 1 job get you interested in the sport. the most basic and fundamental job of any sports show.
On to the characters, well Yuri is annoyingly anxious for first half of the series only to get...slightly better? I don't even know if he does he just becomes a non-character after losing his anxiety. There really isn't anything to say about him
Victor is a creep, he walks around exposing himself to an under aged Yurio welcomes himself to live with Yuri and why? cause he once said be my couch when he was totally wasted? He's also pretty self absorbed yet we're supposed to NOT hate him like they want us hate JJ for same thing?
Yurio is best character probably but still not great, he really had no development and what little he did had was completely wasted potential compared to what he could have been given.
Every side character - who cares they're never given enough screen time. the only ones that stick out are JJ for being done dirty, more on that later. the guy who cums when skating super weird and pandering and the incestuous Italian bro/sister which just creeped me out and combined with last guy just gave me really weird vibes for this whole show seeming to want to pander to so many weird fetishes
Story time! or at least what this show liked to call a story. this show was SO badly written. you can tell they just sat around a writers room and just blurted out "and then" over and over, nothing is connected or logical. Why did JJ mess up in finals? he's been there before we've seen him win 3rd in past. nothing happened to him to cause it, it was random and out of no where and simply happened so the 2 yuris can win 1st and second.
In fact lets go through a list of these "and then" parts and make sense as to why they exist. why did victor ask Yakov to couch Yuri while he was gone? he never couched him, they specifically said he didn't ask him anything, just a pointless nothing leading to nothing that was built up from nothing. that may have been interesting to see but we'll never know now. Why did Yurio get a weird Russian ballet teacher who then proceeded to do nothing but stand around? Yakov could have done the exact same thing. was just another random character thrown in there for no reason. Why would Yuri be nervous too by the way? he made it all the way to the finals the piror year yet when victor first started teaching him they made it seem like Yuri cracked under the slightest pressure and had never done well in a competition.
What little the story actually had to offer was what? a bad tournement arc story line? a bad vague love stsory? oh wait no cause "NO HOMO" -yuri
The music and art of the show were meh, the opening was okay until it gets ruined by dub step after chorus, the art was pretty bad unless you were a yuri skating.
Overall I wouldn't say I hated the show though it was just very very very very subpar and as generic as a sports anime can get if not leaning towards bad, that's this shows problem it's a bad romance show, it's a bad sport show, the only thing it kinda gets right is suspense cause you honestly have no clue what's going to happen cause they dont' give you the tools to understand anything. final say I'd say this is a pass, don't waste your time there are better gay love stories out there and there are better sports shows out there, this does neither great and definitely doesn't blend them well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 15, 2020
What can be said about this movie that hasn't already been said? well for one lets stop comparing this movie to Your Name lets just look at this movie as a stand alone movie since it is, minus that small cameo. Lets start with the positives, the art and sound are one freaking point. outstanding to look at and to listen to. the story is okay, it functions for what the story needs i suppose but it goes off the rails a bit in the latter half. I'll return to that point bit later.
The characters..... oh lord the characters. let's start with the best
Suga is by far the best character in the movie he's likable and believable up till the very ending. Natsumi his niece is...okay i mean she's just kind of there to be the "older" female and overall be bit flirty. Hina our main female lead is nice, that's pretty much her character she's generically blandly nice. her brother Nagi is what ever I don't even know why he was in the movie, maybe to give her motivation to work and stuff but he's just unneeded he's literally just generic little sibling 10931.
now for our main male lead Hodaka sweet lord this guy is the worst, he cries like a 13 year old girl about "suffocating" in his old island town so he does what any sane well adjusted human being does, run away from home and lives on the streets of Tokyo. The little psychopath is always more than willing to pull a gun in any situation really even going as far as to point it at his one only real friend Suga who saved his life, gave him work, a place to live, paid for his food, etc simply because he told him it was crazy of him to run away from the police which it is. He is such a selfish sociopath he even just lets Tokyo flood and sink into the ocean because he wanted to get his dick wet killing thousands more than likely. granted Hina does have equal blame in that situation as well. he is just SO unwilling to go back home for no reason, do his parents hit him? does his uncle have boundary issues? NOPE he just doesn't want to go home, he is such a emo spoiled brat it's insanely infuriating. are we supposed to cheer against the police for trying to return a lost child who just had a temper tantrum over nothing and ran away? he single handily ruined this movie.
