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Aug 9, 2014
"My drill is the one that pierces the heavens! Even if that hole becomes my grave, as long as I break through, I shall be victorious! Who the hell do you think I am?! I’m Simon! I’m not my brother Kamina! I am myself! Simon the digger!"

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, in many ways, is a parody of a typical shounen mecha show that breaks out of the genre to become something else entirely.

In a post-apocalyptic world, humanity is forced underground to escape the beastmen, ruled by the Spiral King, that hunt them on the surface. Underground, the humans dig tunnels and live in peace. The ...
May 31, 2014
Nisekoi (Anime) add
"Zawsze in love. You take this lock and I'll take this key. Hold it close to your heart and keep it safe! One day when we're all grown up we'll meet again! We'll use the key to open the lock and then... We'll get married!"
~The Promised Girl

Nisekoi is a story about a promise. What this promise is exactly and who all is involved is what the entire series revolves around.

Our story begins with Yakuza heir Ichijo Raku sometime between spring and summer in his first year of high school. Following typical anime cliches he has a chance and violent encounter with a girl who happens ...
May 15, 2014
Making friends is something everyone wants to do at some point. Some people make them easily, while others struggle. Regardless of your ability, few people would turn down the opportunity to make a friend.

Haganai is a show about a group of people who simply just want to make friends. So to go along with that, they make a fake club that's sole purple is finding friends. However... That plan largely fails.

The characters somehow manage to be the last refuge and the biggest disaster of the show at the exact same time. It’s rare for that to be the case First and foremost is our main ...
May 15, 2014
Witch Craft Works is a show with tremendous potential and sadly no payoff.

If I were to tell you that this show had a cohesive story that was tied together tightly with plot lines that expand across multiple episodes I would be blatantly lying to you. Witch Craft Works takes an almost episodic structure and the only thing that ties the show together chronologically is the progression of the characters.

And I’m completely okay with that as this show had a large and great cast of characters. The thing that made this show so enjoyable for me was how goofy everyone was. It was very much like ...
May 15, 2014
I went into the Monogatari series with every intention of hating it. Watching the first couple episodes of Bakemonogatari was excruciating because I was nitpicking everything. From the conversations being boring, to the characters not making sense, anything I could think of. So how is it that a series I tried so hard to hate ended up becoming one of my favorites?

The Monogatari Second Season starts out a few months after the events of Nisemonogatari. There are no new characters introduced, but some characters receive more screen time and while they don’t develop they are fleshed out somewhat. However, their contribution to the plot is ...
May 15, 2014
With the release of Bakemonogatari in 2009 Studio Shaft had created an anime that would forever change the way anime fans view the company. Bakemonogatari was very unique in both style and execution. With no other anime doing what it had done or, at least, not in the same fashion. Needless to say, it was a phenomenal success. So the announcement and release of a sequel, should be far from surprising.

Nisemonogatari picks up exactly where Bakemonogatari left off. Although, that is to say, with the main character Araragi conversing with many different characters in hilarious ways. The plot in this show is not overarching but ...
May 15, 2014
The supernatural is often an element used in media. With all things considered, the average human existence is a bland one. Many want to look towards strange happenings to give themselves a sense that not everything is as it seems. Whether you believe in the existence of supernatural events is irrelevant, as in the world of Bakemonogatari, the supernatural not only exists, but seems quite commonplace.

Our story begins with a conversation between our main character Araragi Koyomi and the class representative Hanekawa Tsubasa. Araragi then leaves the classroom and meets one of the most interesting anime characters I’ve ever seen, Senjougahara Hitagi. During this brief ...
May 15, 2014
Everyone has a wish. Perhaps it is to be noticed by someone you admire or love. Maybe it's to be rich and famous. It could even be as simple as not losing someone you were close to, or to protect someone. We all have our wishes. One thing above all else we hope will come true. The question is... What are you willing to sacrifice to have that wish granted?

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica follows the story of Kaname Madoka who is suddenly thrust into the world of magical girls. This is not a happy go lucky story though. You quickly see that there is more ...
Mar 29, 2014
Kill la Kill (Anime) add
"Fear is freedom. Control is Liberty. Contradiction is truth! That is the reality of this world! Listen well, you pigs in clothing, and submit to that reality!” To say that Kill la Kill is an incomprehensible anime, would be an understatement. However, despite it’s insanity, Kill la Kill stands as one of the better anime in recent years.

Our story begins with the appearance of a, would be, bad ass transfer student: Matoi Ryūko. Who has traveled all over searching for her father’s killer, the only evidence she carries is half of a giant pair of scissors. This search led her to Honnouji Academy where she ...

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