If you liked
Shinseiki Evangelion
...then you might like
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
NGE is in many ways the "evil twin" of TTGL. Made by the same production company (Gainax) back in the 1990's, it starts out as a somewhat-normal super-robot show. However, it eventually becomes a brutal deconstruction of the entire super-robot genre. Featuring a pathologically-passive protagonist, his eternally distant father, and a whole cast of other very flawed characters, NGE is just as much a psychological character study as it is an action show. Overall, it is very dark, a total mindscrew, and likely will leave you with a lot of questions and a somewhat uneasy feeling. I'd recommend watching NGE BEFORE you watch TTGL, because the latter will provide the catharsis you will desperately need after watching the former. Where NGE deconstructs the genre, TTGL REconstructs it gloriously. They should be watched in that order, and not the other way around.