As for story meh it's fine she's like some anti-rain chick and turns out it only has so many charges and when they're depleted she gets sent to live in the sky and starve to death on a cloud i guess. it's just what ever it doesn't matter it was all just there to serve as reason for our main protagonist to run around and terrorize the city
In conclusion really it was pretty enjoyable movie until the last i'd say 1/3rd that's when everyone just loses their mind, even the adults in the movie start assaulting police officers for a kid who just pointed a gun at them, it made no sense and ruined what was otherwise just kind of a cute enjoyable movie.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 20, 2019
Boring, convoluted, cliche, uninspired are all words that immediately come to mind when thinking of this show. What even is this show a magical girl anime? a musical anime? a slice of life? I don't know and either did the writers apparently because it's all of the above while also being none of the above.
Do you like characters? well hopefully quantity over quality because this show just has characters out the butt for seemingly no reason because none of them get to develop past their one note flat nature. not going to waste time going one by one because there is no reason to i'd
just be explaining archetypes you've seen 100 times before think of a cliche character it's in here somewhere.
The music i guess works but there is one sad theme that is incredibly close to "The Lonely Man" from the Hulk TV show. that's about most interesting thing i can say about the music, which is sad considering this show puts such an emphasis on music.
Art is fine nothing great nothing terrible.
the story makes no sense there are 6? factions of magical girls fighting each other for really no reason they really just say that and random people who can control them for no reason which makes me believe this is based on some garbage game of some sort. It tries to split it's attention between like 30 characters each seemingly living in their own world and plot that are only vaguely linked through the boring main character. i swear they had like 3 or 4 teams of writers making their own stories then tried to combine them all into a 13 ep series nothing was focused on long enough for you to care about it hence the boring nature of the show in general.
Overall just pass this up, when there are so many good shows out there this isn't even worth the few hours it takes to complete. the only reason i gave it a 3 is because it didn't physically make me upset/angry with it's incompetence like other series have. it's literally just boring garbage.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Apr 25, 2019
This is by far the worst anime I've ever seen. I don't usually write reviews but I'm making a special exception for this dreadful show. absolutely nothing is explained, nothing is resolved, stuff just kind of happens for no reason, they want you to just eat up all this garbage and I'd be willing to if there were characters or something to cling onto and enjoy through this mad libed story. moments seem to only exist to try to make you feel sad when they don't make you feel the least bit sad because everyone in the show is also a terrible human being who
spend the entire run of the show self hating and the other half of the show having revenge sex. For some reason everyone is drawn with blush lines ALL THE TIME and they're drawn so badly they're actually sticking off their faces in side shots like they're facial hair. the music is some weird electric guitar 90% of the time no matter what the tone of the scene is, sex, death, eating lunch it doesn't matter. seriously just avoid this show at all costs
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Nov 25, 2018
I think this movies biggest problem is too many characters, including Ash, I always like movies,books, etc that have separate character stories all converge into one by the climax. That being said this movie had too many useless characters, ones of them as I said before was Ash, even the least developed of the new characters did more than Ash in this movie. It would have been a much better movie if it decided to focus on 3 maybe 4 of the other characters stories and personalities. You could have easily cut the mayors daughter, the old lady and Ash and let the other characters
have a chance to develop.
Also the electric cat pokemon was lame and stupid and was just pokemon doesn't like humans because X and had a name that doesn't roll of the tongue very easily nor is very pleasant to listen to and they say it A LOT. Overall I feel like it was wasted potential but I still thought it was a fun watch, last act is disappointing but still worth a viewing.
I could also go on about the plot conveniences and the cliches, but come on it's a pokemon movie, i'm not going to bash it for doing what we all knew it would do.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 19, 2014
This is the first anime I've ever watched coming into it already having read the manga, past experiences when I've watched show then read manga it's been not the same, but the anime always was close (except for a few endings FMA, soul eater, etc) This was by far the worst anime I've ever watched, I can't help but to think i would feel very differently if i hadn't read the manga first...but what were they thinking...just WHAT! I'm not good at writing so i'll just sum this up with, If you liked the manga avoid this show!
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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